Today is Kim59's Birthday!!
I'm sorry this is late Kim-I didn't forget you, I was out of town for an all too brief overnight get-away. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KIM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope all your dreams & wishes come true! ♥ Cat
Newbie and Aisling BD
Today is NewbiefromCanada and Aisling8's birthday. Let's wish them both a very happy birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR NEWBIEFROMCANADA AND AISLING8 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU .....AND MANY MORE
6th day since surgery
still on pain meds....but not as often. The drains (2) are still leaking a bit but home nurse tells me no problem. The other day had leakage on the incision and she told me no problem with that either. Tomorrow I see oncologist and Weds. I see the surgeon. The pain got worse after a day or so home from hospital....I did…
Its not over yet there's HOPE!!!!!
We have to encourage ourselves in this yes know one knows how we feel unless they've been there, but we can make it thinking of happy thoughts helps me a lot,and reading my bible and nor letting mt mind wonder,yes I have sad days but they don't get the best of me I love life and I am healed by faith. Healing scriptures…
Please forgive me if my questions are dumb
But I have another one, maybe two, who knows just yet, anyway can someone please explain to me all about the MRI. I have been told you lay on your stomach, I am a good 40 pounds overweight, I suffer from asthma, laying on my stomach is not an easy thing for me as far as breathing. What can I expect? My MRI is this coming…
Have I just not seen her latest postings...Where is A Different Ballgame????
Janelle~ where are you, Kindred Spirit ? I didn't note that you were going on vacation, or not feeling well, or having company, etc etc. But I also haven't seen any recent Weight Watcher updates from you...I know we come in and newer posts and bumped up posts re-arrange the order of things, so maybe you are on a post a few…
I was wanting to get info from anyone who has had a bilateral mastecomy with an implant reconstruction. I am curious about how you felt before and after the surgery. I was ok with it all until yesterday when I had to see the surgeon and now I am kinda getting scared. I found out I had breast cancer on May 11, but was…
Hey Chenheart. . . .
With so many "new kids on the block" do you think it's time for another edition of Welcome to Hogwarts? Whatcha think? Judy :-)
Hi everyone, surprise surprise I have a new question...
When it comes time for me to have treatment, do I get to choose what I want, for example, lumpectomy, radiation and Tamoxifen or will I be told, you're getting a mastectomy, along with chemo? who decides, me or a doctor? And will I also be given the choice to remove the "sick" boob or will I be told we need to take both of…
Can someone explain to me how they determine what lymph nodes are involved?
I've only been dx so far so I'm totally in the dark about all of this cancer business, can someone explain to me how they know which ones are needing removed and how do they go about finding them? Hope that makes sense, thanks. Ronda
New here
Glad to have found this site. I am 4 months out of treatment, but still have lingering aches and pains and wonder if anyone has experienced the same. I had 4 rounds of cytoxan and taxore. My hips and now my knees are very stiff. Anyone else experience the same? Thanks
Are you kidding???? Of course I said YES! Wouldn't you????
So, yesterday I went to a Blues Festival~ wonderful music, good friends, dancing, wine and laughter! It was over 90 degrees, and you will be happy to know that I did not sunburn AT ALL~ even tho I was outside for 8 hours . Sunscreen~ ahhhhhh. I kept the 70SPF in my ice chest, and every 30 mins or so I would mist myself~…
I went wigless today....
in public! My first time. I haven't had hair since September. I have a little bit now. It's 90° here, and that wig is HOT! Yesterday I bought a pink Nike hat. My husband and I went out for a walk at a local park, and I wore my hat in public. No one looked at me funny. I actually felt empowered. I can't wait to spike my…
Whew after a short break I am back.
