Could it already be Monday again? -- GOAL MONDAY, ladies!

mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
OK, so after the wild weekend, we now have to settle down and set some goals for the week. I've already started the week off right by having a healthy breakfast at home and packing a good lunch. I didn't pack my workout clothes, however, so that's not so good. Here are some of the things I want to accomplish this week:

1) Call back and order a sonogram with my annual mammogram next month
2) Order a heart-rate monitor and "The Artist's Way" from Amazon
3) Pack a lunch every day
4) Follow exercise schedule
5) Finish "Life Plan" list
6) Try to stay in the moment and not deny negative feelings

So, ladies, what have you planned for this week? Fall is in full swing!! Let's hear it!



  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    My last week off of work
    It looks like I'm going back to work next Monday (I'll find out for sure when I have my surgical follow-up tomorrow), so I want to make the most of my time at home:

    1. Take 2 walks every day (1 with my puppy and 1 without)
    2. Get all my paperwork organized
    3. Get an appointment with my medical oncologist to discuss my treatment plan
    4. Take a nap every day
    5. Finish reading the book I just started

    Wishing everyone a great week!
  • chickad52
    chickad52 Member Posts: 497
    One day at a time
    is how I take each week, depending on how I feel! Plan on taking walks in the beautiful fall weather. And have to go to the cardiologist and see the surgeon this week. Hope all of yours is a great week! Hugs, Diane
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    My goal is to:
    get more

    My goal is to:

    get more exercise
    and get more sunshine

    Gee I could do both at the same time!

    We went to the VW meet yesterday in town. Pretty neat. VW's from the 60's and 70's. We don't have one now but have had a few in the past.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    okay I will play along
    1) Do prep work for painting inside of house. (there is a lot of prep work yet to do)

    2) Pick new carpet to be installed within 10 days.

    3) Decide on a plan for the dinning area

    4) Call my Onco for appt.

    5) Bowl better tonight during League bowling. :-)

    6) Get husbands meds

    Thats enough for now.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    LOL, Ok here is mine.....
    Go through stack of mail on kitchen counter. If I accomplish this much, I will be very happy! Also, I may attempt one small walk! Pammy
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Akiss4me said:

    LOL, Ok here is mine.....
    Go through stack of mail on kitchen counter. If I accomplish this much, I will be very happy! Also, I may attempt one small walk! Pammy

    I have most of my energy
    I have most of my energy when i first wake up--so I plan one task each day, so far so good. The rest of the day finds me sitting and now I know that's ok because that is where my body is right now.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Akiss4me said:

    LOL, Ok here is mine.....
    Go through stack of mail on kitchen counter. If I accomplish this much, I will be very happy! Also, I may attempt one small walk! Pammy

    I have most of my energy
    I have most of my energy when i first wake up--so I plan one task each day, so far so good. The rest of the day finds me sitting and now I know that's ok because that is where my body is right now.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    natly15 said:

    I have most of my energy
    I have most of my energy when i first wake up--so I plan one task each day, so far so good. The rest of the day finds me sitting and now I know that's ok because that is where my body is right now.

    What a week is is going to be
    Tonight football practice that didn't happen--none of the coaches showed up.
    Tuesday--cat to vet, furnace cleaned, and septic system pumped.
    Wednesday-cub scouts

    Working all week of course.
  • juanita63
    juanita63 Member Posts: 2

    What a week is is going to be
    Tonight football practice that didn't happen--none of the coaches showed up.
    Tuesday--cat to vet, furnace cleaned, and septic system pumped.
    Wednesday-cub scouts

    Working all week of course.

    my list walk everyday and schedule mammo and check-up with rad onc
    3.sort stuff for grandkids' scrapbooks
    4.try to eat better
  • JmG86
    JmG86 Member Posts: 53
    Okay...if I can get my butt
    Okay...if I can get my butt out of bed a little earlier, I'll take a walk in the morning before work. That's big for me - I hate getting out of bed in the morning! If I can accomplish that one thing this week, it'll be huge!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    JmG86 said:

    Okay...if I can get my butt
    Okay...if I can get my butt out of bed a little earlier, I'll take a walk in the morning before work. That's big for me - I hate getting out of bed in the morning! If I can accomplish that one thing this week, it'll be huge!

    That cracked me up because I thought you were going to finish with: "If I could get my butt up out of bed at all"! Especially now that it's getting cold and the way we sometimes feel in general! Who wants to get up?
    Sorry couldn't help myself! :-)
  • JmG86
    JmG86 Member Posts: 53
    Cat64 said:

    That cracked me up because I thought you were going to finish with: "If I could get my butt up out of bed at all"! Especially now that it's getting cold and the way we sometimes feel in general! Who wants to get up?
    Sorry couldn't help myself! :-)

    Hey listen...
    I think my husband thinks I'm having an affair with my pillow, I really don't want to let it go! LOL. Anyway, like you said, now that it's cold out AND dark out in the morning, I'm having even more trouble getting out of bed, and that just gives me more excuses not to!
    Have to keep my sense of humor about it, but I really will try to get out there tomorrow.......Hey, can I bring my pillow with me? {{{giggle}}}
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    My goals for the week
    Theres a bunch of gals at work who want to do a triathalon in June next year so we are supposed to sign up for the class to learn how to do it. Starts wed.

