stage 3a RCC at 43
Good morning. I'm new here. Last November i had my right kidney removed due to an 8cm tumor which turned out to be RCC. i have approximately a 10 inch scar. the cancer hadn't spread to my lymph nodes just a tiny bit to some adjacent fat. i am on keytruda as a precaution for a year and already had my first ultrasound 5…
First scans after immunotherapy
Hi just had CT scans after 4 treatments of ipi/nivo. I meet with the doctor on Thursday to discuss results. Need wisdom and hope for good results and how to go forward. Thanks for your support.
Bone pain- advice sought
Hi there, I had a 1.3 cm chromophobe (eiosinophilic variant) tumor removed by robotic partial neph in early 2021. No sarcomatoid features or lymph node involvement. My scans have been NED and this year my doctor said that I didn't need to do anymore scans or followup because he said it definitely wasn't coming back. Do you…
My kidney cancer
In my profile I put my first scan as Apr 7th, but it was Mar 30th. I can't edit it for some reason. I was lucky, while I had soreness on the right side, I just thought it was due to stones. I went to the urologist because I hadn't been to one in a long time and I had a couple of things I wanted to get addressed. The NP…
renal cancer
On Dec. 19 I had a cancerous kidney removed and was given a clean bill. However, a followup CTScan revealed that the renal cancer had infected my lungs. The oncologist ordered a brain MRI which came out normal. I am now waiting for a decision from the doctor as to how we will proceed. Any comments from former or present…
My husband was diagnosed with Wilms Cancer, it usually occurs in children, does anyone else have Wil
My husband of 38yrs old was diagnosed w/ Wilms cancer, it is usually found in kids and not in adults... does anyone else have this? He will be starting Chemotherapy next week, hopefully...
I'm new
Hi, I'm new here. My name is Nancy and I am having my rt kidney out on May 3rd. Dx of 3 cm mass "consistent with renal cell carcinoma." The location is right by the blood supply so a partial is not feasible. I'm looking for camaraderie. All of the local groups meet only once a month, and I need contact with people who have…
Newly discovered mass behind kidney
Hi - I'm new here. My wife's chest x-ray showed a mass on the back side of her kidney. We live in PA. She's scheduled for a biopsy this week. We don't know where to go - who to trust. WellSpan Ephrata Hospital is where she had the PETSCAN. Not sure if WllSpan Ephrata Cancer Clinic is the best place for her to be treated?…
My mother had her Kidney Removed
My mother is 80 years old and with good health until after this surgery. The surgery was 4 weeks ago. Since the surgery she has been hospitalized twice and treated at the ER once for unbearable pain. The doctors confirmed everything is normal and no infection. Her doctor recommends extra strength tylenol. Which only works…
Trace blood in urine
I was diagnosed with RCC, clear cell type, stage 1a, grade 3, in October, 2020, in my right kidney. My only symptom at the time was trace blood in my urine. I had a robotic partial nephrectomy and my CT scans since surgery have shown no evidence of disease. My last CT scan was in April, 2022 and at that time my urologic…
Just saying HI!
