After surgery pains
Hi all! I am 1 week post surgery and the past two days have been my best feeling days. I am not in any real pain, not super tired, probably because I slept so much the first 5-6 days it was crazy! So I am a very active person normally and I have been walking around my house as often as I can and me and my husband decided…
Chemo with kidney removal
I was prepared for the surgery to have a kidney with a tumor removed. Now the doctor says he just got new guidelines for my issue. That is to have weekly chemo for 3 months prior to the surgery instead of after. I wasn't aware of going to be having chemo after but he said that after surgery he would send me for an…
Sore muscle opposite side of kidney with tumor removed.
So I had my left kidney removed on july 5th, I’m just about 6 weeks post surgery and the right side of my back is sore and has been sore since the surgery. Has anyone else experienced this? I did mention it to my oncologist, but he didn’t say anything about it. I have told my surgeon too and I am waiting a response. I’m…
Cancer in my left ureter
I was diagnosed with a tumor in my left ureter down by my bladder and according to my uroligist they have to remove the kidney and ureter. My question is should there be any tests or scans done to see if the cancer has spread and if it has spread what kind of treatment is there. I don't understand what all this means but…
confused newby - pT3a N ccRCC
With no real symptoms or history of any kidney issues, my mass was found 6/3/23 in the ER. On 6/29 I had a radical open nephrectomy and was confirmed to have a 14cm pT3a N ccRCC. I consciencely stayed off google along the way (for the most part) because each step of the way things were only suspected and I knew it would be…
Soft Tissue Nodule in Pelvis
Hi My r kidney, ureter and bladder cuff was removed in Nov 2022. My last CT says: Questionable soft tissue nodule in the right pelvis approx 1 cm. Maybe post surgery change. A pet scan has been ordered. QUESTION: my gfr is 25. Is that too low for chemo if I need it? Thanks
Nephrectomy GFR Question
I am 3 weeks post op nephrectomy. My pre op GFR was 50. Now my GFR is 27. Question: what problems if any will I have with this low GFR Thank you
Post surgery concern
I am 8 weeks post surgery (open partial nephrectomy) and I am still having what I describe as feeling like a 2x4 is jammed into my side. This feeling began immediately after the surgery and is getting better, but I have never heard of anyone else complaining about this particular issue. Has anyone had this problem after…
End stage nearing hospice
I am so scared. I have never had to go through anything like this in my life. I am the caregiver to my 62 year old husband. He was diagnosed 7 years ago and I feel so blessed to have had this time with him. At our last appointment we were told that there were no more treatment options and that the next step is hospice. I…
When can you do heavy weights at your old pace after robotic partial nephrectomy?
Hi, I'm a hard core body builder, in my early 40s, no steroids because I went every day, but I ended up having 5.2 cm of my left kidney removed because of stage 1 grade 3 kidney cancer. It was growing fast, thankfully the margins were negative... Anyway I do heavy weights. I'm one of the biggest guys at the gym. I've been…
Kidney removal surgeon Central Florida
Hello; My 88 yr old brother needs to have a cancerous kidney removed asap. I do not know how to find the best surgeon to perform the procedure. ER suggested a clinic that does it on outpatient but that doesn't sit right with us. He is in good condition for his age.
On Pazopanib for 5 years with Stage 4 Renal Cancer
Hi to you all I was wondering if there are other people using Pazopanib for a longer time, my kidney with tumour was removed April 2011 and I was diagnosed stage 4 in December 2012. My oncologist used to ask me for feedback on my side effects to compare with other people in the USA who had been using the drug about 9…
post radical nephrectomy developed a flank bulge
My husband had a radical nephrectomy from Stage 1 kidney cancer this past August. He almost immediately started developing a huge bulge - NOT a hernia. After a CT scan in October it was determined he has a denervation, flank bulge due to the nerves not regenerating from the flank incision. The muscle wall has thinned out…
2 year old with clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (ccsk)
Hello my two year old is currently having treatment for ccsk it’s really hard to find anyone else who has this type of cancer would love to no if there is anyone else out there.
