Greatest Losers, How are we doing?
Just a midweek check in. Looks like my exercise is paying off. I have a 2 lb loss! Yeah, yeah, I know probably just water weight!! And tomorrow is rain so I can't get outside!! Boohoo....I can see it coming back on. I have gotton somewhat attached to celery with peanut butter. Is the peanutbutter fattening? And I have been…
Getting ready to start chemo and I am scared
I was diagnosed with breast cancer a day after my 39th birthday in may. Not a great way to celebate. I have already had my surgery. I had a masectomy and reconstructive on same day. They used my stomach skin and tissue to form my breast. I will be starting chemo on July 23. Having a port put in day before and don't know…
Surgery Tomorrow!!!
It's time!!! I just got off the phone with my BFF... And we were talking about my fear of not waking up... She said it doesn't happen that often.. and I said "well what if I'm the one" ...and she my very best friend said "Hey don't think your THAT special"!!! LOL.. I needed that belly laugh!!! Staying busy to get through…
I'm probably here prematurely but I'm a bit freaked so I'd see if someone can weigh in. I'm in my second 1/2 of chemo rounds. I believe it's Taxol & Herceptin (forgive me, I leave these details to my med team). Anyway, they assured me it would be less rugged than my first 3 months, although the Taxol is strong, I will…
Day 8 of Pammy's Rads
Once again, today was a breeze!! It did however, prompt an interesting discovery. OK everybody, to all of you who have had "this" done, did you ever wonder why? I am talking about the giant rubberband that they put around you feet. I was lying on the table today and for some reason became accutely aware of it. So I asked…
Wig from American Cancer Society
Hi all, I went yesterday to the American Cancer Society in my area and they gave me a free wig to use while going through chemo. They were very nice there and had many styles to choose from. I have red hair and was able to obtain one in my color and it even has highlights. They also told me to come back when I need my…
Calling family members with "Drip Dry Lapels" .... PLEASE...
Trying to type and cry is not the easiest thing to do... I'm afraid my tears are going to short circuit my computer.... I really just want to go back home (to WA) and forget about all of this.... All of you know I was dx on May 20th IDC... tumor 1cm... not under not over..all test come back "grey" swinging the treatment…
I signed up for the LAF 10K!!!!
Whooo hooo~ guess what?? I am going to be paricipating in a 10K on September 19th to benefit the Lance Armstong Foundation ( one of my absolute heros) and within seriously, 3 minutes of sending out my "begging" emails, someone pledged $100.00!!!! I was thinking in these times, I would get $5 and $10 donations~ you can…
What's the information about radiation causing cancer? This is scaring me!! If it causes it, then why do they use it?
Payback is a B
When last we left off, my Bro refused to take care of me after my upcoming 2 round of chemo unless I shaved my head. He said he couldn't deal with me shedding all over his new condo. His wife was more concerned about contracting the fungus I got in my arse after my first round of chemo. Now the wife I could care less what…
knitted mastectomy prothesis
I am a new member who is looking for a source to obtain a knitted breast prothesis that I have been reading about. I live in a rural community and do not know how to knit, though I am considering learning. My situation is also different in that I do not have "breast cancer" but have recurring metastatic melanoma that…
OK.....First step.....HELP!
I have an appointment to view the apartment tomorrow morning. This is the first step out of this abusive relationship. Now what do I do?... sorry to be such a wuss here... (Yeah Noel, Kick up the arse needed LOL) But he has been working on me for the past 2 weeks......He reckons he can change (Yes, He sure did!) hes back…
Day 7 of Pammy's Rads
Darn, I think unless I go in 1/2 early at least, I will not get a chance to meet anyone. As soon as I get there, they are always ready for me. And there was actually someone sitting in the waiting room this time! Today seemed sorta like "routine" and I found myself counting the zaps. I would have a 16 second zap, a pause,…
New Guided Imagery/Music for Chemotherapy sessions...need a title
Ladies and Gents, After going "at it"with surgeries & chemo for a couple years (with a divorce thrown in for good measure) the urge to "do something & give back" kicked in. I'm a musician and have studied, employed techniques from Mindfulness Meditation to Shiv Asana in yoga, to Chinese Medical Chi Kung. I've taken…
Rollin along
Hey everyone. I am so excited, today i got my first fill into my skin expanders and ive got something there again finally. Yesterday was my onc appt and i do have to do chemo, but only four rounds, so thats not too bad. Tomorrow i go for my muga scan. Start chemo on tuesday as long as the muga turns out ok. Then i go for…
Surgery Yesterday..... "Feeling Great" !!!
