Kidney stone, 2 weeks post-op partial nephrectomy
I am 2 weeks post-op partial nephrectomy and had to go to er for bilateral flank pain. I apparently have a 4mm stone in my left kidney, which was the kidney that the partial nephrectomy was done on for top clear cell renal cell carcinoma. There was no stone present during surgery. It's it normal for this to happen?
Feeling a little overwhelmed
The story so far. I visited turkey 8 weeks ago along with my wife for gastric sleeve surgery, the hospital screening process found a 6.5x5.5 tumour on my left kidney and a 3x2.5 tumor on my right kidney - I had no symptoms for these tumors and its all a bit overwhelming. The hospital decided not to go ahead with the…
30 month scan
Partial nephrectomy (35%) of right kidney in January of 2020-just prior to covid shutdowns. I got the results today from my 30 month MRI/Chest Xray and still NED! I can now look forward to 11 1/2 months of scanxiety free living!!!!
Help with understanding treatment protocol
Hello everyone- Back story: My dear MIL (78 yo) was diagnosed with sarcomatoid clear cell renal carcinoma following an annual checkup after she had a reoccurrence of endometrial cancer with hysterectomy in 12/2020. The tumor at diagnosis was 6.1 x 5.9 cm right lower pole and had metastasized to a thoracic node and possible…
Just returned from Canada
I just retuned from 3 weeks being in Canada was so nice not to think about my cancer for three weeks got a question how many people have stage 3 and how long have you been Ned
No More Appointments
Well, my time with the Survivorship Program at Stanford is at an end. I had my appointment today and they said no more follow-up is needed, other than just getting regular physicals with blood work and urinalyses. The NP checked me over, pronounced my heart and lungs to be very strong, didn’t feel any bulges near any vital…
Another new guy
Just found your website and am glad I did. After a CT scan last Saturday it has shown that I I have a large solid mass in my left kidney (5.3x3.9x5.5 cm} .Also a thrombus in left renal vein branch. Also some issues with the bladder . On 7/11 I will have the left kidney removed and a ureteroscopy hopefully done robot…
Scans tomorrow
Hi Everyone, It's that time again - I'll have CT scan, chest xray (I think), and meet with my favorite urologist/oncologist/surgeon for year 6 follow-up. Creatinine a bit higher than last January - we'll see what he says. Thinking of all of you scanning this month. Take care ~
Nervous about a "new" liver cyst
Hi All, Quick recap on me: I'm 35, diagnosed at 33. Partial neph, stage 1b (4.5cm), Clear cell. Grade 3. I had to go to the ER for another reason and they did an abdominal CT. It noticed that I had a 4mm "hypodensity" on my liver ("Too small to characterize, likely reflect a small cyst") My 1.5+ year scans in February were…
Post Op Recovery Partial Robotic Nephrectomy & Aching, questions about post op bleeding
First, I am grateful for this network. Although each of our experiences are different, it is really helpful to get responses. Fortunately, my biopsy showed an Oncocytoma. Although I was told the chances it would not be malignant was small. Dr said I had a 15% or less chance it would not be malignant. Surgeon was able to…
Kidney Cancer
Hi all , I’m not exactly new to this site I was here 2017-2019 however I was on the Lymphoma site as that is what I had NHL . I really found a lot of helpful and caring people. The reason I’m back again is I was diagnosed with Left Kidney Cancer about 2 months ago and had my entire Kidney removed 1 week ago still waiting…
Hi I'm having a PT scan, CT scan, mammogram in the next few weeks. I think I am experiencing more scanxiety because all my tests and appointments are all bunched up within a month's time. Appreciate prayers and good wishes. I'll keep you posted on the results. Thanks.
Three month scans
I’ve always had three month scans well the last time I was in doctor move me to six month scans well I find I’m just past my three months and getting a little anxiety it’s funny what our minds will do
Ned after 5 years.
5 years ago a kidney stone blessing came into my life. It found kidney cancer in my left kidney. Since then I have been well and continue to be Ned after successful surgery! Wanted to let u all know. Keep fighting and staying positive.
Pathology-type of cancer still unknown:
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer at the age of 44, September of 2021. It’s now May 2022 and I had received immunotherapy to start/attempt to shrink my tumor (as large as the kidney itself. Immunotherapy sessions had serious adverse reactions. Last month, my right kidney was removed (I still have a…
Removed my right kidney!
