
laboo873 Member Posts: 7 Member
edited December 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hello everyone I'm kinda new here I'm scheduled for kidney removal on Dec 16 4mm kidney mass I'm kinda all over the place wondering if the cancer can return after they removal of kidney and how long is the hospital stay after surgery as well I'm pretty prepared financially with aflac and my job just doing alot of reading


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    Hi, and welcome aboard. Is your tumor 4 mm or 4 cm? 4mm is super tiny and usually would be under a watch and wait surveillance. Recurrences can happen but they're not common, especially for stage 1 cancers, which even 4 cm is. Mine was 7 cm and I was in the hospital just one night. You might want something like a pair of overalls to wear to keep a waistband off your incision. I wore elastic waist pants and used a soft washing sponge (with the suede cover) tucked in my pants for comfort. Good luck!

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Hi Laboo the chances of recurrence are small with that size. Walk as soon as you can without overdoing, it helps a lot. Pray for a smooth surgery and quick recovery. Let us know how it went.

  • fallonboy
    fallonboy Member Posts: 46 Member


    I was in the hospital for three days with my neph.

    I had transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) in the renal pelvis. It is not as common as (RCC) . I have to get bladder scope, every three months.

    Good luck on you.