my experience

marciadp Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with cancer (few months ago). of course I went through chemotherapy, suffered terrible pain and was much tiered. At that point I was so weak so I decided to take a supplement that my friend takes for sleep disorders (an antiviral supplement) so I could be less tiered and do some stuff at home.
Anyway, after I finished with the chemo I continue to take that supplement and I feel much better. I am not sure about the supplement effect on my recovery, but my doctor says that my white blood cells count is close to normal now, and he thinks that this is pretty fast recovery.

Could this supplement help?

Marcia del Puerto


  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    supplements, etc.
    First, welcome to the discussion boards. No one wants to be here, but we do have a marvelous support system, and you will find great information too.

    Typically, your oncologist would want to know everything you are taking, including vitamins, supplements and/or herbal remedies. Just because it's "all natural" or availabe OTC does not mean it will be good for you at this time, and may even work against you. For instance, I have been cautioned to avoid soy products becase the natural plant estrogen will "feed" my cancer. It's amazing how many foods contain soy!! Take the bottle with you for your next appointment so the doctor can see the ingredient list.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Hi and welcome Marcia
    I agree with m_azingrace 100%. She said it all about supplements. I was told to quit the suppliments that I was on during treatment.

    I certainlly think the supplement can help, but the doctor needs to ok it. Anyway glad you are feeling and resting better.

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Jadie said:

    Hi and welcome Marcia
    I agree with m_azingrace 100%. She said it all about supplements. I was told to quit the suppliments that I was on during treatment.

    I certainlly think the supplement can help, but the doctor needs to ok it. Anyway glad you are feeling and resting better.


    I am glad that you feel
    I am glad that you feel good, but, I hope that you have told your oncologist about anything that you are taking. Good luck!

    Sue :)