vitamin D
I have been hearing more about studies showing that recurrence can be related to low levels of vitamin D in breast cancer patients. I am currently taking 800 IUs of Caltrate/vitamin D, but I am wondering if I should be taking more? I should add that I am in a clinical trial where I am taking Zometa, a drug which is…
Shaving head with a razor rather than with clippers
After having my head shaved really close with clippers last Saturday, I am finding the stubble to be annoying. Does anyone shave it clear to the skin with an actual razor? Will it irritate my skin too much? Any input?
Update on wife's diagnosis
We got some very good news yesterday--Dorothy's bone scans, CT scans, etc. came out clean and so the cancer has not spread past the lymph nodes we already knew were affected. The doctor has classified her cancer as Stage IIB which he said is definitely "curable." We had been waiting for the results for over a week because…
First day post-chemo
Well, it is my first day after my first chemo treatment. It's been about 24-hours, and I'm still waiting for it to hit me hard. I've had a little fatigue, some minor GI problems, but that's about it. I know it will get worse, so I'm trying not to lull myself into a false sense of security. I am keeping as hydrated as…
Just keep swimming....Just keep swimming....
Hey Lynn, I just wanted you to know that you really motivated me!!! After you told me that 33 laps in the pool was a mile, I set that as my goal. I've never done that before. Not even close. Until last night!!!! I swam 34 laps in 45 minutes (pretty slow, aye!). AND I didn't wear my floaty or use the kickboard. I used…
Watch this video ....
http://www.maniacworld.com/are-you-going-to-finish-strong.html We just received this from my husband's son. WOW! Inspirational!
miscellaneous/new research
For those of you who may not know this, there is a big conference every year in San Antonio for breast cancer research. The results of this latest conference (including a lot of news about a new drug, Zometa, which I am taking in a clinical trial) is posted on the website of breastcancer.org Also, a question: I am BRCA 1…
Cleaning for a Reason
Has anyone heard of this wonderful organization? A friend just gave my name and they contacted me. I never knew something like this existed. They come and clean your home free for anyone going through cancer treatments. Not just breast, but any kind. Check out the website at cleaningforareason.com I just wanted to pass it…
know anything about reclast
i got an iv yesterday at the i.u. cancer center it was reclast. has anyone ever taken this. what side efffects should i look for? the cancer dr looked at my mouth and decided i have herpes. he wants me to take valtex for 2 days. i still have mouth sores and a rash , this has been going on for a couple wks now. been to 3…
Thanks for info on preparing for wife's mastectomy
I found it a little overwhelming to reply individually to each of you that answered my post so I just want to thank all of you together (zahalene, cnwrn, NorcalJ, seof, GreeneyedGirl, cabbott, RE, Joycelouise, divablu, and chellebug) for your kind, thoughtful, and helpful replies. You don't know how comforting it is to…
Joint Pain and Trigger Fingers
I've been on Arimidex for almost six months and developed joint pain in my three middle fingers of my right hand along with trigger finger, but only my right hand. The pain and achiness is similar to arthritis accompanied by what I know to be the symptoms of trigger finger (where the joints click and are painful when…
Remember HAL from 2001, a Space Odyssey??
My computer is very ill~ not quite in need of Hospice, but very tired, slow, and oh so cranky!! I can have what I think is a perfectly reasonable "dialog", and fill in all of the blank spaces on the screen with witty words and even a few wise ones. You would think my trusty HP would be pleased to be the owner of so many…
Bald Heads and long process ... Think Spring!
This morning after I showered, I looked in the mirror. Yep, I really looked in the mirror. I'm heading into my last two chemo treatments, and for those of you who are beginning the process I just want to say there is light at the end of the tunnel! I'm feeling better, looking forward to a few weeks off and then starting…
re-what to say to mom...cont
Hello all. thank you to everyone that have written. Since my last post, my mom was called back to the surgeon's office on Dec 17. We were asked to rush back 135 miles away so the surgeon could speak to my mom. More bad news and my mom nor I took the news well. The Dr found more cancer cells embedded in the breast. Her…
Reconstruction Question
It has been 5+ years since my mastectomy and am considering implants. I still have one breast but would not be happy unless they were both the same and larger. Has anyone had this done? Implants in both? I also have to admit I do smoke :>( Does anyone have personal information concerning all this info. You all are some…
It is over
i have this noise in my ear is this anyway related to breast cancer. it's my left ear noise loud helllp
'THEY SAY ITS YOUR...........
BIRTHDAY!! Yup, I celebrate 46 today so I guess I need to change my Kit45 to 46.... Anyway, Happy New year and good health to us all. Love and peace. Kit
First three month onc visit tomorrow
Please pray for me and my visit tomorrow. Thanks. Lynn
Article on BBC website
Anyone else see the article on grape seed extract? They did a study and found it made cancer cells commit suicide on certain cancers. Have to do more tests, of course. Another article on the BBC health site said blueberries helped prevent bowel cancers.
nipple reconstruction
Just letting all of you know that yesterday I had my nipple reconstruction surgery. So now I have nipples (I still have to have the aereolas tattooed on in a couple of months)! I am happy. Ohilly
Happy New Year
Well, its a little past midnight and a new year is upon us. I hope that 2009 will bring much good health, happiness and peace of mind to everyone here on the site. Many more to come:0) Much love, Eil
2D6 Article in the New York Times
Thought I would share this with you as I was one of the women interviewed but not quoted. (boo hoo) The topic is interesting and we'll probably be hearing more of it in the future. Called: The Evidence Gap…
Breast Implants
I just had a silicone implant put in my right breast four years after my mastectomy. We did not stretch the skin with an expander as I had a skin save and it was ample enough to put in a 450cc implant (about a C cup). It is wonderful to have a breast again, but I wonder what it will feel like in the future since it is…
Femara and Glucosamine
I started taking Femara a couple of weeks ago. Oncologist recommended that I also take Calcium + Vit D (have been taking this for 15 years) and Glucosamine/Chondroitin twice a day due to the possible side effects of muscle/bone aches and osteoporosis. There are so many choices for Glucosamine. Double strength, triple…
My hair is gone and it's OK
I am 19 days past my first chemo treatment and for the last two days, my hair has been falling like snow. So today I went to my beautician and had her shave my head. I had a crying fit before I went (my poor husband), but I took two friends with me--one to hold my hand and one to take pictures--and I made it just fine…
Recurring breast infections after lumpectomy, chemo & radiation
I just had my third breast infection in 6 months - and this is 6 years after treatment! Has anyone else had this issue? Fran
A thought about depression
Recently, I have been reading about depression on this board and the possibility of it being a side effect of aromatase inhibitors. I was also wondering how many of us who are experiencing depression just completed treatment during this past year and suffered a tragedy like the loss of a loved one. I lost my dad, with whom…
what to say to my mom...still
hello, it's been a long road. My mom went for her first lumpectomy on Nov 24, we were called back to Albuquerque we live 135 miles away; the next day for news that the Dr did not get all the cancer. My mom had a lumpectomy again on Dec 15...and a chemo port put in on Dec 16 and yet again we were called to drive 135 miles…
Using this site
OK. I'm a ditz. How do find something specific in the Expressions Gallery? How do I send a private message. I know it says that I've been a member since June, but it's only been very recently that I've actually been coming here and I'm not sure of the etiquette and can't find the manual!