Mouth and Teeth Problems
Hey everyone. Just needed to ask all a quick question regarding post-chemo/radiation theraphy. I have experienced teeth sensitivity (primarily on the same side of my mouth as my breast cancer). Has anyone else experienced this? The sensation is that the teeth are sensitive to hot and especially cold, and has a dull ache…
I recently had my first mammogram since treatment - I had a mastectomy on my right breast with 2 small tumors (1 cm), one lymph node involved and numerous DCIS and then chemo. I jokingly asked the technician if I'd be charged half price - she said "Of course!" LOL Anyway, when she came back to tell me that the radiologist…
Cell grade and implication for prognosis if spread to lymph nodes
Does anyone have information about cell grade (I'm a 3) and implications for metastases?
Psychosocial Issues of Breast Cancer Survivorship
I thought this article was quite informative and would help others who are wondering what is normal. From Medscape Hematology-Oncology Talking With Your Patients About Cancer Psychosocial Issues of Breast Cancer Survivorship Posted 01/16/2009 James L. Khatcheressian, MD; Susan E. Brown, MS, RN Author Information Editor's…
Periosteum Burn on Rib Cage After Radiation
I asked the following on the Long-Term Side Effects discussion board and haven't heard back from anyone. Thought I'd see if any of my fellow sisters/brothers have an answer: Just wondering if anyone has had this experience. I finished radiation treatments the first week of August '08 after a mastectomy. I still have a few…
good morning all
good brr morning ladies. lol i hope you're staying warm. so far i know kathi is, i read her post. home to l.a. my brother in law lives in cal. i also have a 16yr old grand daughter in san diago. ive never been but it looks beautiful in pics. my hubbys been there of course. anyway i hope all of yous are having a very good…
Am I going to die?
I'm 41 years old. I just had a lumpectomy last Friday. They removed the tumor and 17 lymph nodes. 3 were affected. My mother and grandmother had breast cancer. I have been getting mamograms every 2 years since 30. Just had one in Oct/2002. Had a nodule removed in left breast Nov/2002. Then felt lump in June. Didn't think…
anyone know puritan's pride vits
hi. i got a vit. mag. from puritan's pride. they're pretty cheap. i was wondering if anyone has heard of this company. they have a ton of stuff and i seen the other day that some were talking about herbs and vits. just wondering. deedee
Trouble sleeping - advice?
My wife is 8 days out from her first TAC chemo infusion; first three days were okay, next four bad, and today (so far) is an improvement. Right now, Moopy's nausea is under control, and her main thing now is that she wants to sleep. She can't get comfortable - which is especially bad for someone who has never had any…
Is there anyone that had a wide excision for DCIS stage 0 & had clear margins?
Ok, surgery set up for next month. I think I remember my surgeon saying if the margins are clear we are done & if there was more dcis then radiation will be needed. I heard that radiation trmts can only be done once so my question is if you have radiation & god forbid it the Dcis cells return wouldn't your only possible…
need to talk
i went yesterday to onco and rad drs, both said as far as breast cancer everything looks good. but my body aches. where they took the pacemaker out on left side,(same side as cancer) they left the wires in , i told them that side really hurts. i just had a digital mamm last week but only on the right side. why didnt they…
We're back......
Arrived in Los Angeles last night (or was it afternoon...or was it next Thursday???). The flight was uneventful, ended up getting good seats where there were just the two of us in the row...so the only one I disturbed was Hans....ROFL! MAN! What a shock the temperature was...In Amsterdam, it was 2 degrees celcius above…
Martin Luther King, Obama and the USA service day
Hi! my name is Jackie and i had a masectomy Dec.2nd 09. Six lymph nodes were positive out of 21 taken. I have been feeling ok 7 days after my first chemo treatment. Before all of this i was a CNA at the Prairie Community Hospital in a little town or village?? of Terry Mt. I loved my job but could no longer lift or be…
Do I need arm sleeves for lymphodemia?
I had a massectomy on Dec. 2nd 09 6pos. of 21 lymph nodes guess that's stage 3? I have had my first round of chemo and so far so good..but it's only been 7 days. I have been doing my excersises faithfully, it helps to do them in the shower, i find. They have measured me and ordered arm sleaves twice now and both times they…
Help! What is needed?