Hello My Sisters, I missed you all. I hated group. Found a wonderful spirtual pyschologist.But as you know the road twists and turns with BC.My precious daughter's gentic testing came back Tues. Not good news. She is handling it well. She is looking at the big picture with wide eyes. She is 34. My high school grad present…
The AntiCancer Way - book
I'm reading this book, and it's amazing. Here's a link to it on amazon. Watch the video of the Dr. talking. He had brain cancer, twice. http://www.amazon.com/Anticancer-New-Way-Life/dp/0670021644/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1274965374&sr=8-1 I am just amazed by this book, I got it from the library, so you don't have to…
was stage 0 but after pathology I'm stage 1
I sure didn't want to be part of this "sorority", but here I am. I am 49 was diagnosed at the beginning of April with low grade stage 0 DCIS. I had the lumpectomy almost 2 weeks ago. When the pathology report came back the breast doctor and an oncologist said it was now considered stage 1. The pathology report says…
A 3rd surgery
I have already had bilateral mastectomy, a second surgery to repair tissue that was not healing on both sides, now I have a quarter-size spot that just will not heal so I am scheduled for outpatient surgery again to clean this spot up and sew it back up again. This is so frustating as they cannot put anything in my tissue…
doctors appt
well to day i had a doctors appt and he said that my labs look good but i have not been feeling well for the last couple of weeks vomiting and no get up and go it has gotten up and went with out me...lol..so they gave me some iv fliuds saying that it should make me feel better i will be happy when it kick in..lol. I was…
Just wondering if anyone has an update about Libby? Havent heard anything since her surgery>
what you think... Chemo or no?
I have not yet seen an oncologist but just wondering based off others I had a BLM with these results NEG NODES BRAC - ER +, PROG + (99%) HER2- GRADE 1 T1 Tumor size 1.4 cm IDC DCIS in 6 out of 16 breast sections 37 years old????
Tawny Me 2!!! I Did It - Totally Naked
At rads today my radiation therapist asked if I had any hair under my scarf. I said yes, but very little. She said "let me see what you have". I took off my scarf and all of a sudden it seemed everyone in radiation rallied around me and convinced me to keep the scarf off from this point forward. I told them I was so sick…
New and Grateful to have found this Network!
I am so Happy that I found this site! It feels like I finally found a site that answers many of the questions that I've had about BC treatment. I was diagnosed on March 1, 2010, and had a bilateral mastectomy with tram flap about 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately, my recovery has been delayed because I have two wounds (one on the…
~~~ Wishing Everyone A Happy & Safe Memorial Day Weekend ~~~
I hope everyone has a great holiday!
Pizza, The Miracle Drug?
So I have a new theory to share with you all. Since finishing chemo, not only have my periods come back just like before, but the PMS that comes with them, too. Yesterday, I was just raging PMS -- I hated everything and everyone. And I was craving pizza like a madwoman. So I ordered pizza all for me, ate way more than I…
surgery scheduled Tuesday.... want to say thanks to you all for ...
I was diagnosed Stage 3 bc in March, have underone 3 chemo cycles, surgery scheduled for Tuesday. I have been reading your posts for weeks........and they have given me knowledge, support, and courage as I continue on this journey. I just wanted to thank all of you who have taken the time to post on this board and offer…
financial help?
I have been told over and over by everyone that there is so much help for breast cancer patients!!! I was diagnosed on Christmas Eve and just prior to that lost my job due to the economy!!! I have $2000.00 decuctible for 2009 and 2010!!!! That is $4000.00 on unemployment, paying for cobra and basic living expenses!!!! Does…
Help...Too many meds...R they safe to take together?
I understand the anti nauseous drugs I have been subscribed which are Zofran every 8 hours and then I have Phenergan as needed every 4 hours in between the Zofran. I have Norco *hydro-codeine* as needed for pain, that comes after my Nuelasta shots and from the pain that i have when I do to much physical work around the…
******** Your HAHA barbeque joke for Memorial Day *******
Aussie Barbecue JokeAussie Barbie Season After 4 long months of cold and winter, we are finally coming up to summer and Barbecue season. Therefore, it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking as it's the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably because there is an…
Can we go in the sun?
I was wondering after Chemo and rads if we can go in the sun? I take care of my Grandson, and that calls for baseball practice and games. And today it was wicked hot, and I ended up in the shade on the other side of the field. I'm 8 months out of Chemo and Rads, I still have some problems as far as getting tired but I am…
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy ?
Please share your experience with neoadjuvant chemotherapy for IDC and DCIS. Was it helpful in shrinking your tumor?