Hi everyone... I was admitted for my surgery yesterday, and I am feeling great today...I understood the surgery to be a "Lumpectomy" and the surgical consent (very important) stated, "Partial Mastectomy, with possible total lymph node dissection". I had talked with my doctor at length about a lumpectomy, (not, partial…
Conference call list!!!
Hey everyone....tomorrow is the conference call. Who plans on being there? Can we maybe get a list together of what we would like to ask? :) Pammy
Prognosis Chemoschmosis
Every step of this nightmare experience have been preceded with the words: "There's a 95% chance that this is nothing/will not happen". I have realized that I most probably fall in the OTHER percentage side... the 5% side that is. 5/17 of the lymph nodes showed cancer The tumer was larger than thought, just under 5cm HER2…
Has anyone had to have Lupron injections to shut down the ovaries? I need the ovaries out, but since I have had 3 surgeries in a month and have difficulty healing, the onco and gyno said no to more surgery and are going to give me Lupron. I know it is supposed to throw me into menopause just the same, and I have not talked…
Isn't Chemo Almost Always Recommended For Tumors 2cm?
My onologist and from what I have read says that chemo is always recommended for tumors at 2cm and larger. But, I have read posts on here where some that have tumors that size or maybe 1.8cm or 1.9 cm didn't. Why is it 2cm and not lower? Anyone else know about this? thanks
More Good News
Hi everyone, I've been taking it kinda easy yesterday and today, because of some unrelated symptoms I was experiencing. I'll tell you about them (still good news) and share my really good news (wink) I showered on Saturday (2 days after surgury) and put my contacts back in, and then on for some reason On sunday I woke up…
Wednesday Joke~ preparing for Medical Tests
An elderly man goes to the Dr. for his now overdue yearly physical. "I'll need a urine , stoool, and sperm sample from you", said the Dr. "What did he say?" asked the nearly deaf old man. "GIVE HIM YOUR UNDERPANTS!!!" said his ever-loving wife!!!! See what we have to look forward to?? LOL LOL Hugs, Claudia
just been dignosed
I have just been told i have breast Cancer.I have surgery in a few days,then radiation.I am very scared but don,t feel like i have anyone to tell this to.
almost losing it
jus diagnosed in April, mom died from breast cancer when I was a year old. Had lumpectomy then went for another surg to remove more tissue. Not sure if im havin chemo or rad. Scared about what im goin to do to myself, im on antidepressants! HELP!!!
Calling all Angels
I wanted to keep you all up on my apt. with the Oncologist today. I had such hopes of her telling me Ned was with me. Instead I heard that she is worried about me. My red blood cells are large? I don't know what that means. also I am very anemic..which she thought would subside after chemo was finished. and didn't. I…
Cytoxan/Abraxane and Cytoxan/Adriamycin
I somehow deleted my original post where I was charming and spoke intelligently. Now you'll get the real me! Diagnosed in November 2009 with poorly differentiated invasive ductal carcinoma. Three lumpectomies later and masectomy was the required treatment. I elected to do bi-lateral as I could not stand the idea that my…
Soy and Vitamin D
I noticed that my Vitamin D had soy added. I ask my Oncologist about it and he told me it was fine as long as I wasn't getting soy in any other form because it was such a small amount in the pills. Guess I will start taking them again. Any other thoughts? Jadie<3
Questions For The Conference Call Next Week??????
Our first conference call ( hopefully it works this time lol ) is next week. So, be sure and try to think of some questions that you would like addressed by CSN. That hour will go by very fast, and, some of us like to talk. ( omg not me lol ) I am still working on mine. Should we post them? So that we don't duplicate them?…
Update on Me
Joe posted a link to a discussion thread mostly made up of stage IV survivors and I have been hanging out there a bit. But here is a brief update: I have completed 7 of 9 chemo treatments, changed ONC, taken a couple of long weekend trips with hubby, enjoyed watching the new sonic get built in nearby Waukesha, resolved to…
America, the land of milk and honey
Aai, you guys. :) It would take forever to explain how far behind we in South Africa are to you guys. How truly hard our state hospitals are trying, but how horrible it is to be there. You have to go to the hospital at 6 in the morning to wait in a queue of 50+ people so that you can see a junior doc at about 11 (if your…