Using RapidLash to help with eyelashes
OK, after losing my eyelashes twice, I decided to try one of these OTC eyelash enhancers. I called about Latisse but my insurance wouldn't cover it, plus I didn't like all the side effects. I researched other kinds and found RapidLash on Amazon.com for $30.99 and no shipping! I figured what the heck and I started using it…
post surgery
Hi All, I am having a bi-lateral mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction on June 14th. To anyone out there who had this, I need just a few basic questions answered.. What did you wear in the hospital and what home? Also, what was the best thing to wear at home while recovering? I want to start getting things ready and…
Has anyones doctor ever prescibed this for your nausea? I read the warning label and I am afraid to take it....Still taking Zofran and compazine but neither seem to work for me....I am so grateful this site is here.....God Bless you all....
Hyperbaric - Post Mastetomy Trams Flap
Hi, My healing is very slow, due to lack of oxygen to breast and belly areas. Does anyone know if going to a hyperbaric chamber would be ok? I haven't had chemo or radiation as of yet. Thanks. Laurel
First AC chemo & Neulasta shot..i am so sick and achy..help
I had my first round of chemo at 100am on 5/20/10 AC, it went pretty well, until about 7pm that night after the AC,I started taking my Zophran and Phenergan both are anti nauseous meds, I was then over come with fatigue. Then I went back in for my Neulasta shot, and i was feeling pretty good other than tired......then…
Me and my new hair.
Hi everyone.I am getting ready for my second hair cut since cancer.I never thought I would go with this color of hair.I thought I would dye it right away.But i have got so many compliments on it,i think I will leave it this color.And it has came in thick.I am so glad and thankful. To you that have or will loose your hair…
Chemo 2
Have to go to my 2nd treatment today..Have to say I am still nervous even though I know what to expect this time....But on the plus side I will be half way there after today....This is a journey I never thought I would be on but it sure is an eye opener.....Praying for a cure....
Today is starseed's Birthday!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR STARSEED HAPPY 56th BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, & special blessings throughout the year! &hearts, Cat
I am on day #5 of my first chemo treatment for stage 2 breast cancer. When can I expect to loose my hair? I have heard that younger women may loose it quicker. I am 43 years old with three young daughters and we are all anxiously waiting!
MD Anderson Cancer Center
I informed my doctor that I wanted treatment at MD Anderson in Houston ,Tx for my stage 1 ductal carcinoma. I called them last Friday to begin the process.Please share your experience at MD Anderson. Thanks Tanika.
All good news for me today and still with NED
I got my biopsy results and it was just scar tissue and fluid built up from the lumpectomy! What a relief! I also got my test results from the cardiologist and everything is fine! I am very happy today. I feel like its finally time to move on with my life!
2 down 2 to go!
Well yesterday was chemo treatment 2 of 4 so I am halfway done with chemo!! I will still have 6 wks of rads but I will do it! I am feeling better today that the day after the first treatment, no nausea and not as foggy feeling. I am still tired feeling but having a nice lazy day. Hope you all have a great weekend!! God…
Okay Okay I know dont yell
Hi all, I know it has been quite a while since you have heard from me. Yes I did fall off the edge of he world, but have found my way back. I would like to report to all who know me that all is well, my life has many blessings in it, and much joy. My health and strenght are better everyday. And all my tests dcontinue to…
Sugar Levels
All of a sudden my sugar levels are high. Never had a problem with this before. I was just wondering if this was some kind of side affect.
wow, it doesn't take much anymore
It doesn't take much to hurt my feelings lately....Just venting, and realizing that while I have been battling this BC thing....being tired, less money, not much fun anymore....my daughter's best friend's mother did something for her that I had planned to do!! Please don't get me wrong, we are all like family, and I…
more waiting
almost two months after finishing chemo and changing doctors (lost faith in the surgeon), mastectomy was scheduled for may 27. when i went yesterday for my appointment with the radiation oncologist, i found out they need (want?) to do a brain mri and a pet scan! pet scan is on for may 26 with mri hopefully the next day.…
2 weeks of Rads finished--4 more weeks to go
I havent been posting much lately because daily radiation is taking my time. This BC has dominated my life for the past year. I so look forward to completion of treatment. My energy is slowly starting to come back. Praise the Lord! I mopped floors today and did many things in the house I havent done in over a year. It's a…
Finished with Chemo today...YIPPEE!!
