Support groups for IBC
Are there any IBC support groups in the Houston area?? I would love to know and if not are there people out there who would be willing to come to one if started????? Please let me know.
Partially undressed at the House....
Naked happy dancing down Pennsylvania ave????? Nah, decided instead to have a crying jag in the House of Representatives at the security screening...I was late for my appointment with my congressman, and I kept setting off the alarms....LONG line of people I was holding up.....burst into tears, had to partially undress,…
I did it!!!!! 3.2 miles!!!
I was an honorary team member for the Orange County Komen Race for the Cure today....and, I am proud to say, 3 months post treatment....I walked the WHOLE THING!!!!!! It was up and down a BIG hill....but was incredible. There was a HUGE amount of people!!!!!! I am so happy to have had the experience! (And, one gal said it…
Looking for Reconstructive Surgery Advice: Tram Flap surgery failed
I'm new to this site. I'm looking for advice. In April, I had bilateral mastectomy surgery with immediate reconstruction using Tram Flap. Surgery was more complicated since my veins are small and my surgeon had trouble connecting the blood supply to the transplanted abdominal tissue. Ultimately, the flaps have been failing…
Kicked in the teeth again & venting
I'm beginning to hate labs, computers and vacations. After almost 3 weeks, we finally got a final result on my husband's latest PET-CT scan and even after chemo and a surgery,there is yet another tumor in his lung! We were so hoping that the "Puffy" stuff they saw was just a scar or something from the surgery. Anyway, his…
Getting over the anger
Hi, I have not posted in a very long time. I am a little over two years clear. By all accounts, I've moved on with my life and stay very busy between a demanding new job, a six-month old baby, and a relatively new husband of less than a year. While I try not to let my mind linger too long on the fear of the cancer…
Hello from a D.C. jail....
Well, we were at the capitol yesterday when the SWAT team came in and shut it down...seems some nutcase drove his car thru a barrier...sigh...TODAY is the BIG invasion!!! (Watch for the naked lady running down Pennsylvania ave...hehehehee). Hugs, Kathi
Very Sad News
I received an email from Marytres cousin, Marytres was a member here for over 4 years, sadly on friday morning she lost her battle, leaving behind a husband and 2 kids. how sad that we are in the 2006 and still have no cure for this dreaded desease. Please say a prayer for her and her family.
Breast Surgery
I am having a bi-lateral masectomy w/ sentinel lymph node dissection on Oct 2. They tell me this is a one day surgery -no overnight. Is this true for all? I can't imagine going home that night. Please share you experience. Thanks
Where's LesleyH
I haven't seen you post for a long time.. Just wondering if you are alright. I think I may remember that you were moving sometime soon. So I will hope that all is well with you? Take Care... God Bless... Susan
Breast cancer/melanoma
I urge all of you to go to www.pvct.com and learn what Provectus Pharmaceuticals is doing to combat these deadly cancers.
Breast prosthesis and airport security
Has anyone with a breast prosthesis been through airport security for travel within the US since the recent restrictions on liquids, creams, and gels were added? Was anything said or done about your prosthesis at the checkpoint?
Just wanted to reply to message you had on board. I am 9 years survivor of IDC stage 3 breast cancer with 11 out of 21 positive lymphnodes. I had a lump I had found in breast and then another lump that grew in armpit to size of golfball in just one week. No one had to tell me what I had. If you go to my person website you…
Hello, I just recently completed my 4 doses of A & C and I tell you they were very rough. I have chemo every two weeks. I am to start with my 4 doses of Taxol. Can anyone tell me how Taxol was for them? Was it easier or harder then A & C? I am a bit stressed since I was very sick the last 4 doses. Thanks for your help!
Hi Everyone, Well the first Chemo really easy. I went in at 11:00 and left at 2:30. This is day 2 Saturday, and I have had no nausea, no tiredness. I feel just fine, except for a weight gain from the steroid, and some blurred vision for a bit today. I have a question for all of you today. I go again in 3 weeks, and I am…
new to the site
new to the site... Im in Stage IV Breast cancer, trying to find some answers. diagnosed in 95 with reoccuerences in 99, 03 & 05 currently in radiation... The Doc doesnt know how to procede.. I have allergies to several chemos (CARBO, Xeloda) as well as Taxane products (taxol, taxitere & Abraxane) not showing significant…
Ok, I'm done with canceritis....
