Wigs and hats/caps with hair

GregStahl Member Posts: 188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Wife and I went wig shopping last weekend and the shop has a baseball cap with sewn in hair for $100, the velcro one was $75. Has anyone found a site that sells these for less than an arm and a leg? Found Paula Young (No caps) and headcovers.com....they have like a partial wig that you can wear any hat with, but Ruby wants something she can throw on and go.


  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Try ACS TLC Website
    They have wigs, hats, scarves etc. Pretty reasonable prices. You can access TLC from the ACS Home page.


  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    Check out headcovers.com I
    Check out headcovers.com I bought a couple of scarves from them and remember seeing the hats with hair but not sure on the price. : ) Oh, I reread your post and see you are already aware of that site. Good luck!
  • tmc576
    tmc576 Member Posts: 60 Member
    My mom just purchased a halo (partial wig) for about $28 from TLC, and there are many reasonably priced hats - you can velcro the halo to a cap liner, or the inside of a hat.