Today was my 4th and last chemo of cytoxan and taxotere. YIPPEE! I was so glad to get it over with. They had to stick me 3 different times but finally it work. I guess my veins were giving out from the last 3 rounds. It just feels so good to be finished. I had to do a blood test to check for enzymes and see him back in…
Brreast swelling
I had my last of 3 surgeries on May 1st. My nipple area and parts of my breast are still swollen. How long has it taken for your swelling to go down? Debbie
Fatigue vs sleep
Hi, (smile) I had my first session with AC. So far things are going great, but, I did not get much sleep last night. I should be ready to fall asleep, but I can't. I do feel fatigued. It started mid morning. Is the fatigue keeping me awake? I need sleep. Help? Debbie
I have decided to take myself off this board for now.
Thank you all for the great advice.. I am going to do group support for now. Face to face. At this time I think would be the best for me. Thanks Judy for making me see that. Chen thank you for all the wonderful advice.You are a woman wise beyond your years. A old soul.. I will be back one day after I have made it through…
returning bras that don't fit after reconstructive surgery
Hello, Ladies. I found out my bras don't fit quite the same after my reconstructive surgery. Long story short, I bought them at Kohl's, many of them quite a long time ago. I told them "I had a bilateral massectomy and implants and they just don't fit. Can I get a store credit to replace them?" I didn't have receipts for…
Questions about chemo
I am new here, so just a little background. I was diagnosed 4/27/10 with Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma Stage IIIA. Things have moved very quickly since that day. It was decided that since the tumor in my right breast was so large, I would do chemo before surgery, followed by radiation. I had my first treatment 5/13…
Hi everyone.I had posted earlier about pain in my hands really bad,and in my ankles.The dr.had me to stop taking it and 12 days later The pain has eased up alot.So she is switching me to Tamoxifen.What are your exsperiance with this drug.I have so many side effects to meds.I Pray I can take this drug.I read where you can…
My wife and mood swings
OMG.....talked to her on the phone 10 minutes before she got home and she was 9 kinds of happy....walks in the door and its Hagar the horrible. This is the biggest challenge and she hasnt even started surgery or treatment yet....what is next? Oh BTW....I was told I could keep my happy a$$ on the couch and s*x was not going…
Anyone here have endometrial or uterine cancer BEFORE breast cancer?
Hi! I had surgery, chemo, and radiation for a rare aggressive form of endometrial cancer in 2008/2009, and was treated for a recurrence in 3 lymph nodes this past winter and went back into remission in February. Now my CT/PET scan last week shows one of the same lymph nodes (1.0 cm x 1.3 cm) under my arm 'lighting up' (SUV…
I have new (@)(@)ies!
Well girls, I had my expander surgery last Monday. I got my first fill yesterday....and WHAT THE HECK?!? OUCH! It wasn't so bad when they were filling, but as the day progressed, I thought my boobs were gonna burst! They only put 60cc in each, too! I took valium and a pain killer to get to sleep then I woke up in exactly 4…
How risky are silicone implants?
Hi, I haven't written in a long time. I am finished with my heavy duty chemo and have decided to have a mastectomy, which brought me to my next topic reconstruction. What was your personal experience with implants? Are they very risky? I would appreciate your input =) ... as always. Ayse
Mother deciding she wants back in my life after she found out.
My Mother walked away from me a long time ago. She told me she wished she never had me etc. I have 4 brothers and they were always favored. I never minded because my Dad made it better for me. But when my mother walked away she had already had breast cancer. I am a nurse and I did all her care. She had a single mastectomy,…
The Rollercoaster Ride Continues
We had the first appointment with the oncologist last Thursday, expecting that he would have the revised pathology from the retested core biopsy. The original pathology from the biopsy said ER+; then the pathology from the tumor said ER-; making my wife triple -. So we get to the appoinment, and it's pretty apparent that…