Extreme claustrophobia and need an MRI
Hope everyone here is doing well. I have a question. I have been diagnosed (by a biopsy) with breast cancer and now they want to do an MRI. I am being told it will be a closed MRI and I will be given two valium. I am EXTREMELY claustrophobic (had a donut CT scan and freaked out even on that) so am wondering if there are…
radical neph March 22. 2023
Good afternoon I felt like I had an obligation to sign up and post for this site helped me tremendously. I didn't have time to do it before surgery but now I am in the position to be thankful, grateful, and willing to help others. Here is my story and some tips for others> 62 years of age, history with uric acid stones…
Just wanted to check in and say hi
Well I don’t get on here much but I’ve been Ned 3and a half years now. One more six month scan then doctor said he’s going to move them to yearly I sure do miss talking to everyone I hope you all are doing great just got back from being in England for a month don’t think about my cancer much anymore which is a good thing
Cancer returned
I was looking in the messages here for people I knew back when I first got my diagnosis back in 2012. I don't see a lot of familiar names. Not sure if that is a good sign or a bad sign. In 2012 I had my left kidney removed because of a massive tumor. At the time of of removal they told me that I was stage 3A. It was clear…
Yearly check up
Hi Everyone and especially my summer 2016 cohort, I had my annual trip to see my surgeon/oncologist/urologist (I love my 3-in-1 doc), annual physical, derm, etc and all is well with my kidney. Always a relief. I know there has been discussion here about creatinine and eGFR - mine came out this time at 1.23 and 46. Pretty…
stage 3a RCC at 43
Good morning. I'm new here. Last November i had my right kidney removed due to an 8cm tumor which turned out to be RCC. i have approximately a 10 inch scar. the cancer hadn't spread to my lymph nodes just a tiny bit to some adjacent fat. i am on keytruda as a precaution for a year and already had my first ultrasound 5…
First scans after immunotherapy
Hi just had CT scans after 4 treatments of ipi/nivo. I meet with the doctor on Thursday to discuss results. Need wisdom and hope for good results and how to go forward. Thanks for your support.
Bone pain- advice sought
Hi there, I had a 1.3 cm chromophobe (eiosinophilic variant) tumor removed by robotic partial neph in early 2021. No sarcomatoid features or lymph node involvement. My scans have been NED and this year my doctor said that I didn't need to do anymore scans or followup because he said it definitely wasn't coming back. Do you…
My kidney cancer
In my profile I put my first scan as Apr 7th, but it was Mar 30th. I can't edit it for some reason. I was lucky, while I had soreness on the right side, I just thought it was due to stones. I went to the urologist because I hadn't been to one in a long time and I had a couple of things I wanted to get addressed. The NP…
renal cancer
On Dec. 19 I had a cancerous kidney removed and was given a clean bill. However, a followup CTScan revealed that the renal cancer had infected my lungs. The oncologist ordered a brain MRI which came out normal. I am now waiting for a decision from the doctor as to how we will proceed. Any comments from former or present…
My husband was diagnosed with Wilms Cancer, it usually occurs in children, does anyone else have Wil
My husband of 38yrs old was diagnosed w/ Wilms cancer, it is usually found in kids and not in adults... does anyone else have this? He will be starting Chemotherapy next week, hopefully...
I'm new
Hi, I'm new here. My name is Nancy and I am having my rt kidney out on May 3rd. Dx of 3 cm mass "consistent with renal cell carcinoma." The location is right by the blood supply so a partial is not feasible. I'm looking for camaraderie. All of the local groups meet only once a month, and I need contact with people who have…
Newly discovered mass behind kidney
Hi - I'm new here. My wife's chest x-ray showed a mass on the back side of her kidney. We live in PA. She's scheduled for a biopsy this week. We don't know where to go - who to trust. WellSpan Ephrata Hospital is where she had the PETSCAN. Not sure if WllSpan Ephrata Cancer Clinic is the best place for her to be treated?…
My mother had her Kidney Removed
My mother is 80 years old and with good health until after this surgery. The surgery was 4 weeks ago. Since the surgery she has been hospitalized twice and treated at the ER once for unbearable pain. The doctors confirmed everything is normal and no infection. Her doctor recommends extra strength tylenol. Which only works…
Trace blood in urine
I was diagnosed with RCC, clear cell type, stage 1a, grade 3, in October, 2020, in my right kidney. My only symptom at the time was trace blood in my urine. I had a robotic partial nephrectomy and my CT scans since surgery have shown no evidence of disease. My last CT scan was in April, 2022 and at that time my urologic…
Just saying HI!
I haven't been here for a while, but haven't forgotten you. I think I joined in 2010 or 11. In case you remember me, I was Dx'd with Stage 4 renal cell carcinoma in 2006, had surgery to remove R. Kidney, nodes underneath it (3 of 11 +), left lobe of my liver (with + tumor) , multiple biopsies of spots in the right lobe…