adriamycin cytoxin, and taxol
Hi Everyone, Well I have been learning a lot, and sometimes scaring myself a lot. I start my treatments on the 25th of August, and so my interest in these drugs is understandable. I have had some responses to my first topic regarding this specific group of drugs that I thought very positive. Especially the ones that say…
Could use some help in Chapin/columbia SC area
I posted before when I had just has a questionable MRI and was fearful of results so close to moving away from my base of support-- thanks you to those who replied, it did help. The results of the biopsy were indeed positive but I have very little hard info.(right after we left for SC so did all my drs until after Labor…
more questions
ok so i went to the oncologist yesterday and he gave me some aquafor (?) to use. he looked at me and said that he hasn't decided yet but he may not resume my radation. i have been off for 3 weeks now. he said that they don't have conclusive evidence that restarting is beneficial after a period of time and we are doing it…
peeling breast :(
Hi Ladies - I haven't had radation in about 3 weeks because they have been draining my breast - once that gets under control I will finish my radation. I have felt so good this week I kind of dread going back - anyway, this morning I noticed my breast is peeling - icky!!! I don't really know if it is from my breast going…
50 and Healthy
Just had to post. I turned 50 on Thursday...and instead of feeling bummed about it like I might have a couple of years ago. It was a day of success. The beast was beaten and put back in his place... and I was back to enjoying my life. Just had to share. Take Care All. Suan
Point to ponder..hehehehehe!
Have you ever seen the sign beside the elevator that says "In case of fire, don't use elevator"? One sign has an additional message: "In case of fire, don't use elevator" USE WATER... Hugs, Kathi
Had 2 mastectomies 2 yrs. apart, now had tumor removed from under my skin above sternum...
...the docs are calling it a local reoccurence. It wasn't attached to anything, like bone or muscle. My question is this...does anyone know of anyone, or yourself, having a 3rd site, and then the odds of it spreading to bones, liver, etc.? Are there statistics out there on the Internet? Any suggestions? The first mastect.…
Good News!
My father's tests came back negative! Thank God! Thank you all for your prayers! May God bless you all! -Michael
i just have to vent - so read with caution :) today is hard! it could be that i am tired, it could be part of my wonderful ability of being a woman. whatever it is - i just want to cry. i am so tired of dealing with this stupid cancer! the real kicker is that i have the "best cancer". whatever. they say that because it was…
I need prayers, please..
Well, I know this is probably not the right place to ask for prayers since it is a breast group, but I think more traffic happens here. My father is sick. He is bleeding in the urine. It is pointing to his kidneys and looks like cancer to me. They did some tests and procedures this week. We will know the results by Friday.…
13.5 out from Chemo, Friend in Need
Hi, Everyone, It's been awhile since I've posted. I am doing well...living life again and happy. I have a friend in Atlanta who is in the hospital (ovarian) and I am trying to find a hair stylist within the next 24 hours to go to her room and do her hair. If anyone can help, just post info. Loretta
Wanting to talk to Infammatory Survivors
My name is Tammy and I am 38 years old and just found out in Feb that I have inflammatory breast cancer, I have just finished my 3rd treatment of Chemo and have 1 or 2 more to go and then I will have surgery to have my breast removed, I am so scared and I was wanting to talk to someone who has survived this, I have a 11…
IBC question- Please help!!
Important question for inflammatory breast cancer survivors--- How long did you have symptoms before you were diagnosed??
Thanks everyone
For all the encouraging words and advice. Don't be surprised if I post again as my day draws near to go do this. I just hope and pray that rads kill this beast! I really want to win this war and pray I get thru it. Hugs to all of you, LoVonna
I'm ok...but NUTS!
So, this weekend I was feeling so good that I did some moderate yard work...pruned my fruit trees, stuff like that. Lower half of my 'special' breast turned pink, arm pit swelled...sigh...off to the onc today to make sure it's just 'canceritis'. She evaluated it, said that the breast really looks pretty good in general,…
Does anyone who gets this awful disease is stage 2 with nodes involved but does everything prescribed by doctor ever survive without the ca going into some other part of the body. Seems as if once you conquered the br ca it is found in another part of the body. Hoping for the best outcome and 1 yr out but afraid of the…
Saw Radiation Oncologist today.......
Recommending 35 treatments. Since my reoccurence was in the skin she is going to treat my skin the most, so my rash and burns will be more than a normal breast cancer patient should have. O.K. all you past radiation people out there, give me a "boost" to make me go do this! My markings are are Aug 23. Thanks & God Bless,…
Well, I found this site because a gal marcia 527 replied to my msg on cancer.org. I would very much like to be in touch with marcia, and anyone who would like to correspond and discuss this disease. It is not a happy time, but I have accepted it. I am very calm. Sometimes I don't believe just how calm I am. I am out of…
i just wanted to say thanks so much for the encouraging words. i sure appreciate every one of them! i will be looking forward to that peace and joy hanging out with me every day. i know this wonderful man who i talk to sometimes. when things are tough he always tells me that God has good things for you and you will see…
postmastectomy comfort
http://www.makemeheal.com/mmh/product/mastectomy/index.vm?procid=33 Has anyone looked at or used these aids and have comments orsuggestions.
need some venting and support
For the past 3 years we've been fight the good fight with my husband's cancers ( sinus & 2 bouts of lung)Thank the good Lord for him it had gone well; so well in fact that with a "why not"from his team we sold our house and are planning on making our dream move to South Carolina in 6 weeks. This week we found out it looks…
Anyone taken Xeloda
Hello All - My Oncologist prescribed Xeloda for me today. I would like to know if anyone has taken it and what your side effects were like. PLUS - what other drugs were used first ... stuff like that. Thanks
noni juice
has any one heard of this noni juice suppose to be full of antioxins and help cells rebuild.
Despair / Death
I am slowly dying from metastatic BC. First dx in 10/03, it is now in my liver and spreading. I'm on chemo, but it doesn't seem to be working. I am so terrified. I'm 41 and I have a 9 yr old daughter. I want to put my affairs in order, but it is so hard. Has anyone out there done this? Any good books to recommend? What are…
New to this network
Hi Everyone I am recently diagnosed and had a left mastectomy on July 19th. Not sure what my treatment will be at this time. This site is very imformative and insprational!!!! Thanks to everyone Lana
1 year AND 1 year 3 month anniversary
It was one year ago today that I had my breast cancer lumpectomy, 3 months to the day after my bowel resection...I was not sure if I would make it to now.... but HERE I AM... My new plan...when I pass, many years from now, I plan on sliding into place, my body scarred and spent, wine glass in one hand, chocolate in the…
contacting survivors who opted for alternatives (and NOT chemo/radio)
have a wonderful friend (who is my therapist too) who was recently diagnosed with cancer. She had it in the breast and decided to have the breast removed but she is pretty sure she does not want to have chemo as it goes agianst everything she believes. She believes that everything is created in the mind and wants to get to…
Hi i know wy wife linda was active on this sight at one time for some time. she had bc 3+years age and last nov it came back in her liver. on july 5 dr visit her liver had shut down completly and she wasnt able to keep any thing down July 7 i had her taken to the hospital and she past on to a better place saterday morning…
Inspirational book.
Has anyone read, A Love Affair with Cancer by John W.Pattison?
Sharing a book too
Well to lazy to go back and see if I ever posted about this book I was given. When going through the last problem of my son's someone gave this to me to read, someone who has read the gamit of self help books. The book is a Hazelden Meditation Series The Promise of a New Day a book of daily meditations I had been trying to…