pet scan today
pet scan this afternoon. . . brain mri tomorrow, as well as appointment with surgeon. let's get moving on this!!
DCR with jones Tubes???
I have had nothinhg but problems with my eyes since since September 09 when I went on Taxtore. They are soar, water, my eyelids are wet so I can't wear eye makeup and fill with mucus overnight. I come to find my tear ducts are blocked and since it has been so long (onc didn't seem worried said it would go away after meds…
3:45 p.m. time slot now available -- I'm done with rads!!!
Yahoo!! Today is 35 of 35 and then I'm done! What will I do? Probably just go back to working all day without taking a break for radiation, but still... Yipee. Now, on to Arimidex. Thanks for all your support, Victoria
Everchanging Pathology
Core biopsy: 50%ER+;3% PR (borderline) Tumor pathology: triple negative Redone pathology from core biopsy: 1st told 40%ER+; PR- over the phone; then when we given the actual report, it says 20%ER+;30%PR+ Now we are waiting for the Oncotype test results. Hopefully we can trust them!!
newbie May 25
Hello! I am a newbie! A little about myself..I just finished 6 weeks radiation a few weeks ago and now on Arimidex. I have not found yet..any discussion on this med. I am into my second week. This is a trial test for me..as I'm not sure I want to continue with this med. I see my Oncologist again June 10 to discuss side…
Went to the oncologist last time I seen him he was going to start me on tamx, but he instead started me on femara. My Vitamin D was a little low so I am taking 50,000 units a week. He did a bone destiny test, and said I have bones of a twenty five year old, jusrt wish I felt 25, I'm 60. Did any of you have Femara? Dottie
What a helpful place
Hello Everyone! I am new here my name is Kay, I am 52 and diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, on March 23,2010. So far I have had Mammogram, Ultra sound, Ct scans, E-rays, Biopsy of breast,Blood work (a few times). Allot of poking and prodding. Skin biopsy, Still have to have Biopsy Lymph nodes. Surgeon says I will…
New to Group today--metastatic breast cancer
1st I had DCIS (non-infiltrating). After a double mastectomy, no radiation or chemo, years later cancer was found in my chest wall. I changed oncologists. This time I had chemo (AC & Taxol), then 35 rounds of radiation. I went on tamoxifen, faslodex, etc. Everything seemed to be going fine until 2007 when I had a…
Surgery tomorrow
Tomorrow I will have a double mastecomy and of course the insurance refuses to pay for the unaffected breast Did anyone else have to pay for the mastecomy for an unaffected breast. I was wondering about the cost. Surgeon's office could only tell me what his cost would be.
Hi all, I'm having a bi lateral mastectomy with deep flap recon. next month. I was wondering if any of you who have had this surgery lost any weight after this. I have had chemo & radiation and have gained about 15 pounds. I know I can get it off , but I was just wondering if you noticed this yourselves. Thanks
Drivers Liscense Picture/short hair?
I have to renew my drivers liscense at the end of July. I have very short hair that is still falling out some from Chemo in April. I am pretty sure that my hair will still be very short when I have to renew my liscense. Has anyone had to renew their liscense with not much hair. I am pretty sure that they will not let me…
DCIS,RDX and now rib pain
After a DCIS diagnosis - I am one year out of surgeries followed by rdx and now 6 mths of tamoxifen. The past 2 weeks I have had pain (feels like a bruise, but no visible brusing along the top of my ribs, along the lower part of my underam, and ends just under my shoulder blade (on the DCIS side). I have a call into my…
Xeloda chemo pill... 3 weeks in...
Hi, Sorry haven't been on much lately, I've actually been feeling pretty good! The Xeloda chemo pill went pretty well for me. I didn't get nauseous. I did get the hand foot thing, where your hands hurt and turn red, but it's not too bad, just kind of annoying. A little bit of joint pain, but not too bad. And, an allergic…
Just wondering if any of you on Tamoxifen are still having periods? Does this change over time? I started Tamoxifen in January and my periods are getting further apart. Does anyone have any wisdom to share?
