Rise in blood pressure with A/C treatment
I just finished my 3rd A/C treatment with Neulasta shot the day after. Both days my blood pressure was 20pts higher than 2 weeks ago. Has anyone else experienced to rise in pressure. I have never had a problem before. Is this normal?
Oregon Star
HI...I responded to your earlier query on that message today. And, I was wondering how your port insert went???? Hugggs, Kathy
Radiation Pneumonitis
Anyone else get this radiation side effect? I have been coughing for two months now and can barely hold a conversation! Taking prednisone and cough syrup. If anyone has had this, I am looking for 1). how bad was the coughing 2). how was the condition treated 3). how long did it last 4). did it wipe you out?! Thanks in…
It is hard to believe all our body and mind can do to the way we fell and how our physical beings exist. It is hard not to be scared of what the future may hold but like others have said there are no guarantees in life. There is so much we have no control over but I can venture to say each and every one of us knows our…
"Everyone should have a porn name"....to quote a movie!!!
So, I watched the movie about a breast cancer mastectomy survivor, and, during her conversations in the treatment room, she met a gal that stated that 'Everyone should have a porn name! It should be the name of your first pet, and the street you live on'...so, here goes.... Mine would be "Zippy Baseline".... How about…
Follow up care
I have an oncologist and a radiation oncologist. The last time I saw my oncologist I asked him about a scan after treatment and his response was that I would have to discuss that with my radiation oncologist. The last time I saw my radiation oncolost (which was the last day of my radiation) I asked her about a scan and her…
mastectomy and reconstruction
Hi, I just got diagnosed with DCIS after 3 biopsies. Originally thought it was just ADH, but now know the margins aren't clear, etc. A total mastectomy is necessary, having it on 11/6. Am having immediate reconstruction. Hopefully no chemo or rediation, but they will be checking the nodes. I feel such loss and grief. My…
so I'm a survivor now - now what?
In May I found out I had cancer, in June I had a lumpectomy, in July, Aug, Sept (complications) I had radation. Now I'm on tamoxifin - So for months you deal with all this physical stuff - making decisions - and not really having much time or energy for the emotional stuff. That is where I am now - trying to work thru the…
Gemzar vs Zeloda
My sister has breast cancer gone to bone (pelvic and vertebrae). She can barely walk. Her last chemo a couple of weeks ago finished with Xeloda or Zeloda. She was nauseous throughout and had other complications. Her new onc. wants to start her on Gemzar, a drip once a week. Her redblood was deficient so they gave blood…
Out of the hospital & in my new home!
Well ladies-- I made it! We survived the month of recuperation at my sister's without anyone killing anybody and arrived at our new home in Chapin, SC Tuesday night-1 month after I left the hospital after my mastectomy. I'm surrounded by boxes, have no idea where about 70 % of our stuff really is but I do know that this…
Hi Tara, I just wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming Anniversary.Your Anniversary for surviving,living a truer more fulfilling life.Realizing and understanding the past and helping others on their journey, making it a little bit easier or bearable.Your contributions to this site have been tremendous and deeply…
Happy Birthday... Billswife
Kathy, Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday... Hope that you and your husband will find a great way to celebrate. By the way, their is a place called the "Newberry Oprea House" that brings in shows. It is only about 30 minutes from where you live. You can find it on the web. My mom works there as a volunteer seating…
Off to California for my reconstruction
This discussion group has been a wonderful source of inspiration and direction for me. You women have really helped me get out of my slump. I finally came to terms with the fact that I have a great life. I have accepted this and look forward to handling this next hurdle with strength, grace and integrity. What I have…
Got to Wonder...
