Annual Mammogram...
It's my second(after being dx)mammogram on Monday,and once again-I'm a little nervous.Last time they found cysts in my right(unaffected breast)breast and called me back for more x-rays while I was waiting(doctor was unsure of what they were and wanted to make sure)-freaked me out a little! I'm trying to think positive-but…
Rad relief
For those of you going through radiation ... I've run across a couple of things that might help out with the burning/itching discomfort. The BEST thing I've found that works for the burning and itching is straight aloe. You can get it at the drug store ... and be sure it the clear gel kind ... not with lotion, or scents,…
Siting in chat
Boooohooooo i am sitting in chat all by myself kind of reminds me of a song
First Post: What! Why? Now Chemo?? QUESTIONS
Hi Everyone, This is the first discussion board I've been on since being diagnosed with breast cancer the last part of May. Since then I've had a radical mastecomy (my choice on second breast...very agressive cancer). Results after mastecomies were good...at least I thought so; Nothing found in lymphnodes, Stage One Breast…
Date, Time, Phone Numbers for TOMORROW'S Conference Call!!!
Here are the numbers needed to call in for the conference call with Greta tomorrow! It is open to any of us here who wish to participate, so call in if you can! Tomorrow, AUGUST 4, 2009 @ 9 AM, EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TOLL FREE # 1-866-502-8312 The PASSCODE to enter the conference is: 697088# Toll # 1-719-387-5595 "Hear you…
I woke up!!!
I did wake up and it seemed like a few minutes had gone by..I was in ICU from Wed-Fri. then moved to a regular room Friday evening.. I got home yesterday but went straight to bed... I didn't sleep at all in the hospitial and my level of anxiety was way out there~~~ I was convinced I was dying.. I came out with 23 things…
Twenty-three months +
I am new to this board and have never attended local groups. I am 63, my mother died of breast cancer at age 42 - I was 17 at the time. So, I always had my mammograms - In Sept, 2004 I was diagnosed with BC - stage III. It was in my lymph nodes - 20 removed, 15 positive. I had a modified radical mastectomy and chemo and…
Inspiration Photo w/Message
Hi Sisters, I have added a photo to my expressions page. It is a photo I took of my daughter the day after my first chemo. I wanted to share the story with you. It was a local children's marathon. My daughter was not yet 5, although since she was nearing the age of 5, my Mom had inadvertently registered her in the 5 year…
Surgery on July 28
I just had surgery on Tuesday July 28th. I had a bilateral left side simple, right side modified radical. Came home on Thursday. I did not have reconstruction as I am going with what I have left. Only two shots of morphine in the hospital and I was sent home with Lorcet, but only had three of those. Yesterday afternoon and…
Hi, My dad's ex-lover (Nena) has been battling breat cancer for over 4 years. She now lives in the Bronx, NY and she is in bad shape. She now has tumors in her lungs and they say there is nothing they can do for her. She has threee daughters (the oldest is my 1/2 sister). They do not speak english. My mom keeps updating me…
Struggling today
Hi all 3rd treatment of a/c was Friday and today is my down day. Every bite, every popsicle, every spoon of jello is a struggle. I am managing to get some food down and some fluids and I have napped some but the day is sooooooooooooo long. Just needed to vent. 1 more of these and its on to taxol/herceptin. I sure hope its…
Chemo Brain Sets In
All, I think I experienced my first Chemo Brain episode. The other day I could not remember how to insert a photo in a file. It was my 10th hour at work and I was tired but I do this every day. But today it was pretty obvious I had Chemo Brain. I came home from work and was changing out of my work clothes. Not only did I…
Hey Spinnr - best wishes to your GF and you!
Hey, Spinnr! Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you both and praying for you both. I just thought I would start up a new thread because the other one is getting a bit long... kind of a long scroll downward before I got to your latest updates. My very best to you both, and please continue keeping us all up to…
recurrence fear/does anyone else do this
No that I'm a little more than a year out from chemo, I noticed I am becoming obsessed with recurrence. I had mastectomies and reconstruction, and I find myself becoming obsessed with any little bump or irregularity in my skin, no matter how small, and then I can't remember if this was always there (the irregularity or…
TAC Reaction Question
I had my first TAC chemo treatment yesterday. All went pretty well. This morning my chest and left breast are a bright red, warm to the touch, almost like a sunburn. Can anyone tell me if this is a normal reaction, or not? Thanks, Carla
Soooooooo Exciting!
