Day 6 of Pammy's Rads
Hi everybody. Just came back from Rads and I am bumming out. Hubby and I had a spat over the hail damage and Insurance Company sending their person whom also does the repairs in the area. That's fine except I intend to get several estimates. I have never heard of this company and also I have the added expense of having…
OK fearless Greatest Losers...time to fess up!!
Hey everyone. It is offically Sunday (fess up day) however, you do have 24 hours to post your gain or loss. Now this could be to your advantage or disadvantage depending on how you look at it.....If you have a tendancy to gain a few ounces during the day, you may want to post in the AM before you start to chow!! If you…
soreness in breast
Hello,i have had a lumpsectomy done and the biopsy showed that it is Cancer.I HAVE SURGERY IN TWO DAYS.I had no soreness till after surgery.AND IT SEAMS MORE SORE NOW THEN RIGHT AFTER SURGERY.Is this normal or should i call my dr. tomorrow before surgery?aND THE dr. is removing more where the Cancer was.DOES ANYONE KNOW…
Grewatest Losers 1st week results....
Here we go.... Lolad (Laura) in the lead with -5 loss Fauxma (Stef) in second place with -1.2 phoenixrising (Jan) takes third place with -1 Marcia527 (Marcia) -.6 elm3544 (Edna) 0 rjjj (Jackie) 0 Akiss4me (Pammy) 0 Greeneyed Girl (Melanie) ? Chenheart (Claudia) ? Cats_toy ? Eil4186 (Eileen) ? 4slurpee ? There we have…
I Have Breast Cancer and I am Fine!!
Hi All, I have read through some of your writings!! I just got diagnosed with Breast Cancer Last month. I have had a lumpectomy and will have a chemo port placed in this Thurs. I have had maybe three "meltdowns", the last today, after my echo cardiogram. All is fine with my vital organs, but, reality hit me. I have a great…
New Here
Hi everyone...having my first chemo this Thursday and I'm scared out of my wits!! I'm 53, went in for a mammogram and a tiny lump turned into this fiasco!! LOL Stage 2, invasive, had lumpectomy, lymph node removal, now scheduled for 1st chemo, then radiation, then meds!! What can I expect?
You Are All Awesome!!!!
Hi All, I am so thrilled with the ones whom have replied to me!! I got some good tips on hair. See, my red hair was my best feature to me! But, today being 90 plus degrees, I had to put it all up and was thinking, maybe bald isn't so bad after all!!! LOL!! I am sooo much better today, and I really believe that it is…
Hey Lucy.... I'm Home....
Well... reluctantly I am back at home... I didn't want to leave the mountains of Washington or my family there... we had such a wonderful time! Why is it that it seems to take forever for your vacation to roll around and then when it does it seems to slip by way too fast? I've spent the last two days catching up on all the…
I feel almost normal this week
Just wanted to write something positive for a change. I dont post comments often but they always seem so negative. I have been so anxious and depressed over the past month and last week I really thought I was going to lose it. I am back to work as a homecare nurse about 20 to 30 hours per week, still have 6 more chemo…
Zoladex and Femara...NEED SOME ANSWERS
Has anyone else been placed on this combination due to being the 6-7% of the general population whose body produces the enzime that will not allow their body to matabolize Tamoxifine? This is what my doctor is recommending... because I'm a wierd one...go figure.. please tell me that someone else has had experience with…
Chat room?
I got booted 4 hours ago and I still can't get back in! :( Anyone else? Hugs jxxxxxxxxxx
I just got back from my onc appt. I have to do chemo, then hormonal therapy. They said i need to do a muga before i start my chemo next week. I understand it has to do with making sure your heart beats regularly, but how do they do the test? Also, my chemo will be with Adramycin? Anyone done it? How has it affected you?…
Day 5 of Pammy's Rads
Wow, I think I set a record! Hubby dropped me off at the door. I went in. She was waiting on me. I got changed. Laid on the table. I must have laid just right because one adjustment and whala, I was good to go. Zap, Zap. All done. Got changed again. I entered the waiting room as hubby was just sitting down. He was very…
Hello.surgery is done thank GOD.Dr. removed bandages,drain and clamps yesterday.She said the lymph nods were Cancer free and so was the Breast tissue.Thank GOD.I see the Cancer Dr. next week because two weeks ago when having the lumpsectomy was Cancer.So I WILL BE STARTING TREETMENTS SOON.I am very sore and taking more…
test results back,good news,ya
MY SECOND SURGERY.Went to the dr yesterday got the drain and clamps out as well as the bandages.The biopsey showed no Cancer in Lymph Nods or in breast tissue.I am so happy even though the first biopsy shows Cancer in the lumsetomey they did.So I talk to the Cancer DR. the 10th of Aug. about treatments.At least maybe I…
Dreary chemo room - suggestions?
