Hello everyone I'm kinda new here I'm scheduled for kidney removal on Dec 16 4mm kidney mass I'm kinda all over the place wondering if the cancer can return after they removal of kidney and how long is the hospital stay after surgery as well I'm pretty prepared financially with aflac and my job just doing alot of reading
Suggestive for a Transitional Cell Carcinoma R Renal Pelvis
New guy here. Glad I found this board. A recent MRI says "The right renal pelvis is prominent and contains a soft tissue signal intensity filling defect measuring 3.2 x 3.0 x 2.9 cm, which is intermediate signal intensity on T1 and demonstrates heterogeneous enhancement on all phases. Accompanying abnormal diffusion…
RCC | No Symptoms
Got my CT today Kidney - left posterior mid renal enhancing mass is present 2.9x2.4x3.2 cm. No renal venous involvement is demonstrated. Bilateral renal cysts are present. I am told this is 95% confirmed renal cell carcinoma. Planning on a urological specialist after thanksgiving Has anyone had a similar experience? BKJ
Cryotherapy for Renal Mass <2.5
I changed doctors and during my new patient appt. the doctor was not pleased with some of my prior labs (eGFR and creatine). He ordered Renal Unltrasound where a renal mass was found. Next step was a CT Scan; they found a heterogeneously enhancing lesion in the posterior upper pole of the left kidney measuring…
3 weeks post robotic surgery
Hi everyone I have just had my surgery for partial removal of 3 cm mass in my left kidney. No family history, 35 years old, healthy individual. Diagnosis came as a shock as it was an incidental finding. Path report came back as clear cell, stage 1, grade 1. Doc said its curative. Like to check for such prognosis what are…
6month scans
I’m going Oct 13 for my first six month scans I’ve always been three month so this six month has felt like foreever please if you have a moment please pray that they don’t find anything I’m very anxious
Wilms tumor
Hi just wanted to share that my 18th month old diagnosed wth wilms tumor last year praise God didnt need chemotherapy. Really did Lots of praying and didnt accept what the doctors where saying. I wasnt in denial i just knew my little boy needed me to Concerntrate on what i did know which was that the cancer was going to be…
Husband has kidney cancer has withdrawn from wife
My husband has one kidney and he was hoping to save it by doing 2 cyroplations 6 months apart ,I was there for him for both procedures. We have been married 13 yrs. Ever since July my husband has not been the same. I was very concerned when he decided not to go to his Dr's appointment. So I spoke with one of his family…
Father Has Large Mass on Kidney
My father is 85 years old. In 2015, a scan revealed that he had a 2.5cm cyst on his right kidney. Since then, he had yearly scans done to monitor the growth. Thankfully, it did not grow. However, during the pandemic (2 years), he did not have any scans done. Two months ago, he had an ultrasound done and it revealed a 9cm…
My scans came back all clear thank god for that
CT scans coming up
Hi just a note to let you all know I'm having CT scans this Monday to check on kidney, pancreas and lung nodules. Any prayers would be appreciated. Trying to keep the scanxiety at bay. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement!
Going back to normal
Hi, I’m new here. I’m in my 3rd week recovery from a full neph of my right kidney and a “huge” mass as my doctor said. It was the size of a football. It started as robotic but the mass was too large so ended up with a very large incision. Pain wise I’m doing great. At my follow up appt. I found out it was stage 3…
Renal cell carcinoma
Just found this site today been to a urologist and he recommended I go to Vanderbilt in Nashville the ct scan and MRI indicated a 1.5 cm solid abnormality/small renal cell carcinoma medial midpo/e LEFT kidney. The urologist said they handle complex situations like mine. Not sure what to think he mention partial…
New to this
Hello my name is Larry I was diagnosed, with kidney cancer wich I'm scheduled for my biopsy in one week to see wht stage but I'm also scheduled for a removal of the kidney . I just need more on this journey I'm about to travel
It has been 6 years
Can't believe it has 6 years already. It has been a month since the scan and finally got to talk to my urologist about the results and it is clear. After all these years, the scan keeps helping me to discover new concerns but at least, manageable concerns. Like sclerotic bone lesions, gallbladder polyps and stone, and…
Monday, August 1. 2022
20 years since I was Nephed/
Kidney Cancer
I was in Vietnam 1968-69. Exposed to agent orange at that time. I have had prostate cancer,bladder cancer and kidney cancer. Had to have my left kidney removed due to cancer. I can’t believe the VA has not added kidney cancer to presumptive list yet.