Today I hit every Garage/Yard sale I could manage and sure lucked out! For new life and apartment: Beautiful computer desk that closes to a hutch. (Matches my corner unit for the telly!) 10$can Autumnal shades brand new area rug....$30can Blue/grey fringed bathside rug...free Phone 50c (works) Telly 3$ Tested and works…
Swollen feet and body aches
Good Mornin to all, Has been awhile. I finally finished chemo on July 1st Hooray!!! I have been having trouble with swollen feet and legs. Never had this problem til I started chemo. It always went away when it was treatment time. Now, Its hasn't gone away. On lasic not working. I have started radiation 8 so far. I also,…
Taxol/Herceptin Question
Has Taxol and/or Herceptin made anyone's skin thin (for lack of a better term)? It takes virtually nothing to cause bleeding; mild scratches bleed, nose bleeds. Is this the Taxol? I've only got one more to go (12 total treatments), then continue on with the Herceptin for a year, plus Arimedix (sp) for 5 years. Is it likely…
Making Love (well, almost)
Errr...It's been months you see. Not since the diagnosis. Being two woman in this relationship, we are far more concerned with emotions etc than the physical. Also we've been togeter forever, so the need for sex is not as overwhelming as the need for each other's support, love, laughter, tears. Don't know if I'm saying…
Breast Pain in left, 10 year survivor so a little nervous headed for a MRI
Hello I had pain that stings and shoots from the side of the left breast not all the time; I went for an mammogram that led me to an ultra sound. they saw a cluster of cysts and I said I have discomfort underneath my arm that radiates the left side and someone said don't worry it is pre-menapause. Please those who found…
Hair Loss Anyway?
I've been told I do not have to take chemo (of which I am very grateful); however, I have been given Arimidex. I noticed one of the side effects is hair loss. Has anyone experienced this and is it as bad a hair loss as with chemo. It's the inquiring mind working again. Thanks all. Maryann
Depression in husbands
I hope you won't think I'm whining on a site where all of you are going through so much more than I, but I have found everyone here to be very caring, understanding, and helpful. My questions are: do most husbands have serious problems with depression? And how do you get over it? Ever since my wife's diagnosis I have been…
I guess I am too positive!!
I cannot sleep tonight....But am thinking that maybe I am too positive about things! I haven't gotten a lot of people writing me.Is that normal here?
Struggling today thank you
Its been such a long day and I really am overtired. I think I have done ok with eating and drinking but the fatigue makes me so down in the dumps. Thanks for all the support, advice and good wishes. It really helps to know that the taxol and herceptin regimen is easier to deal with. It will help me get thru one more cycle…
Tasha from Donna
Hi Tasha, I tried to pm you and can't get through for some reason. Probably because I'm technically challenged. I didn't know what else to do so I just put it out there. Thank you for answering me. The feeling that I had was a gut feeling and I'm glad I was wrong. Everything I wrote was the truth. It takes so much strength…
Why Does Hormone Therapy Have So Many Bad Side Effects?
Has anyone ever asked their oncologist this? I haven't yet, but, I will. There must be some explanation. But what? Why would they all, more or less, have terrible side effects? Even like tamoxifen, it can give you ovarian cancer. Does it all make sense? And, some of the side effects will last your lifetime.
No Chemo - Cause for Celebration for Maryann
Just got back from the oncologist and my Oncotype DX score was 8. She was extremely happy and now will be taking Arimidex for 5 years. Am going to take a nap now as I feel like a ton of bricks came off my shoulders. Love, Maryann
Am I crazy for not wanting to take Femara? Help!
I would love to hear from anyone about the drug Femara. I had a bilateral mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction 7 weeks ago. My oncologist wants me to take Femara but I'm not so sure because of the side effects. My tumor was .7 so it was very small and I had areas of calcification cocerns in the other. I feel like I…
Mugga or Electrocardiogram??
I've seen several folks have been given a "Mugga" scan. My doc ordered an "electrocardiogram", which I did have done. What's the difference between the two and is one better than the other? I'm starting my chemo this Thursday and just am wondering. Also......everyone is telling me that I will be GAINING weight with…
Know what I did at chemo today
You know what? I actually removed by headcovering at chemo today and there were at least 15 people in there... That was a big step for me since I dont take it off in public...I just shaved it off last week. Anyway...Have a nice evening all LInda T