YOu did not post again after your last post. I know that came from the heart. I just want you to know that we continue to keep you in our thoughts and if we can do more than that, you only have to ask. There are some very resourceful people on the board. Hugs. Lesley
Just checking on how you are doing. Bandages still on? Hugs. Lesley
HER-2 neg Breast Cancer
Does anyone have any knowledge of successful treatments for this type of breast cancer? She is ER neg also. Thank you.
heart problems after chemo
Hi my sister who is 41 was diagnosed with breast cancer in Feb of 06 she underwent two surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation and three weeks before her last radiation treatment she found out that she has left bundle branch blockage with congestive heart failure AND diabetes. She is so tired of all of this and I am worn out…
Back pain from Femara & Aromasin
Hi, After one month on Femara, I developed severe low back pain. X-ray, CT, MRI, whole body scan, bone density all pretty much normal. Onc had me stop Femara for 7 days; back pain subsided. Started on Aromasin; back pain returned after 1 wk. Onc. says it won't do any good to switch me to another; gave me the choice of…
I was wrong
Bandages still on, said it would be too painfull to take off right now. Good news is that everything appears to be healing well. LoVonna
saline implants?
I had a right side mastectomy almost 4 years ago. I've been thinking about having a prophylactic mastectomy done on the left, and getting saline implants. I'm looking for feedback from anyone who has had that type of implant, or had a prophylactic mastectomy - are you happy you did it? Do you wish you had done something…
Post mastectomy sleeplessness
Hi all, I am reposting this mssg from earlier b/c my mom is still having problems sleeping. My mother had a mastectomy at the beginning of June and since then has not been able to sleep soundly. Now over a month and a half, she can not sleep without waking up 3-5 times a nite and is starting to get depressed. She has tried…
Bandages come off tomorrow!
Hi everyone, skin grafting went well. Pain level the first couple of days pretty high, but better yesterday and today. Counting down the hours until I get all these bandages off so I can take a bath! Thanks for all your encouragement, God Bless, LoVonna
2 weeks into Chemo
Well despite all my fears I have survived my first 2 weeks of chemo (6 wks Dose Dense AC + 6 wks Taxol)with little effect. Lost a nail and got a few mouth sores. Thanks to this board I controlled sores using combination on ideas such as ice, gum, and Nystatin. I also sleep at some weird times but what the heck. The…
First I want to thank everyone for all the prayers and kind thoughts.I got my results in the mail today and it says"THERE IS NO SIGN OF CANCER " Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that all of your prayers really helped me alot and now I can really breathe in and out.Thanks again so much to all of you that replyed.This site is my…
tamoxifen and hair
Hi! I know that this sounds rather shallow of me but I was wondering if it is ok to use hair coloring or a hair relaxer on my hair while using tamoxifen. I have been on it a year now and have noticed that my hair texture is changing and that it is super curly and very difficult to manage. I have relaxed my hair prior to my…
I stopped tamoxifen!!!
On July 4th I declared my independence from Tamoxifen. I was at the stage of crying when I was in public and my shower of sweat started. I don't have a death wish but, I was told my chances of breast cancer would be the same as any other woman. I had a hysto at 38yrs old and so only took estrogen, not progesterane. My…
Satisfaction wiht Baker tissue expander
I am ready for reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy and am considering the Baker tissue expander option. Could you please contribute your experiences with this type of expander.
Hello everyone
Tomorrow I am scheduled for a skin grafting over this open wound that I have been nursing all week. I am finding myself very apprehensive about this, even more so than the mastectomy! The donar sight has me more concerned than the graft on my reconstructed breast. Also am nervous about the docs wanting me take radiation.…
Post Mastectomy INSOMNIA help!
My mother had a mastectomy done almost a month ago and since then has not been sleeping well at all. She has tried several sleeping pills and anxiety meds but to now avail. I am very worried for her because she is delaying her full recovery by not getting enough rest. Has anyone else had the same problem post surgery or…
Mammo and Ultrasound clear
Hi all, Sorry it took me so long to post this. Briefly I am a colo-rectal cancer survivor. I started HRT a month ago and shortly there after had a tender hard spot on my breast. I had mammo and ultrasound done. They both came back negative...yay. They told me though to get a second opinion from a surgeon. It was kind of…
TRAM after Radiation
Looking for what the outcome was with anyone in a similar situation to this. Round 1 was lumpectomy and radiation. Round 2 was mastectomy. I chose the TRAM flap to give me a clothes hanger and only other option was back flap due to radiation and previous infection; no implants posible for me. (I am a young 53, skipping the…
Relief from Pain
Just wanted to pass on some help that I got for dealing with pain. Ever since treatment (particularly the radiation part) My muscles in my neck, shoulder, arm and all the way down to my fingers have hurt or been numb. I did the orthopedic drill.. but got very little relief. But in the last two weeks I tried going to a…
Federal Law on bc..
i do not recall If I posted this request before. I was wondering what the wording is in the federal law on breast cancer survivors,if this include us who have opted NOT to have reconstruction? I have written to the politicans in my district but have not heard anything yet. I have put it in GOOGLE but I do not know if this…
MRI as diagnostic tool
Hi All! Just a quick question! I'm a 6 year survivor of BC. Yesterday I had my annual mammo and Ultrasound. Everything looks fine but the MD recommended an MRI also to cover any possible misses from the other tests. She says the MRI picks up more in high risk, dense breasts. Just wondering how many other woman have had all…
Hoping your surgery went well yesterday, and you have someone to take care of you today. Hugs. Lesley
Encouragement please!
I am just over ten weeks out from my last chemo treatment and STILL have very little to no taste on my tongue. Can taste around the edges-sweet things mostly. Am starting to get discouraged that this isn't going to improve. Does the fatigue last forever? Still laying down to take a daily nap. Thanks for your help. God…
Thank You for your prayers
The doc just called, the pet scan showed that spot only. I go in for surgery in the morning. Thanks again.
Thinking of you today. Good luck with that scan. Hugs. Lesley
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you
I am very new to this website. I was diagnosed in 2004. I am used to being a loner but now feel the need to converse with others who understand Cancer. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could include myself in conferences, etc, support groups for survivors. I live in a very small town so there are no support…
I need your prayers
Hi all Last Thursday I had a "spot" biopsied from my reconstructed breast. Today I received the results back that it is positive for cancer. When they did my mastectomy they left a small amount of tissue behind and it had a stray cancer cell in it that turned into this. I asked my oncologist what the chances of this…
I have been cancer free since Feb.2,2003.I had a right breast mastecomy.My mammo on June 15 showed something and I had a ultasound done last week.I will get my results next Thursday.Also, my wbc has been elevated for about six weeks.So I start the waiting game all over again.Any advice. Thanks,Teresa
Back from 'the Springs'...I'm Jello!!!!
Well, I am now back from Palm Springs...It was 85 degrees at 10:30pm!!!!! I am now officially JELLO, after 4 1/2 hours of facial, massage, and doing this thing called 'taking of the waters'...first wet sauna, then dry sauna, then aromatherapy dry sauna, then soaking in water from tribal (this is Indian land) hot springs,…
stopping tamoxifen
I recently read that bc is not caused by HRT in women who only took estrogen. This article was in the ACS news letter. I have been living in hell trying to endure the side effects of tamoxifen. My sweats are out of control..sometimes causing hours of delay in going somewhere. I have had to explain to many a stranger that…