Exercise & lymphedema
I have a question I hope someone can help me with. I am looking for info regarding safe exercise and avoiding lymphedema. I had breast cancer six years ago. Lymph nodes were taken out of my left arm. I am aware of the need to avoid procedures in my left arm, but I am not sure how much I can "push" my arm when doing upper…
I would like to know has any got a CT Scan of the chest that inclued a IV ?
Purpose of Life
This was given to me and helped me get out of my funk the other day. Angela An Interview with Rick Warren (REMEMBER, HE WROTE 'PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE') You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having 'wealth' from the book sales. This is an absolutely incredible short…
Should you start chemo if you are still having pain from the mastectomy?
Hi, all-- Thanks once again for letting a spouse join in on this wonderful support network. My wife, Dorth, is still a little shy about jumping in so I am asking the questions we both have. She had a modified radical mastectomy with removal of lymph nodes on Jan 9th. She has had considerable pain since then both on the…
Thanks for all who anwered to Hair falling out?
Thanks for giving me courage to have my husband buzz my hair (after he also read all your posts. I actually felt better to have it done. My headache quit.. and the anxiety of when it would all go...This made me feel as if i DO have some control. My head feels a little chilly so i'm wearing a little cap but sleeping Naked…
after breast cancer treatment
i would like some help in trying to reinvent myself after treatment.i have had a difficult time because i am unable to go back to work and i guess i was partly defined by my work. i still don't feel well, mainly fatigue so i don't feel like doing much. i feel guilty often because my energy level is so low. i am so used to…
Any good news?
Hiya everyone, im Lyn and have just joined. I have found all of your stories enlightening and supportive and believe its this kind of support i need to get through this. It has been a year since my mastectomy, grade 3 tumour, no clear margins and 9 out of 17 lymph nodes effected. i had 4 rounds of FEC, 20 zapps of…
You all noticed me at the Inauguration, didn't you???
After all, I am 50 feet tall! And did I ever tell you the 50 feet is from everyone in here helping me to stand tall and reaching heights I never knew were even possible? So I thank you for that! Being at the Inauguration was beyond words WONDERFUL! Never again will I ever expect to see so many people united, moved,…
Mammo to check clip placement
Today I went to have my mammo to check the clip placement from my biopsy on 12/19. I thought I'd be in & out in 1/2 hr like in the past. Was I wrong! I was worried b/c I am still sore from the biopsy a month ago since a blood vessel was hit. I had everything organized & decided to make a copy of my script to save for my…
Anyone get chemotherapy-induced pink eye?
I seem to have developed a case of pink eye. The Taxotere website lists this as a side effect. Did anyone here develop this? Any remedies that worked? I have heard that it helps to put a damp bag of green tea on the eye. Any other ideas? Thanks! Mimi
What do you do when THEY cry
Lately i have had a couple friends who come to my home and they can't stop crying and telling me they don't want to lose me..and to fight fight fight. I end up comforting them and tell them i don't plan on going anywhere but they don't believe me. It is very depressing and puts fear in me. I wish they would change the…
Our Dear Momo
I just received news that our dear momo lost her husband to a sudden massive heart attack last night. He had not been ill and there was no warning. Please let her know you are thinking about her either on a post or in our internal email if you do not have her personal information. Huge HUGS to her.
One year ago
Hello everyone, It's been a while since the last time I write a post. I've been busy at work and at home. We are preparing for my daughter who will be going to college in the fall. But beside being so busy, I spend some time yesterday for myself. It's my one year anniversary, one year since my diagnosis of breast cancer.…
Hi Everyone: I am a seven year survivor - Yay!! - but have been having back pain for the past couple of months. I think it's probably just muscle pain, but my oncologist ordered a bone scan just to be safe. Anyway, we have new insurance and just discovered that we have a $2000 deductible. the bone scan is about $1800 and I…
Wish I could go back
Well, I hate to admit it, but I am just not liking this new normal thing. I still think a lot about cancer and worry about the chance of a recurrence---even though realistically the chance is very small. I don't sleep well and have not had a good night's sleep since chemo and that is over 2 years. So I am tired all the…
Important question!!!
