Surgery Tomorrow
Well here I am, tomorrow is the big day. Double mastectomy with lymph node removal (hope neg)My family and I (my husband and daughter) drove 4 hours to the cancer tx center that I had picked(they are wonderful) Ellis Fishel and University hospital in Columbia, MO. Tired, Scared, my daughter was a little agitated at times…
first chemo
First round of chemo today. I'm gonna kick cancer butt! Hope you are all doing well. See you on the other side tonight! Spent some time with my horse last night, he is such a good boy! Hopefully I get on him again and go for alittle ride someday.
I was diagnosed last month
Hi I was diagnosed with DCI breast cancer last month and I am looking for advice to help me with my decisions. I have had the lumpecotmy and now must decide if I want to go with radiation and temoxifin, or masectomy. Needless to say I am very overwhelmed with all of the information the Drs. give you and trying to deal with…
I Get By With A Little Help...
This effort was inspired by Margo's wonderfully awful list of mutilated 60s hits. I sang this for Moopy in the car on the way back from treatments today, and she said it shouldn't damage her reputation too much if I posted it here. What would you say if I loaded my pants? Would you jump up and stalk out on me? Lend me a…
Just diagnosed last month :(
Hi everyone; I was just diagnosed last month with Breast Cancer. I have to say that it really overwhelmed me. My radiologist saw a suspicious area on my regular mammogram and thought it was worth looking at. Well, after a steriotactic core biopsy and an excisional biopsy, I have extensive DCIS and stage 1 invasive ductal…
Mondors Disease.
Also known as Mondors Cord aka Thrombophlebitis of the Superficial Vein. Affects .05 - .09% of women who have had severe trauma to the breast. Not serious just painful for a while and will eventually go away on its' own. I feel very special! LOL Anyway this is what doc thinks. I am seeing specialist surgeon tomorrow and…
Wot time is it?
I have no idea what time zone I am in for the conference. I have set my computer time it's now nearly 5 here... Basically I only know British summer time, and Grenwich Mean Time. I know I'm NOT in either of THOSE! Soooooo Help! Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
no.1 chemo
survived my first chemo without incident yesterday and received my first shot today. All is going well. thanks for your support! how are you doing Softball mom2?
welcome to all newbies
I don't think I have welcomed all the newbies that have come to this wonderful site in the last month or so. Here is my welcome to each and everyone of you. We will get through this time in our lives with all our friends and family on this site and in our lives. The ladies and gents are awesome people here. I am so glad…
Did everyone see this?
Hi, for any that missed the Breast Cancer tribute on So U Think You Can Dance, here is the link... http://3.ly/Lnq Get the tissues ready! Hugs, Ladydi1
This is going to be a long post. I got home about 20 minutes ago and just got on the computer and saw the postings wondering about me. Thanks so much for your concern (and prayers.) Guess what. They worked. I feel you as real, tangible people although some of you look like dogs and cats! :) So here is a snippet of my day.…
Day 3 of Pammy's Rads....
And (not that anyone had any doubts!) she made it through day 3!!!!! But I was....OMG....3 minutes late!! Three must be the number of the day. I should go play the lottery. Let's see...day 3 of rads, 33 more to go (that's extra points for a double 3!!), 3 appointments today, 3 people got to look at my boobie today, and 3…
worried about menopause....
Ok everyone, let me tell you what happened and then I'll tell you why I am worried. Yesterday, I once more received a nasty letter from our gas comapny. It stated that they were here to read our meter but no one was home. If we do not make arrangements with them than our service will be disconnected. Well, this infuriated…
To all my sisters
A friend just sent me this and I had to pass it on to all of you. A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass…
Venting too--RE: RSVP
I sent out 16 invites to Jake's party and only 1/2 RSVP'd. Don't people know what RSVP means. I sent out an email to 8 parents this morning asking them if they were coming--I needed to know one way or the other. I always RSVP the day I get the invite so I don't forget--I don't understand why others can't do the same thing.…
Natural Cures
Has anyone tried Dr. Shulze's natural cures instead of chemotherapy.......I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I really want an alternative...chemotherapy does kill the cancer cells but it also kill all the good cells too and screws up your immune system..... any feedback would be great because I hate all drugs....
Back from Surgury
Well everything went fine, No details back from the surgeon yet, but I'm sure I'll hear something soon. This surgury was alot different than the last one, probably because there was more time. The first surgury was so rushed, that I never even made it back to the pre-op room to have my IV started or those thingy's put on…
MIMI - Where is the weekend roll call plan?
I always love to read what everyone is doing? You busy? Miss it :( lol
I have recently been made aware that some of you are not aware of what or why one would have cancer markers ran (blood work) periodically. Hence this discussion. If you have a doctor who does not run these tests tell him/her you want the tests run for your peace of mind. CA 15-3 antigen levels are most commonly elevated in…
Yep i am in chat again, come one come all
Tummy tuck reconstruction?
Hi everyone. I just went to a plastic surgeon to discuss breast reconstruction. She talked about taking skin from my back to replace the damaged skin from my rad. and being stretched so an implant could be put in. The problem with implants is that they can leak and have to be replaced every 10 years. I also had heard that…
RE and Darling Ava!
RE, the newest picture of Ava and you is so beautiful! And, she looks so very healthy! She must be doing good? Has she been gaining weight? Well, just wanted to say thanks for another beautiful pic of Ava and her Grandma! Keep posting them please! They are a breath of fresh air! Love, Jeanne
UPDATE on Tjhay
Hi all I am at my friends home resting comfotably. They removed a quarter size peice of skin and fatty tissue, the pulled it all togeather and gave me 3 levels of stitches. I have stage 1 melenoma, the treatment for it is exactly what they did to day. So it is all gone, and they took there extra pound of flesh just to be…
2nd day of Pammy's rads
Well, I just finished celebrating my second day of rads with a big smiley cookie!! Yeah, yeah, I know.....I'm going to lose the "Greatest Loser" contest for sure!! Went about 10 min early this time and they were running on schedule as usual. Took a look around the waiting room (This is a huge waiting room!) and decided to…
Thanks for the words of encouragment
Thanks so much to everyone that responded to my very first post. Although I have a great support system here at home(the worlds most awesome hubby ever) we live several states away from our families and will be making a trip there tomorrow for a wedding it will be the first time seeing everyone since my Dx and I want to be…
need thoughts on reconstruction
I had a right mastectomy. Because of the infiltration of the cancer and my need for radiation I could not have reconstruction at the time of the mast. When I was told I had to have the mastectomy there was no question in my mind that I would have reconstruction. Now I am getting worried about whether or not to do it. I…
How much more?
Sorry to be sounding so miserable, but I spent all day in emergency being poked, prodded and ultra-sounded. After my onco visit last week i found a tender bruised feeling area in my top rib below the affected area. Of course I ignored it and put it down to a new bra. Yesterday I noticed it had spread to 5 ribs. Then last…
I was telling a friend/colleague that I had bc yesterday and had a strange sensation that the world is split into two groups of people: those that have cancer and those that don't. I don't understand what God is trying to teach me/us by making me/us go through this. I don't know why this happened or what I could have done…
I did the deed
I did the deed yesterday and shaved my head after watching most of my baby fine hair go down the bathtub drain and putting my face it in it in the pillow case. Actually bald is better than what I had...but seriously it was a big step for me but I am glad its done
2nd chemo treatment, wish me luck
Okay now I am going to get chemo #2. I haven't lost my hair yet. I felt like I was pregnant after the first one. How the second treatment usually go!