Taking a break between chemo and rads.
I finished chemo May 13th and met with the rad onco May 17th. I am scheduled for radiation simulation June 2nd and rads will begin on June 14th. I had a CT yesterday and will get the results when I see the onco on June 3rd. I also hope to get my port out next month. Until then, I am leaving tomorrow morning for our annual…
Did anyone else see this on the news?
I saw on the news this morning that they have come up with a vaccine that will not only treat breast cancer but can also prevent it! It is in animal studies now but will be done in a year. Can that be true? I'm stunned and thrilled if it actually happens. Roseann
rad(iation) tattoos!
So I've finally gotten around to reconstruction (after 5.5 years! left mastectomy) and I've got cleavage again after being less than flat on one side. The only funny thing is that one of my radiation tattoos is now right there, front and center, in/at the new cleavage! Looks like someone took a blue ballpoint pen to my…
Got Puffs!!!
What a wonderful feeling - yesterday went and got post mastectomy bra and puffs - felt like the remaining 38D girl now has company. Not ready for prostesis fitting yet but what a wonderful feeling it is to get to this point. Still have some pain and the numbness is there but things are so much better in the past week; I am…
You Guys Are Awesome
Greetings From Texas! I was diagnosed with BC on April 7th and had the bi-lateral with immediate reconstructive on April 30th. So, today I celebrate one month post-op! My chemo is scheduled to begin on June 10th, and I'll go once every three weeks for six treatments and then finish out the year on Herceptin. Not looking…
wrong diagnosis
First I want to say how many beautiful young courageous women are on here. I probably should not even be on here because I am older and have lived to see my grandchildren. But here goes and hope my story will help. I found a 4mm nodule in left breast two years ago and took it to my doctor and to radiology. They did all the…
I;m new at this so please bare with me. But I just had surgery and was just wondering if its normal if your breast turns completely black and blue. I had surgery on May 12.2010 and just a little worried . Can any boby comment please!! thank you
Today is BethinAz's Birthday 2!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BETH HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day is filled with love, laughter, good food & great presents! ♥ Cat
Strange feeling in Chest
Immediately after my mastectomy, I started having this strange feeling in my chest ( hard to describe). It's like a cool flush or tingle. I thought maybe nerve damage, but two years later I still have it. Doctors don't have an answer. Has anyone else had this symptom?
Spindle Cell Sarcoma Looking for similar cases
4 years ago my wife Mary had a lumpectomy and it was diagnosed as Spindle Cell Sarcoma, very rare in the Breast. She just underwent a mastectomy as she had a re-occurrence in the same breast, in the same area with a tumor that grew to 3 cm in less then 6 months. Now just 10 weeks later they found a large mass at the base…
Link to a new breast cancer study article
Hi all! I saw this and thought I'd share. : ) http://health.msn.com/medications/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100259596&Gt1=31036
Poetry for Survivors
If you would like to read some wonderful poems and look at beautiful pictures of Spring, check out www.oncolink.com and select "poetry" from the menu--really beautiful poems and pictures by women like us!
Tip for FEMARA Joint Pain
I saw my onc on Tuesday and told her about all the pain I am having in my shoulders and ankles due to Femara. She suggested that I try Glucosamine. I bought the Glucosamine Sulfate 500 mg from GNC and it seems to be working. I have only been taking it for two days and the joint pain is not nearly as severe. Thought I would…
SUNRAE * Just wondering how you are doing on chemo!
Hey Sunrae! I think this is your 2nd week on chemo. Just praying that it will be easier on you. Sue :)
Arrrgh after Pet Scan Yesterday!
Still need to have the brain MRI done this afternoon, but I had the pet scan yesterday afternoon and met with the surgeon this morning. Surgery has been postponed. I need more chemo. Arrgh! My hair was just starting to grow back! So I need to get through more chemo before they can do my mastectomy (I have IBC) then heal up…
I am so sad today...
