"Greatest Losers".....midweek check in
Hey everyone. Sure hope you are doing better than me!! I have eaten salads for 3 days and have actually GAINED 1 1/2 pounds!!! Is this even possible???? OK, I did sneak a cookie once a day as my reward for rads....but come on. At best, we are looking at 300 calories here. Gesh....ok, considering just plain water diet!! :)…
I'm off..
Going to bog off to the beach for a couple of days and stay in my friends trailer. Got my bottle of sp4 Hawaiian Tropic. I'm taking a leopardskin micro, Turquoise heels, Huge plastic orange earrings, Loads of Bling and 3 tons of makeup. Hey gotta look the part! Trailer T(r)ASH! LOL. Jxxxxxx
Victory Trip!
I am typing this while i am in Seattle (i'm from sacramento) on what i have titled my "victory trip". I have a wonderful friend that has an incredible house up here right on the lake that she let me use, and i thought about this trip many many many times during my chemo treatments, surgeries, scary nights alone in the…
Take away the Estrogen and Progesterone.........
.....and what do you get? The only hormone left - Testoserone!!!! Yikes! I think I may have grown some extra body hair! Don't worry though. I think I got the punk look down with my mohawk!! Nana nana naaaannnaaa!!! :) Pammy (aka Pamaroma)
Timeframe for starting chemo?
I had lumpectomies 6 weeks ago -- afterwards, my oncologist wanted me to get a second opinion on chemo. That appointment took two weeks to get -- now that we've decided to go ahead, we're having to wait some more for my insurance company to pre-authorize the chemo. Is there an ideal timeframe for starting chemo after…
Our Combined List of Gratefulness
1) That I have the strength to open the front door on my own. 2) That I can close my own car door 3) That I do not have "skipping ropes" of drains attach to me and that I can move freely 4) That I do not have a water-balloon inside of me 5) That I can lift pots and pans on my own. 6) That I can give/ receive non-defensive…
GO, LANCE!!! As of Saturday, July 25th...
I am OBSESSED with the Tour de France, and the return of LANCE ARMSTRONG!!! GO, LANCE!!! TOUR DE LANCE!!! He's NOT racing to win - but, to continue to bring global AWARENESS to our cause! Lance Armstrong - the ultimate cancer survivor's HERO! Thanks, my BC sisters, for allowing me to share my insane enthusiasm... :-) Kind…
going to chat
well i am on my way to chat, i know that i will be sitting there all alone, but heck i am a daft sod after all tjhay
Softballmom where are you
Where are you have been watching for you and want to know how you are doing, please give us an update, ou are our sister and we have a need to know how you are. sending you happy thoughts in the mean time tjhay
Ok, what exactly is a hedgehog?
I live in the states, but, I don't think I know what this is. Is it some sort of road kill or something? HELP! lol
saw my therapist
I saw my therapist yesterday before starting chemo tomorrow. Macys. A little retail therapy.
Can't Sleep tonight
I had my second treatment yesterday and the shot today. Slept a little tonight now I am wide awake. Also today while hubby and I were driving to hospital, and I need that air going on high. My hair started blowing all over the car. On me,on him you would have thought I had the dog in the car. I ran my fingers through my…
Question ?????
