ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am just venting here so please bear with me. I went in today for my 5th rad treatment. Got there on time and was waiting, along with someone else, when one of the tech's came out and said they were a little behind today. It would be about 30 minutes more. OK, no big deal. I went out to the main waiting area to let my husband know (he is always with me). When I fianlly went in for my treatment one of the techs kept moving things around. I had not had any problems getting lined up before so I asked what was wrong. She "jokingly" asked if we were trying to give her a bad time today since she had the same problem with the person before me. She said the numbers didn't match so they needed to take a film and check. After 30 minutes of checking and moving and films they finally said they could not give me a treatment. I was told I would get a call before my next appointment time because I may have to come in for another 1 hour setup appointment tomorrow. I know everything has to be exact but I am just so frustrated!
Sorry if this is too long but I had to get it out.

Hugs to all


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    This never happened to me.
    This never happened to me. It sounds like their machine is broken if they had trouble before you also. But more setup time? Maybe the tech didn't know what she is doing. Maybe you should see the doctor and let him know you missed a treatment and ask what is going on.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    sounds odd to me as well
    I had 16 weeks of rads total and had delays due to the machine but never did I have delays due to me? I would call the office for a better explanation as I would be quite concerned. We have every right to ask questions until it is explained to us in a manner we are comfortable with, this is our body and our treatment we should not be left in the dark as to what is delaying our treatment and why we would need to have another set up appt. this is not your first rad treatment. Good luck and I hope your future treatments go more smoothly.

  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I would find that frustrating, too!! I don't start radiation until the end of June but it will take about 2 hours a day (with my travel time) as it is so I sure wouldn't want to have to go through that. I would have thought they could have given you a better explanation than that!
  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
    I had many times that they struggled to get me set up(I am large breasted), but never was sent home. I did have one day that I was on my way, and they called to tell me that the machine was down. I was able to go later in the day for the treatment. I am sorry that you had to experience that. Mary
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    so sorry you had to go through that
    You need to speak to your treatment team and address this. I am at the half way mark in my rads treatment. I have had days when they had some difficulty with set up and required a few xrays to check it out but I never had to do set-up again. I would be wondering why too.
    My doc was away this week.Didn't find out until I got there Monday and was told he was away and expected back maybe on Wed. This was the second time this happened, so I am waiting to speak with him when he returns. The least the staff could have done was call and notify me not to come in so early for the reeval with him if they found out that he was not in. I didn't know until I waited twenty minutes and was not called. I went to the nurses' station and the nurse said "your doctor isn't here" When I asked when I would see him, she said "I don't know that". The techs were very humane about it. When I told them what happened, they gave me an earlier radiation treatment time so I didn't waste more time waiting around.
    As patients, we have rights and should never feel we don't have a right to our questions being answered. For a few minutes each morning, I am the patient. When I walk out of the Radiation department with my hospital ID badgea round my neck, I become the care provider. I encourage my patient's to express their feelings, ask their questions and yes, disagree with me if that is what they feel.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Thanks for listening
    Thanks for listening to my venting. I went in tonight and they took more xrays and had the dr. look at everything. After some readjusting they finally did my treatment. I asked again what the problem was and they said it may have been that I was still swollen slightly last week or that maybe I am more relaxed after the first few treatments. They also told me that there was no problem with the treatments that were already done and the adjustments that were made were less than 1 cm. I asked if this was normal and was told that it happens occassionally. I will definitely talk to my dr. on Friday when I see him for my weeekly visit. I hope now all will go as it should now. I want this to be done so I can have my life back and say that I am a survivor.

  • woodsygal
    woodsygal Member Posts: 64

    I would find that frustrating, too!! I don't start radiation until the end of June but it will take about 2 hours a day (with my travel time) as it is so I sure wouldn't want to have to go through that. I would have thought they could have given you a better explanation than that!

    I am a greyhound luvr too!
    I am a breast cancer survivor, and I couldn't have done all my treatments if it wasn't for my red brindled greyhound, Henry! He was there for me everyday and I had no excuse not to get outside, whether cold or hot, to walk him! He helped keep me focused and moving! The plus is, you can tell him anything and he's not judgemental!! Bless you and good luck with rads. I went through them with no probs! Your grey is adorable! Carlie
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    ladyg said:

    Thanks for listening
    Thanks for listening to my venting. I went in tonight and they took more xrays and had the dr. look at everything. After some readjusting they finally did my treatment. I asked again what the problem was and they said it may have been that I was still swollen slightly last week or that maybe I am more relaxed after the first few treatments. They also told me that there was no problem with the treatments that were already done and the adjustments that were made were less than 1 cm. I asked if this was normal and was told that it happens occassionally. I will definitely talk to my dr. on Friday when I see him for my weeekly visit. I hope now all will go as it should now. I want this to be done so I can have my life back and say that I am a survivor.


    You're already a survivor!
    LadyG, please don't wait to know in your heart that you're a survivor!

    When I first joined this board last year, someone (I think it was you, TJ) told me she considered herself to be a survivor from the minute she heard the words "you have cancer," because every day you get through after that makes you a survivor! I love that idea, and kept it close to my heart during treatment.

    Girl, you're getting your breast(s) nuked like microwave popcorn every day -- if that don't make you a survivor, I don't know what does!

    :-) Traci