Hospice Care for Pain Management
Has anyone ever heard of Hospice coming in to help someone with pain management if there was no indication there is limited time left for that person? My mom has Breast Cancer that has spread to the bone, and has determined to not pursue anymore medical treatments- just to live out the rest of her life. Her doctor…
Okay...had my first infusion of Taxol today. What are and when do symptom appear? Thanks Pat
Not dealing well...need some HELP!
Forgive me, please, in advance, if I go off. This has been extremely hard for me. I AM a "survivor, thank the good Lord above. But....for how long? I am basically having a hard time with the loss of my breast. That is our "femininity!" Like if a man lost his penis. GOSH! My husband has "tried" to be patient and…
over 20K for one chemo treatment
That seems a bit high to me. Has anyone's chemo treatments cost them over 20k per treament?
Wife recently diagnosed with breast cancer will start chemo in mid-June followed by radiation. What suggestions do you have for me as her caregiver? Special things to do to help her? Any specifics that would help her during and after chemo? Thanks to all.
Cousin Diagnosed Needs our Prayers
Hi Everyone Please pray for my cousin who just got diagnosed with Anal cancer. She is only 48. She has had surgery and is taking radiation everyday for 6 weeks (except weekends) and also taking chemo. She is a strong person but no matter how strong you are this disease gets us down and out. I have told her about our board…
headaches and irregular heart beats
My wife had her first chemo Monday and has had migraines and continous headaches since. Any suggestions on how to help her? She also feels like irregular heart palpitations once in a while which scares her.
Anyone Using something for skin discoloration after chemo?
Hi ladies! It's been a while since I've been on! You guys helped me get through so much when my sister was going through some of the hardest times in her life. I'm so happy and blessed to be able to say that my sister went through chemo and radiation therapy successfully! She is now on her 5 year hormone therapy drugs…
Interesting find~procedure
About a week ago I found a small lump next to my saline implant~since my initial breast cancer diagnosis was dcis (you cannot feel dcis) I was quite alarmed. That night in bed I was just doing my self exams and the implant kind of shifted a bit, and here was this lump (it moved around as I felt it). I got in the next day…
Using RapidLash to help with eyelashes
OK, after losing my eyelashes twice, I decided to try one of these OTC eyelash enhancers. I called about Latisse but my insurance wouldn't cover it, plus I didn't like all the side effects. I researched other kinds and found RapidLash on Amazon.com for $30.99 and no shipping! I figured what the heck and I started using it…
post surgery
Hi All, I am having a bi-lateral mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction on June 14th. To anyone out there who had this, I need just a few basic questions answered.. What did you wear in the hospital and what home? Also, what was the best thing to wear at home while recovering? I want to start getting things ready and…
Has anyones doctor ever prescibed this for your nausea? I read the warning label and I am afraid to take it....Still taking Zofran and compazine but neither seem to work for me....I am so grateful this site is here.....God Bless you all....
Hyperbaric - Post Mastetomy Trams Flap
Hi, My healing is very slow, due to lack of oxygen to breast and belly areas. Does anyone know if going to a hyperbaric chamber would be ok? I haven't had chemo or radiation as of yet. Thanks. Laurel
First AC chemo & Neulasta shot..i am so sick and achy..help
I had my first round of chemo at 100am on 5/20/10 AC, it went pretty well, until about 7pm that night after the AC,I started taking my Zophran and Phenergan both are anti nauseous meds, I was then over come with fatigue. Then I went back in for my Neulasta shot, and i was feeling pretty good other than tired......then…
Me and my new hair.
Hi everyone.I am getting ready for my second hair cut since cancer.I never thought I would go with this color of hair.I thought I would dye it right away.But i have got so many compliments on it,i think I will leave it this color.And it has came in thick.I am so glad and thankful. To you that have or will loose your hair…
Chemo 2
Have to go to my 2nd treatment today..Have to say I am still nervous even though I know what to expect this time....But on the plus side I will be half way there after today....This is a journey I never thought I would be on but it sure is an eye opener.....Praying for a cure....