Did anyone see Claudia (Chenheart) on tv at the inauguration today? I thought I saw her look at the camera and wink! LOL
Let me introduce myself
I actually think I posted to one of the subjects before but I never really introduced myself. I am new to breast cancer but not new to cancer. I had endo cancer Stage 2B, grade 3 in 2000. I had a hysterectomy and radiation treatments (external and internal) and have been NED for 9 years. In 2002 I had bladder cancer. It…
Thank you to all of my angels
I just want to say thank you so much to all of you for your kind, caring support. Reading all of your replies tonight brought tears to my eyes. You guys are my second "blankie" besides my doctors and I don't know what I would do without you all. You totally understand my feelings and just knowing that we are all in this…
red itchy breast/4 year survivor
Hello, I am a 4 year survivor breast cancer stage 2; Recently the effected breast has become itchy with little scabs and feels flushed at times. Not all the time. Skin is not the same, but thought that this could be related to the radiation. Any thoughts?
How to find the "old" normal/ "new" normal?
I posted earlier because I was really down and the sisterhood surrounded me. It seems that many of us have the exact feeling and miss the old normal and how to find the new normal. The more I have prayed these past few days and spent time reflecting, I came up with this. I hope who ever reads this, take away what you…
Do Chemo treatments get worse each time?
Just wondering........i have been told by people that with each treatment you will have more side effects and try to take one day at a time but can't help but worry, can anyone help?
We celebrate with you
Thought I would share this article with you. I know all of our national newspapers have it on there front page. Damn!!! I'm getting misty eyed again. It's the meds I'm sure. We are celebrating across the country!!! Canadians down tools for Obama Canadians across the country paused at home, work and school on Tuesday to…
Where are you all from?
It's a while since anyone asked that question, and I would sure be interested to hear where everyone is from and maybe what they do in terms of work or home. To start it off I'm 57, have my own stationery store in Merritt, British Columbia Canada, and am formerly from Yorkton, Saskatchewan, and before that England. I have…
Total Confusion
I have been given a 2 week break from Arimidex because of bone and joint pain and am going to be switched to Femara. However, I've been researching side effects of Arimidex, Femara and Aromasin (exemestane). From what I've read, the Aromasin may be the better of the three for not disturbing one's lipid profile. I have high…
Sending Private Chat
As I am one of the "computer challenged", someone please tell me how to send a private email to someone on this board. Guess my generation lost out on the computer age, and I depend on my kids to keep me going down the right path when it comes to these things. Thanks. Judy
how do get a dr to listen
boy! i went yet again to the dr this morning after having been at the small er hospital saturday. broncitis they said or copd. told me to go see my dr today and he said broncitis. all the tests and seeing drs can get madding. tomarro i see the pacemaker dr to see if theyre going to put my pacer back in. but i can barely…
Just diagnosed, with tons of questions
I just got the news on Weds., that I have "invasive ductal with some pre-invasive cells". My tumor is 1 cm. That's it. That's all I know. I am reading everything I can find. I am beyond scared, because of course, a little knowledge CAN be a dangerous thing, especially if you don't have the full story. I am sitting here,…
Hi I just had my first Taxotere treatment last Wednesday, and yesterday and today I have barely been able to stand up. Is that typical? I had 6 months of CMF 7 years ago and never missed a day of work. My doctor said it would "kick me in my butt", but I never thought it would bring me this far down!
Dating Post Cancer
I am an older female - 58 who has had a mastectomy - left, five years ago, lost my teeth, most of my hair has grown back sparsley, and I still wear a wig, and have had a hysterectomy 2 years ago, and uterine cancer survivor from tamixofen over 2 years now. I am looking to start over again, now that I am post treatment, and…
Mouth and Teeth Problems
Hey everyone. Just needed to ask all a quick question regarding post-chemo/radiation theraphy. I have experienced teeth sensitivity (primarily on the same side of my mouth as my breast cancer). Has anyone else experienced this? The sensation is that the teeth are sensitive to hot and especially cold, and has a dull ache…