Depression & Anxiety six months after diagnosis
I was diagnosed with bc last April. Of course, I was upset and really afraid of what was in store for me but handled it pretty well. Really proud of myself then. Had two surgeries (quadrectomy and sentinel node surgery). Lots of testing including mammotome (really awful)- There was a moment when the onc talked about full…
Book recommendations?
In the chemo brain thread earlier this week, Kelly248 recommended the book Your Brain After Chemo: A Practical Guide to Lifting the Fog and Getting Back Your Focus, by Dan Silverman and Idelle Davidson. I bought it immediately, and am really getting some great information out of it (THANK YOU, Kelly!). This got me to…
I've had a bad toothache and seeing the dentist tomorrow. Its miserable. Anyone else have more tooth issues during chemo? Haven't been on board much, not feeling well because of tooth.
the affects of radiation therapy
Since my radiation theraphy treatment in 1994 I cannot be in temperatures 85 degress and up without feeling sick or feeling like I will pass out. Have you heard of this before?
woo hoo 4 more left
can't believe only 4 more rad treatments left.. what a year.. in dec will be a year since I found the lump.. have post treatment pet scan scheduled for end of Jan..
Finally, Surgery on Friday!!
My double mastectomy surgery is almost here! I'm scared, excited, relieved, nervous, and exhausted. They will be putting in expanders & port at the same time. Any last minute suggestions?? Things to take to the hospital? Things to ask surgeon, plastic surgeon? Things to ask nurses, hospital? Any and all help, and/or…
Tram Flap, Latissimus Flap or Implant - Help!!!
I have read up on all three and to be truthful all 3 have drawbacks but I can't see myself without a breast. Please if you've had one of these tell me the good and bad. I see the plastic surgeon on Wednesday so I'd like to have more info going in. I have already had 2 c-sections can they use those scars or do they have to…
"Phantom Boob Pain?"
Every now and then, I get fleeting pains along my incision line (3 months out from simple mastectomy with SNB). Anyone else?
Tuesday Tickle!
A guy and a Girl meet whilst out clubbing (Why do my jokes always start like this?) anyway, they meet, dance, get passionate and he invites her back to his pad for some serious, chandelier swinging fun. When they get there she is most impressed by his decor, and a little concerned. All the walls are chock a block with…
Tamoxifen and Side Effects
I am new to this site. Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the side effect of "hot flashes" while taking Tamoxifen? I have only been on it since May, and I have 5 years of treatment. What else should I look out for? I really shouldn't complain, as I have never had to deal with the scare of chemo or radiation,…
TracininLA .. Chemo finished ???
Do you have any insight or recommendation for those of us ... still going to chemo ??? VickiSam
When will this site be fixed?
I'm lost without all of you.
The Map of where we are
Yep! It's finally there. I did have to do it in 2 sections so we have one map with West of Mississippi and one with East but we're connected by hearts, minds, thoughts, prayers, survivorship and BC. You will notice that I've listed BC last. As I have learned in the past 2 months since I joined, the reason I'm here isn't as…
Screwed up site!
Sorry our site is so screwd up!! no fault of my own, but it still hurts me.............. well just gotta tell you, ILOVE YOU SO MUCH!! and don't give up, we will make it!
Any stories about Taxotere/Cytoxan
Bi lateral mastectomy Done..Reconstruction ..started...Chemo..starts in 10 days. Taxotere/Cytoxan 6 treatments, one every three weeks. Any information/advice you can give me about the beast I'm getting ready to conquer. I've done some research. All the medical garbo says the same scary scary stuff.A friend of mine told me…
Fantastic Article
A friend of mine sent me this and I want to share with all of you. http://www.baltimoresun.com/health/breastcancer/bal-md.hs.survivors26oct26,0,4119950.story?track=rss
I got my results from my re-excision and I am clear! Its no longer present in my body! :D My recovery is much slower than my previous one, but i am trying hard to be patient. Also, although I am glad I super glad over this news, I felt very sad at the same time. (At first i thought it was just that i had a bad day b/c less…
will be starting A.C.T. first week in Nov. and am really scared
I get my port put in on Friday, the 30th which is scary in itself! Then I finally found out which chemo drugs will be used for my chemo treatment - Adriamycin, Cytoxan, and Taxol. I will be starting them the following week which is the first week in November. After reading all the side effects of these 3 drugs used in…
Hi Everyone, hope you are all doing well. I haven't been on for a week or two, went to my Oncologist today, remember, I couldn't take the Arimidex and had a Hemotoma where I had my mastectomy which happened after the radiation was over. I then had a drain tube put back in for 3 weeks, got that out and now have been…
Bow, Wow. Ruff, Bark.
A guy is driving around the back woods of Tennessee and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: "Talking Dog For Sale." He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the back yard. The guy goes into the back yard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever sitting there. "You…
2nd Round of Chemo completed today
2nd round of chemo completed today. So far so good. The infection has improved somewhat, but will continue on cipro and vantin. I sucked on a piece of hard candy as the nurse flushed my port, and it helped to camoflage the rubbing alcohol taste. I did get a metallic taste from the adriamycin today, and it seems to be…
Did It-Hair is Gone - I feel Free
Couldnt stand it one minute longer. A friend came over Friday eveing and cut it. I took a shower and a considerable amount additonally came out. Hubby and I finished it off last evening. What a relief!! Wearing my scarf today and feeling comfortable and free!
2nd chemo today went well
So far so good. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'm trying to post many of you with no luck. It's frustrating, isn't it? I don't know how to copy and paste. Natly, good luck on your 2nd tomorrow. Bald isn't so bad, is it? Just a readjustment to our hair routine. I like my wigs, but it gets hot after a long time on. Even…
Free housecleaning for patients on chemo
Look ladies, I don't know if this is nationwide or even legit. But if any of you want to check it out and let others know, here is the information my sister-in-law forwarded to me... The ribbon is pink but when it comes to housecleaning for free I'm colorblind! With Hope, MiMi Cleaning for a Reason If you know any woman…
Visualization therapy?
I read about this from a story in the book "Chicken Soup for the Cancer Survivors Soul" my sister gave me. A great book. A story about someone using visualization therapy to kill cancer cells. In your mind imagine a bird eating seed and the seeds are cancer cells. Or visualize a bright light shining thru the top of your…
What not to do when you go to the oncologist
Today was my klutzy day. I had an appointment with my oncologist to check my counts since my last chemo was three weeks ago. My husband dropped me off at the front of the building and I got out of the car and shut the car door on my finger. Boy did that hurt!!!! I picked a good place to do it though. They went and got the…
Another funny for Monday
Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well, they decided to get married. One broom was, of course, the bride broom, the other the groom broom. The bride broom looked very beautiful in her white dress. The groom broom was handsome and suave in his tuxedo. The wedding was…
How to best help my Mom.
My AMAZING Mom was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer. She had a lumpectomy and is currently undergoing chemo every 3 weeks with radiation starting after in December or January. My Dad just recently (August) passed away. They were very happily married. Needless to say, it has been a hard time. I…
Oncotype DX question
So I finally have an appointment scheduled for my medical oncologist (MO) for November 10th. My surgeon told me that the MO will order the Oncotype test since my lymph nodes and margins were clear from my lumpectomy. For those of you that have had this test, how long did it take to get the results? As you all know, the…
Aches and pains
I had my first chemo on Thursday and felt great until today. I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night and woke up today feeling like someone beat me all night. Every muscle and joint in my body hurts to the point of tears. Any one had this with taxotere and cytoxan and how long does it last?