How to calculate tumor size when there are three measurements
Please forgive my math skills. But I was reading some journal articles about tumor size and prognosis. How does one get one round number to determine overall size of a tumor (e.g., 7.5X6X6). I just want to confirm that you either perform a calculation or just report on largest measurement (e.g., tumor was 7.5 CM, if…
66 yr old Metastatic RCC
Hello everyone My dad has been diagnosed with renal clear cell carcinoma that has metastasized. He has started immunotherapy and targeted therapy. I was looking for a community for support and found this forum. As he goes through medical treatment, I have been looking for personal experiences of people who fought RCC and…
2mm Lung Nodule found during CT on active surveillance
helping my 80 yo mother out. I just noticed that a 2mm pulmonary nodule was found in her CT scan from march. "Lungs: Unchanged 2 mm indeterminate pulmonary nodule in the right upper lobe (5:32). No consolidation. The airways are clear." The word "unchanged" is a mistake as this is something new. (I checked the comparison…
Cyst shrank by 20% but Im wondering how much is radiologist margin of error
My mothers complex cyst was measured at seems to be bouncing around a lot. Do you think this is a matter of radiologist technique? Im wondering if the 11/10/21 was an error.
Cancer cells at the cut line after partial nephrectomy .
I had bad back pain most low but also mid and upper back, spine doc said arthritis and recommended decompression surgery. After surgery the pain was worse so they did a second MRI but this time it caught the bottom of my right kidney and a mass. Few weeks later they do a partial nephrectomy but when they get the pathology…
Chemo Treatment after Kidney nephrectomy ?
Hello friends Has anyone done any chemo treatment after removing their Kidney, As I mentioned before they got my right kidney removed in May, and due to recurring cancer in my bladder and the type of my cancer they want to start Chemo treatment and I am kind of worried since I have one kidney left! i will be doing four…
Bladder Mass
Hi guys, been away for a while, coming up on nine years since my left kidney was removed. Had labs, US etc done for my appointment with my doctor. Results of US show a mass on the right side of my bladder so needless to say my mind is racing. It’s 2 weeks until my follow up appointment. Has anybody experienced this? Could…
Very worried
I am an elderly woman who has a 1.9 complex cyst/nodule/mass on the right kidney. I am to have an MRI probably next week. I am in good shape otherwise except for a controlled autoimmune disease. Any words of wisdom please?
Renal Fat Necrosis - 2 years after ablation
I was dx w/Breast Cancer in 2019. Right before starting chemo, a small mass was discovered on the outer edge of my right kidney. After chemo/radiation for BC, I had a biopsy of the kidney mass and the area ablated. The mass was felt to be a 'benign neoplasm' and was totally ablated. I see Urology every 6 months for scans,…
At Home With Too Much Time To Think
After a sonogram, I had a CT scan w/contrast on May 4th and was told that I had a 7.8 centimeter mass that was likely kidney cancer. On May 27th, I had a radical left nephrectomy through flank incision. Pathology report came back that it was clear cell renal cell carcinoma. I was in the hospital for six days and have been…
Just found out..
Hi I’m new here. Found this board while googling too many things about what to expect with kidney cysts. So, I found out about 2 weeks ago (after going to er for some intense pain in my side) that I have a mass on my left kidney measuring 9x9x6. I was sent to a urologist who further explained that I had a complex cyst…
What can you expect with post-surgery recovery from partial robotic after initial first 6 weeks?
I have reached my 6-week post-surgery this past Friday - yippee. There has been plenty of info about what to do and not do the first 6 weeks, but I haven't seen or received much guidance for what happens from this point forward except scheduling scans & labs. So here is my list for after 6 weeks:) How long for complete…
Fat Necrosis on Kidney
I have been followed for possible renal cell cancer for 3 years. I had Breast Cancer dx in 2019 and prior to Chemo starting, a mass on my right Kidney was discovered, very small, but needed to be looked at before chemo for BC could start. Tumor board reviewed everything, said go ahead with chemo and between chemo and…