So, the last 3 weeks have been a bit of a challenge to my normal optimism.... First, Visual auras, headaches, phantom smells... Brain mets????? Results Tuesday last....'normal' brain. Second, red, swollen 'special' breast....Inflammatory Breast Cancer?.....results yesterday....cellulitis....500mg Keflex, 4 times daily.....…
Clinical trial for Pre menopausal Women who are ER+, PR+ to compare tamoxifen with ovarian function
I am contemplating entering a clinical trial to compare ovarian function suppression (by triptorelin, oophorectomy, or ovarian irradiation) in combination with tamoxifen vs ovarian function suppression in combination with exemestane vs tamoxifen alone in patients with endocrine-responsive breast cancer in treating…
Patient Advocate
When my husband was diagnosed with Cancer I had issues with all the paperwork involved with being his caregiver. Through trial and error I came up with a system that helped me organize paperwork regarding test results, second opinions, insurance issues, doctor bills, Chemotherapy treatments, etc. I purchased a binder and…
very scared!
I have recently found lumps in my breast, larger ones in my left breast as well as several lymph nodes under my left arm and thru out my left breast. I am a survior of Thyroid cancer. I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in Jan of 2006. I am do for my body scan Sept 2006, they believe it has come back. I have gone…
My first day here!
Hello all, i'm 45, married and have 2 sons, 15 and 8. I found a lump in my breast the last week in July, I have no idea of the date, it's still a blur. On August 14th I had a lumpectomy, my tumor was 2.7 centimeters. i start chemo this coming Wednesday. My doctor warned me that I will lose my hair quickly. So today I went…
What is the recurrence rate for Stage IIIa?
I see lots of information on survival rates but...... what percent of survivors experience a recurrence of cancer? Can't seem to figure that number out. I am a 3 year survivor and struggle with "what is just age and abuse to your body" and what is a symptom that you should contact your doctor. Where is that balance?
Need help finding my sister who has breast cancer
My younger sister and i had a falling out a few years ago and have not spoken since. I have an email account that I hardly ever use and just a few days ago I checked that account and found an email from my sister telling me that she has stage 4 breast cancer. It was dated August 9th. I emailed her back and called the last…
Need help finding my sister who has breast cancer
My younger sister and i had a falling out a few years ago and have not spoken since. I have an email account that I hardly ever use and just a few days ago I checked that account and found an email from my sister telling me that she has stage 4 breast cancer. It was dated August 9th. I emailed her back and called the last…
Down to my last Herceptin treatment for cancer. Made it through chemo and radiation while continuing to teach, but I feel in worse pain now due to nerve, muscle, and joint pain. Anybody else with this experience and advice? It's really wearing me out.
Thx 4 all bday wishes!!!!
It was sooo sweet being 43! Looking forward to 44. did well all day, faultered after dinner with family. kept wondering if i'd make it to 44. i say YYEEESSSS!!!! it's rough though. my history is stage IIbc, negnode aggressive, diag in 04, did 4 mons AC(Taxotere). Now in reoccurrence, 2cm, negnode, non-mets, non-estro…
Reeling...Hello again all
I have had an eventful summer. Still dealing with all the job crap. New boss is a nightmare, I am out on medical leave and fighting for my company disability plan and have filed an EEOC claim. Went through a horrible bout of ischemic colitis with a two week hospital stay but, that is not what has me reeling. Girls, we got…
Hi, I'm a stage IIb BC survivor, but recently I've been dealing with a lot of back & hip pain. I have herniated a disk a couple of times in the past that sits on my siactic nerve and causes pain down my leg, but this recent bout of back pain is very different. It's a constant pain from the center of my back out to my hips,…
Thank you to everyone that has given me advice, encouragement, and their blessing. This is the first support group I have even discussed my situation with. I should be very grateful that I have beaten stage IV Inflammatory Breast Cancer because we all know that is the "Forbidden Beast". When I saw my oncologist last week…
I finished my treatment with FEC (3 chemo sessions) and I am starting taxotere September 7. Anyone has experience with that. I read a lot about Taxol but not about taxotere (I guess similar but from an European tree). If anyone had problems with the nails, when that started, just with the first session or after several.…