After waiting a week for my insurance company's authorization, it is finally GAME ON for chemo! I start next Tuesday, August 4th. None of my friends or co-workers can understand why I'm *excited* to start chemo, but I know you all can understand how good it feels to be moving forward instead of standing still. I got a tour…
Thanks everyone!
I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome and for making me feel very much at home here. Also thanks for the congratulatory notes on quitting smoking, it's been a tough row to hoe but has been so well worth it. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to breathe clearly again and to actually discover that foods…
Has anyone heard of Kinoko Gold AHCC
I was told to check with my onc about this. This over the counter drug is to help flush the chemo out. Has anyone used this. I hear its good stuff, but I will check it out with onc.
Questions about Soy
I'm ER/PR+ and from what I understand Soy is a no no. I've been reading everything that I usually eat from nuitra grain bars, to mini wheats, and junk food snacks and candy bars, All of these things have some kind of soy product, either soy flour's or oils. Does this mean I can't eat any of them? OMG that's alot of stuff,…
Geez Louise - what else? During the winter while I was going through the chemo and the nausea and weakness and all, my furnace bummed out on me. Cost a pretty penny to get that sucker fixed. Then the squirrels found a weak spot near my roof and took up residence in the crawl space, inviting their friends the birds to come…
Nautral healing or traditional meds?
I am getting some gruff from a few friends that say I should try and heal myself from this dis-ease instead of using tradtional medicine. I have a background in Reiki (ray-kee) and work with universal healing energy daily, however, I do not feel that I could heal myself. Lousie Hay's movie has been recommended? Any…
Feeling very Emotional Today....
Good Morning everyone.. I can't seem to quit crying today.. I am thinking of all of you guys and all of our seperate journeys. It's so hard to deal with sometimes and so hard to talk about with those who have no idea what to say or how to help... I find myself trying to avoid all the "How are you Today's: I'm not ok I…
Another newbie
Yep, I'm another newbie, just joining today.. although I've been lurking around for about a week to 10 days. I guess that makes me a stalker of sorts ;) I feel as though I've come to know a few of you and I know I will be very comfortable talking with you. I was diagnosed in late April, had a lumpectomy in May and I will…
Is it too soon to celebrate?
Initial pathology indicates clear margins around my tumor and sentinal node was negative for cancer. After the many weeks of worry following my diagnosis and anticipation over this surgery, I want to celebrate this good news. Am I jumping the gun?
Back from the wedding, surgery tomorrow
Hi Ladies (& a few gents) We made it back from the wedding and it was AWESOME! It was my girls (8yrs and 10yrs) first reception and they had a BLAST!! As some of you know I was nervous about seeing my family since my Dx, and weddings are emotional for me so I was hoping not to turn into a blubbering idiot(quick side note:…
Lost my best friend because she can't handle it that I have cancer...
I just got diagnosed on Friday with inflammatory breast cancer. I told my best friend about it that day and when we talked today she told me that she can't take it. Her mom died of breast cancer 9 years ago and it is bringing back memories and she broke down crying last night because she just can't believe that is what I…
Bilateral Mastectomy
Well tomorrow is the day I have the bilat mastectomy. I am thinking I have everything done and everything cleaned. Anyone have any suggestions on something I may have forgotten?
double mast done
doing okay, love the pain med just spent one night in hospital, follow up on tuesday will find out about the nodes, hard to type how is aurora? love deb
Avastin Clinical Trial
Hi Everyone, I was just informed last week that I will need chemotherapy as well as radiation therapy. My oncologist has asked me to participate in an Avastin chemotherapy trial and after reading the multiple side effects, I am not sure that I want to participate in this trial. The drug is used now mostly in people with…
This may be a stupid question, but
Does the larger your tumor is, possibly mean that your cancer is more aggressive than the smaller tumors? It just seems that many of you that had large tumors had to have chemo and the ones with small ones didn't. I may be wrong, but, I just started noticing this. Thanks! Diane