I seem to get sick on the third day after treatment on AC. Meds help, but am still down for the 2 days or so. I have 2 more treatments of this, then I get Taxol / Herceptin. Onc said I will not need the Medication Emend anymore. Just the other 2 I am on. Is this true, cuz my understanding is the emend is the best. I won't…
Morning anxiety and mouth sores
I am 2 treatments into ac every 2 wks with 2 more to do then with 4 more of taxol and herceptin every 2 wks after that then 1 year of herceptin every 3 wks after that. My heart is just racy in the morning and periodically thru the day. I feel so anxious. I was on lorazepam but my internist switched me to xanax on friday…
Help!Toe Nail question
Ok so I know chemo can affect your nails, but can it make you lose them? My two big toe nails have been sore and the left one has actually been getting loose and icky. I soak it in hydrogen pyroxide and there isn't any infection but I may lose the nail. Has anybody else had this kind of problem with your nails? What can…
Rash on head
Wondering if anyone has had a problem with a rash on your head? My hair is almost all gone but I have not shaved it so it looks kind of like a baby's head with just a few strands of hair over it. My head has really been itching in the back just above the hairline and across the crown. My husband and daughter said it looks…
nipple tattooing/update
I have now been cancelled a FIFTH time by my plastic surgeon at the University of Chicago Medical Center to do the nipple tattooing (I was cancelled three times at one institution, and then went to the U of C, where I was cancelled two times). I made an appt. with a tattoo artist who will do it for free, but whose first…
LATE roll call: weekend plans?!
Oh my ladies, time got away from me. I've been busy writing that speech for my boss and I've been doing draft after draft today. But I am finally DONE. This weekend looks uneventful for me. The gym tomorrow morning, then grocery shopping, cleaning the house, and watching movies/reading. I do want to see that new rom com…
Hope someone can answer
I am fairly new to the bc life, just diagnosed in april at 36. I had a double mastectomy four weeks ago and am going to find out my treatments next week. I replied to someone about feeling tired and fatigued all the time and that is totally me now even tho i havent had any treatments yet? My question is i guess i dont…
Shout out to Stubbrn and ppurdin
I know both of you had surgury this last week. I just wanted you both to know that I've got you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all went well. Please post when you're able, and let us know how you're both doing. Take Care and God Bless You Both Aurora
Board Confusion
Hi Everyone, I'm still getting used to the boards here, lack of attention to detail, chemo brain, unexpected funk (and rebounding) and all. Please forgive me if I'm asking obvious questions but I have not been able to find the answers: 1 - What is the story with the "Friends" and "Friend Of" areas and what is the…
Bad cells were cut
Hello everyone, I'm happy I have surpassed the most terrible moment, the surgery. And thanks to everyone, for your suport and warm (virtual)embraces, and prayers. Today is my 1st day after the surgery. I praise God. The bad cells were cut. I feel better today. Thank you to all of you. Hugs and kisses. I will keep you in my…
Still Tired After Treatment is Done -- ?!
Hey... I would like to hear from anyone who has finished treatment and is deemed cancer free, but is still fatigued? I faithfully go to my check-ups, and praise God, have never had cancer found again. But, I'm tired all the time? This is a symptom of cancer, so it worries and nags me all the time? My treatment was rough...…
Look At elm3544's Expression Page - Her Jewelry Is Beautiful!
Elm, you are really talented. Your jewelry is beautiful. And, the quilts that were given to you, what a priceless g i f t! Hugs, Susie :)
Spinnr's GF has the right attitude!
Hey, Spinnr -- thought I would start a new thread, as the other one is so long that my finger starts to get numb just from scrolling! :-) I LOVED your story about the two of you having a yard sale this morning, and your newly-bald GF sitting proudly, no wig or hat, with the donations jar telling every woman to be sure to…
Hey I'm back
I've been in a prechemo fog in preparation for my first round of chemo to start tomorrow. What should I bring? I understand a pillow, blanket, beverages, light snacks, and of course my sister SOS. Anything else? It's great to see all your postings and yes I feel the love and connection.
Day 4 of Pammy's Rads
Check this out everyone!! Hubby had to work today, so my son volunteered to take me to my appointment. I was 15 minutes early, but they were ready for me. My son was tickled pink that they had some coffee available. And he was going to use the oportunity to do some work on his phone gadget thinga magig. My tech was…
Bumper sticker
How Slow Are You??? You know your "slow" when you look both ways at a 1 way street.
Radiation treatments
A Man with a glass eye
A Man With A Glass Eye Is Here To See You Nurse: Doctor, there is a man in the waiting room with a glass eye named Brown. Doctor: What does he call his other eye?