I got my right kidney removed yesterday but I am having severe shoulders pain and sometimes chest pain. My heart rate is about 118 and i am monitored for now but they didnot allow me to walk yet. any suggestions how to ease the shoulders pain?
Numbness after radical nephrectomy
Hi - I had my left kidney removed 4 weeks ago where they discovered a 60mm growth. I recovered from the operation very quickly with very little pain (just itchy stitches!) however 2 weeks in I found this numb feeling to my lower abdomen and to the left of my groin. There is no lump or pain to suggest a hernia and the…
Kidney Cancer Stage I /Having hip pain
Hi, I am 49 years old and was diagnosed with Stage I, grade III Kidney Cancer in Dec of 06 and had a left nephrectomy. My last CT was 7 mths ago (everything was fine other than new liver cyst). I will be going in for my 6th mth check up again in Dec. As always I am scared. I know they say stage I rarely comes back but I am…
Suggestions for 3-4 hour drive home after partial/full robotic nephrectomy
I will be having either a partial or full robotic nephrectomy next Friday. Although my lesion is small (under 2cm) the location is in a difficult location near vital structures. This is why I don't know if I will have a partial or full until the actual surgery. My drive home will be 3-4 hours & hopefully without…
Fantom Pain
I had a complete removal of my left kidney, done robotic in February of this year. About 2 months ago I started having pain on my left side where my kidney was. Is any one else had or is having this fantom pain too?
16 years ago
I was told on May 9, 2006 that I had a mass(es) in my R. kidney and a mass(es) in the left lobe of my liver. and possibly other sites. "Unless they" could do something about it, I had 5-7 months to live. Next day, I started further testing, while the Internist and oncologist searched for "they." Jump ahead 6 weeks, and…
Mass verses Dromedary Hump?
I had a ultrasound that showed a mass that was suspected of kidney cancer. CT was done and it was fine. I had a dull pain on my left side kidney so Doctor repeated ultrasound three months later. They said in my test results today probable Dromedary Hump. Should I no longer worry? Kidney cancer runs in my family. Is a…
CE CT Scan after 18months follow up
Thanks to all the wonderful people on this site who are very encouraging and posting their trials and experiences after going through so many hoops to alleviate their sufferings or trying to manage this disease. I have been always reading through your vast experiences and I would like to post that I had the above scan for…
Labs, Scans, and Nerves Again - I am afraid again about my rcc follow ups
A few days ago, I thought: Yet again, I will go into have veinous puncture(s) to find a good spot to draw blood. There will be digging in my arm. Then, a too small specimen cup will be handed to me to use. Messy! Then they lay me on the table and position me to see what masses are messing with me. Everyone wants a piece or…
Six Month Follow Up - Kidneys ok, however..
I had my six-month scan today and both kidneys are great (2015 5cm mass in left, had a partial neph, 2021 2cm mass right, had a partial neph). Unfortunately it was discovered the lymph nodes between my lungs are swollen, and I'm waiting on a call to schedule an appointment at a lung clinic. I don't know what I'm facing.…
Chemo for kidney cancer!
Hello all I was diagnosed with non invasive bladder cancer when I was 31 years and I been doing cystoscopy since then, it does reoccur once a while but this year my Ct scan showed tumor on my right kidney (3cm) and after doing the biopsy it turns out to be high grade cancer and my right kidney needs to removed. I went for…
Post Radical Nephrectomy Update
Hi All. I don’t know if I’m writing in the correct place, I wanted to continue in my previous topic but couldn’t see how to do that. I don’t know if there’s a way to link this new thread to the previous conversation I started at the beginning of the month. Anyway. First I want to thank everyone for the advice they gave,…
Time for a beer was Ned and going to 6month scans
Going for my scans next week
Ok going for my two year scans next week and I’m already worrying but if there all good I get to go to every six months and instead of every three months
Thankful to be here on this wonderful Easter Sunday with my kids!! Just had surgery again this last friday to remove my gallbladder...it wasn't letting me eat vegetables lol. It was much less painful and I'm up cooking dinner for my family. I just wanted to say Happy Easter and thank you for all the support and help this…