It has been 9 years 7 months since I finally got the diagnosis of cancer that I had been dreading. After not being heard and taken seriously my cancer was left to spread. You would think after all the years of battling cancer that Doctor's would start to listen and learn more. My best friend lost a mother to breast and…
#2 chemo tomorrow
Time flies when you're having fun...It's already time for #2 chemo treatment tomorrow. I really dread it. I hope to avoid all of the nausea and vomiting this time. I am going to ask for stronger or different meds. Please keep me in your thoughts. Hugs to everyone!!
bone/joint pain
I really dont post a lot here because I also have colon cancer (stage 4) and that's our biggest concern right now, but to make a long story short I was dx back in Dec. with breast cancer ( I only had radiation because it wasnt in my lymph nodes) Anyways, every single bone in my body hurts...I walk like an 90 year old lady…
Pity party
I was feeling sorry for myself one day and my best friend told me to go ahead and have myself a pity party and get it out of my system. Well, my birthday was around the corner, so instead of a birthday party, I decided to literally throw myself a pity party! We had black balloons and crepe paper everywhere. Everyone has to…
the art of asking the right questions?
Hello, can somebody explain to me, what all these letters mean? HER, ER/PR,... I juat had my first treatment with Fluorouracil, Epirubicin (Atviamycin) and Cytoxan, all together and a Neulesta-shot after 3 days. The second cycle will be Taxotere. I feel so stupid, because I am not a medical doctor and don't know exactly…
The 5 Stages of Transformation
A Woman's VoIcE on Breast Cancer.... ANOTHER VOICE This experience, all of it, has changed the ground of my being, the tone of my emotions, the tenor of my mind, and the texture of my heart. I suppose each person must discover her own list of essentials. Here are some of mine. I am practicing how to say them precisely, for…
Vomiting and Nausea
I heard of this trick from someone who seemed to be much more sick than I at the time. I struggled for years with this problem and lived allot of the time on booste or Ensure. I often thought if it goes down and stays that is good enough not caring what that food of choice was at the time. This person told me they carried…
Plan B!
Well, on to plan B! I had all my pre-op work done yesterday for my surgery on 11/6, and met my plastic surgeon for the first time. I was really hoping for a bilateral pedicle flap reconstruction, but I don't have enough tissue for 2 breasts and with a bad back he wouldn't consider risking making it worse. Implants, it is!…
Blurred Vision
Has anyone out there experienced blurred vision following A/C with Neulasta?
My chemo cocktail
I will be taking this intravenously, Doxorubicin (Adriamycin,Adria) Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide) and Docetaxel (taxotere). I am ER/PR neg and HER Neg. every 3 weeks for 4xs. anyone have any comments on how these drugs effected you personally. I know we are all different i just kind of want to prepare myself for different…
Nausea and Vomiting
On the day of my A/C treatment I felt okay. Then the next two days were really hard. They had given me three different drugs through my IV, (Ativan, Decadron and Aloxi) and then they sent me home with Phenergan and Zofran. I couldn't seem to get my nausea and vomiting under control during those two days. I am going to ask…
Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy
Did anyone watch the Lifetime Channel Movie on Monday ...Why I wore lipstick to my mastectomy? I thought the first part when she had so many decisions to make was very well done ... how the doctors all said ... "but it's up to you". The actress did a good job of getting my emotions worked up ...I was crying for most of the…
It seems like yesterday instead of 4 months ago that I started this journey. I have been pretty lucky so far. Except for the Nuelasta the A/C has been easy. I do have some bad constipation at times, but I will have to live with it for a while. After tomorrow comes the Taxol for 12 weeks. It seems like such a long time, but…
IBC metatasized to brain
hi i have a very good friend who has IBC. She went through radiation/chemo and was clear for a year, then it spread to her liver. Again Chemo/radiation, it was looking like she was winning this battle also. Now it has shown up in her brain. She is going through radiation right now. Her doctors attitude is basically sorry…
hello, i'm wondering if anyone has a remedy for the numbness in my hands and feet from the chemo. the nails on my hands and feet are bad as well. any suggestions? thanks.
Joy - To Be Healthy- Took a Walk for life
On Saurday, where I live, we had our 3.1 miracle mile walk for breast camcer. There were hundreds of survivors and many other family and friends. They had blocked off the major streets in town from 9 to about 10:30 to support the walk. It managed to help collect lots of funds to keep our mobile mammogram unit rolling…
Hot flashes/menopause
Okay,since I haven't had a period since February of 2005 but had one a few days ago, lasting 6 days. Started out with spotting but extremely painful cramps,the cramps remained through out and the spotting turned to a light flow.Am I still in menopause? And as for the hot flashes...I have had them for years but awhile ago I…