Hi Everyone, I need some advice and guidance. My sister will soon be undergoing a double mastectomy. She is in another country, and I would like to send her some things that she will need, but I have no idea what that would consist of. She has no plans for reconstruction at this time, but I understand there is a high risk…
post simple mastectomy on 5/13/09
Hi this is my first visit to your site. Diagnosed on 11/29/08 with .infiltrating ductal ca of the rt breast. Large >5cm tumor. Had no positive infiltrating nodes. Did adjunt chemo for 6 months then 30 rounds of radiation. During the radiation my Rt. shoulder kept getting more painful by the day/ I had to take Vicodin…
Seriously depressed and anxious
I was diagnosed last February and am stage 3a. Had a bilateral mastectomy in April; had dose dense chemo; had radiation that ended last October. I was doing OK until near the end of radiation and now I feel I have fallen down the rabbit hole. I started Effexor about 6 weeks ago, coupled with Klonopin two times a day, but I…
Hopeful they are working on "The Cure"
I have been following this for a while now and we discuss it every few months on another board. I have waivered back and forth between hope for a cure and dispair when I lose someone to the beast. But right now I am on the hope side, so I thought I would share. It's very interesting in the least and might offer some hope…
Breast cancer chat
Is there a chat room I can join?
Lobular insitu cells found in remaining breast-should I have a mastectomy?
I have had a mastectomy in my right breast and at the time of surgery(11/07) there were lobular in situ cells found in my left breast. I have since had chemotherapy and I am now on arimidex. I have chosen to carefully monitor my right breast with mammograms and MRIs but somehow I feel at times like my left breast is a…
Alternative Therapy in a "Protocol" Society
In short...My mom had a small cancerous lump a couple of years ago. She had a lumpectomy and 2 levels of lymph nodes removed (which came out clean). Since then she's opted to go completely alternative ie: no chemo, no mams, no CATs, etc. She now has another lump. She thinks it may be a scar from the last incision. There…
re-what to say to mom/back from surgery
Hello all My mom returned from surgery yesterday 01-06-09. The surgeon removed her left breast. The surgeon decided to keep her overnight due to excessive bleeding but she came out of it fine. The surgeon said it was a very bad cancer and she thinks they got it all, however, we still have to wait for the pathology report…
Ordering replacement parts.
Where do I start looking to replace the pair of rolled up socks that have been living in my bra? Prosthesis? is that the right name for 'Falsies'? Becoming uncomfortable and running out of socks! Any help much appreciated. Julia
Any remedies please?
Hello all, 2 of my side effects for which I have not found any remedied are: Constant runny nose and constant nose bleed. My nose is sore and caked with blood. I am using saline solution..but not much help. My hands peel and I think I am about to use some nails. I use "udder cream" It's not so much the peeling,but the…
I am afraid I am not going to be very popular with my stance on this subject but I feel compelled to chime in. I have had three friends who all chose holistic care over traditional. These individuals choose not to have any chemo therapy or radiation, although they did have the surgery to remove the tumors. Two are no…
Male Breast Cancer-Men Only
I am a white,56 yr. old ,overweight male in North Carolina who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in August 2007.I have talked to many Women with Breast Cancer and even joined several Breast Cancer Support Groups for Women! Although all these women have been very supportive and loving in their own way by accepting me into…
you all amaze me
wow reading all about the natural stuff is interesting. who do you believe? drs say one thing and of course theres a pill for eveything. money market i think. everything is just so costly for some. we all want to live but even herbs are costly. i take beta glucan, cal with d, vit. e, c fishoil and flax. maybe its a money…
help with other message board
I've been posting on www.cancer.org since around 2004 or 2005. They have very few people to answer questions or give support. I've been thinking of asking you,'sisters', if anyone would like to help over there. It grieves me that there are people scared and posting and not that many are answering. So many of you have more…
A Surprise Gift!
OMG~ I know it will be crowded, I know it will be hectic, I know it will be expensive, I know it will be tiring, but guess what? Today, my Reggie booked us flight and hotel reservations to go to Washington DC to see the inauguration!!!! We have tickets to some "events" as well~ the Native American ball, among other things~…
Chat room...
Is it down. or is it me?...Just reformatted my computer, now I am stuck good and proper! I can get in here but chat rooms are eluding me.