Bear with me as I vent... Today was my best friends birthday - she died 2 years ago this coming August - she struggled with so many things including her hubby (Pops) having 4 different cancers - he is in remission again (thanks to the powers that be) - her daughter is getting married today and Pops can't make it because of…
port bleeding
Hi ladies, I normally post on the OVCA board, but my mom had a power port inserted today, and I know this is an active board, and alot of you have ports. Any advice would be great. thanks in advance! My mom had her port inserted today. Bleeding is an issue with her because of her medications. It has blead through a thick…
Friday Evening Funny!!!!
Eileen and her husband Bob went for counseling after 25 years of marriage. When asked what the problem was, Eileen went into a passionate, painful tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the 25 years they had been married. She went on and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling…
Newly diagnosed Tram flap bi or unilaterial??
I am 40 and have decided to have a mastectomy done at the same time as the Tram flap. I am agonizing on whether or not to have a uni- or bilateral mastectomy. I am also going to court on Tuesday to start divorcing my husband and insurance will be expensive. I will only be on his policy for 31 days after the divorce. I can…
Hi everyone.The new people don,t know me,but some of you do from awhile back.I finished treatments in Jan.I have been taking Arimidex since then.I have had a lot of pain and numbness in my hands and ankles.The Dr. wants me to stop taking it for two weeks.She said if it is the Arimidex it would stop by then.The pain is…
I am 2 1/2 weeks past a bilateral mastectomy and haven't seen this topic discussed, perhaps I've missed it. Anyway, I have an extremely supportive husband who is doing everything he can for me and my family both physically and emotionally. Intimacy has always been a huge part of our life and I know he is missing it right…
microglandular adenosis
Hello everyone...with all your collective wisdom, do any of you have experience with this diagnosis? A friend has just been told her recent breast lump biopsy reveals that she does not have an active breast cancer but instead has this thoughout her breast. Her surgeon and pathologist admit they have never treated a case…
whats wrong with me?
whats wrong with me some days I feel strong,but there are days that I cant stop crying.I cant be alone that,when Im with my family Im like Im okay laugh,go out for dinner or just watch tv. but give me some time alone and I loose it,I realy try so hard to control myself but the tears just come out. whats wrong with me…
Oncologist advice - no scan
First consult with oncologist today. I am stage 2a, no nodes, 3cm tumor removed by lumpectomy. The oncologist says he will order a scan if I want one, but seems to believe that the amount of radiation the body receives in a scan is a risk that outweighs the small chance it might have spread (says 1 to 2%). Anyone else had…
Carter's father wrote this for the chicago tribune. It's sad but I hope it makes you smile.
Carter Kettner, 2003 - 2010 6-year-old's battle with brain cancer moved many in Chicago Topics Hospitals and Clinics Cancer NASA See more topics » XFamily Brain Space Programs Amusement and Theme Parks Death and Dying By Duaa Eldeib, Tribune reporter 7:37 p.m. CDT, May 13, 2010 E-mail Print Share Text Size In February of…
Wigs and hats/caps with hair
Wife and I went wig shopping last weekend and the shop has a baseball cap with sewn in hair for $100, the velcro one was $75. Has anyone found a site that sells these for less than an arm and a leg? Found Paula Young (No caps) and headcovers.com....they have like a partial wig that you can wear any hat with, but Ruby wants…
How young can mammograms be done?
Will try to make this make sense. A young woman (21) at a horse forum I go to posted that her Dr. found lumps. She has family history according to her. She's been told that she's too young for a mammagram. She has an appointment for a sonogram but was told she was too young for a mammagram. I can understand taht perhaps…
Arrgh! Hair on my legs is back!
if there is an upside to hair loss, it was wonderful not having to shave my legs ; ) unfortunately, it's baaacck! very fine and light in color, but with the sun streaming through the windows, i noticed that it returned!! now if only the hair on my head could get its act together and get growing!!!
I am just venting here so please bear with me. I went in today for my 5th rad treatment. Got there on time and was waiting, along with someone else, when one of the tech's came out and said they were a little behind today. It would be about 30 minutes more. OK, no big deal. I went out to the main waiting area to let my…
Soooo tired
I have been on chemo for 5 weeks now and I am so tired. I start to do something and I get out of breath and exhausted. I could probably just sleep and sleep and sleep. I am only 44. Does anyone else have or had this problem and if yes what did you do?