    Goal#1: sign up for triathalon class
    Goal#2: keep working on the running...I used to do 4 to 5 miles at a time, I can barely go 1/2 mile now.

    Goal#3: work all week...and try to remember how to get there(read my post on chemo brain)

    That should do it

    LInda t
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Goals for the week
    I'm glad we do this, because it really does make me focus, which is sometimes kind of hard with chemobrain. Anyway, I have a few things I'd like to do this week.

    1. Go to Curves at least three times.
    2. Begin a Yoga class that's being held at my church.
    3. Help my oldest grandson celebrate his 8th birthday tomorrow.
    4. Go to my book club tomorrow and enjoy some friendships.
    5. Get my 5th Zometa infusion on Thursday.
    6. Enjoy this beautiful fall weather.

    I think I should have put #6 as #1. It's very important for all of us to find some joy and beauty in each of our days. It helps us to get past what we're going through, and it will help in defeating the beast.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My list for this week
    1) Walk more each day.

    2) Finish weeding my garden.

    3) Plant more flowers (native when possible) and then sit back and enjoy them. Take extra time to watch all of the butterflies that are flitting around now.

    4) Cook a big pot of chicken gumbo--extra hot sauce.

    5) Finish reading all of the Maisie Dobbs series (on #4)

    6) Imagine that each and every one of us is cured of this blasted disease. I would also like to imagine that I send each one of you a flower from my garden. I'll even send a butterfly!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    My list for this week
    1) Walk more each day.

    2) Finish weeding my garden.

    3) Plant more flowers (native when possible) and then sit back and enjoy them. Take extra time to watch all of the butterflies that are flitting around now.

    4) Cook a big pot of chicken gumbo--extra hot sauce.

    5) Finish reading all of the Maisie Dobbs series (on #4)

    6) Imagine that each and every one of us is cured of this blasted disease. I would also like to imagine that I send each one of you a flower from my garden. I'll even send a butterfly!

    Goals for this week ..
    1) TCH - 5 1/2 to 6 hours infusion .. make it thru without crying -

    2) Remember to take my neulasta shot with me tomorrow after chemo - injecting myself
    at home 24 hours after chemo ... note to self: take claratin this go round

    3) Enjoy the cooler weather out here in California

    4) Try to make dinner 3 times this week
    5) Try and make it to at least 2 yoga classes

    6) Enjoy my family and friends - even tho this is my week from Hell.. chemo and all

    7) When feeling down and out .. remember and savor -- the Giants big loss, and Eli Manning crying during the game .. Good memories -- in fact, I may watch Sunday's game again - sometime Thursday (saved on TIVO) .. just to keep my spirits up

    8) Watch Angel playoff's .. with the knowlege that I will be in the stands next year for playoff's and world series .. if they get that far - we can all hope

    Love, Laughter and Strength to all my sisters in PINK. Have a strong week.

  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    JmG86 said:

    Hey listen...
    I think my husband thinks I'm having an affair with my pillow, I really don't want to let it go! LOL. Anyway, like you said, now that it's cold out AND dark out in the morning, I'm having even more trouble getting out of bed, and that just gives me more excuses not to!
    Have to keep my sense of humor about it, but I really will try to get out there tomorrow.......Hey, can I bring my pillow with me? {{{giggle}}}

    This was funny!

    I woke up at 4:00 this morning. I thought about going for a walk and then thought "Dark out and cold" and just came downstairs and got on my laptop instead.
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Goals this week
    1. Wash work clothes.
    2. Go grocery shopping (can I skip this one?).
    3. Go to gyno and physical therapy appointments.
    4. Prioritize work/life balance (this one is still a struggle for me).
    5. Put polish on toenails (I did my fingernails yesterday morning).
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    I need a plan thanks
    Tues Go to work today and stay focused. Make Dinner 8 pm MRI Drink 21/2 gallons of water
    Weds 8 am ultra sound, go to work, 3:30 surgery followup, drink 2 1/2 gallons of water
    Thurs 7 am son to football practice, 8 am ultra sound, go to work for a bit, 1:30 CAT with contrast (pray water helps them get a vein this time)
    Fri Hope for onc appt and test results.

    Yesterday the onc office added and changed my tests 4 times. Each test finds new questions and every test with contrast is a huge issues. Techs can't get what the cnc needs. So my plan above all is to try really hard to remember that this is being done in God's time not mine. He know the answers...I only have to stay focused and positive!

    Really big only

    I like everone's plans wish I could join you for these walks and gardening. I will be with you all in thought and that will help me focus.

  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    I need a plan thanks
    Tues Go to work today and stay focused. Make Dinner 8 pm MRI Drink 21/2 gallons of water
    Weds 8 am ultra sound, go to work, 3:30 surgery followup, drink 2 1/2 gallons of water
    Thurs 7 am son to football practice, 8 am ultra sound, go to work for a bit, 1:30 CAT with contrast (pray water helps them get a vein this time)
    Fri Hope for onc appt and test results.

    Yesterday the onc office added and changed my tests 4 times. Each test finds new questions and every test with contrast is a huge issues. Techs can't get what the cnc needs. So my plan above all is to try really hard to remember that this is being done in God's time not mine. He know the answers...I only have to stay focused and positive!

    Really big only

    I like everone's plans wish I could join you for these walks and gardening. I will be with you all in thought and that will help me focus.