I haven't been here for a while, but haven't forgotten you. I think I joined in 2010 or 11. In case you remember me, I was Dx'd with Stage 4 renal cell carcinoma in 2006, had surgery to remove R. Kidney, nodes underneath it (3 of 11 +), left lobe of my liver (with + tumor) , multiple biopsies of spots in the right lobe…
Please Help Me Avoid Dr. Google - small kidney mass
Trying to avoid Dr. Google and understand the CT test results. I have a very small (9mm now, was 8mm on 9-17-2021) on my left kidney. The CT readings indicate "questionable approximately 8mm exophytic lesion, complex, not a cyst). Latest CT scan from 2023 indicates "grossly stable 9mm partially exophytic lesion with…
56 Year Male Incidental Finding 3CM mass on left Kidney
CT scan showed a renal mass of 3CM on left kidney. I had a biopsy done and they confirmed it was Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma. I don't have blood in urine; kidney function tests are good; no signs of spreading to lymph nodes or other organs. I am generally healthy with strong heart vitals and blood pressure etc..Doctors…
Recovering after open radical nephrectomy
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I had my right kidney removed due to RCC. Pre-surgery I considered myself to be in relatively great physical shape. Now I’m tired after walking a short distance or even having a long conversation. If I bend over to pick something up I get light headed and I keep having this strange feeling…
Tumor growth before surgery
Hello, although this is my first post, I've been reading all the posts here for a few months and am very happy to have found this wonderful group of people. In September 2022, a spot was found on my right kidney during an mri series for my MS. I had a CT scan in October which showed that the spot was a 1.0 cm tumor. My…
Post recovery surgery
Thank you for everyone’s thoughts and prayers and comments. I had my surgery in 2/10 and went home by 2/12. I had the most horrific shoulder gas pain and I thought I was going to die from it., thankfully I made it alive, now I’m dealing with the incision pain and all of the sudden I am feeling kidney pain!! More to continue
3.2cm Kidney Tumour
Hi, I'm a 29 year old male. For the past few months I have been getting pain in my stomach but especially my side and back. I was also struggling to urinate so went to doctors who done a urine test and gave me cocodomol/tramadol for the pain. My urine test came back normal he said so he referred me for an ultrasound for…
2.5cm mass in kidney -- Ok to wait 6 months for check?
I'm in my 50's. I just had a check with a urologist. They did an x-ray and noticed a 2.5cm mass on one of my kidneys. He didn't seem concerned, and said he wanted to wait 6 months to do a dye check to get more information. If it is something, wouldn't it make more sense to check it sooner than later? Why wait 6 mos? He…
Return of Mum's Kidney Cancer - Lung Mets
Hello Everyone, I'm just lost at sea a bit having received some news about my mum (70yr old in the UK) and need some advice. To summarise current status: - mum (70yrs) had CT scan and subsequent right kidney fully removed (adrenal gland not removed) in Nov 2018 and found to be grade II, pt3a, clear cell renal carcinoma at…
I had my three years scans and was ned one more 6 month. Scans. Then. Yearly
Scans coming up
I have my three year scan March 28 then April six I leave for England woo hoo will be there a month I’m not going to let this cancer win
Does The CT scan w/Contrast Differ Vastly from the MRI?
56 year old man. Summer of 2021, while visiting my brother dying from colorectal cancer, I noticed a stream of blood after urination and stopped. Chalked it up to a possible bruise to kidney. Four months later happen again, briefly. As there was no pain, Thought I would bring it up to my GP next visit. Late 2022, I did.…
Just had my 6.5 years scan and it is NED!
Can't believe it is another 6 months already. Just want to share that I just had my 6.5-year follow-up. It has been 2 years since my last CT, so I felt more nervous than the last few US/X-ray follow-ups. But it is worth it as it is a NED visit, although it always picks up other issues... Life is uncertain, I wish everyone…
First week partial robotic had 3/07/23
hi im Jane today is the one week mark of the day I had robotic partial nephrectomy I can’t help but notice this yucky taste in my mouth. Has anybody experienced that? I go for post op appt. On the 20 th I’m 61. What is to be expected? Thank you
My cytology says: Suspicious for high grade urothelial carcinoma
What does my cytology results mean by : Suspicious for high grade urothelial carcinoma?? I had a TCC in right kidney pelvis. The kidney was removed in Nov 2022. I am on Plavix so my urol doctor does not want to do a bladder scope yet. I am sheduled for a CT next month. All info is helpful. Thanks
At The Beginning
All this came up really fast, man. In late November I saw the doc because I had a sore shoulder. She suggested a quick blood test since I was there anyway for the shoulder -- she had been keeping an eye on my creatinine levels (but they had not been terribly out of bounds). Fast forward one week, and I'm looking at an…
Coping with my dad’s decline
I’m not really sure why I’m posting this. I don’t know what I’m trying to get out of it, or what I want to hear. Or if there’s anything anyone can say to make me feel anything other than the immense grief that I already feel. My dad (53) has stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma. His diagnosis was sudden- he went into the doctor…
Urothelial (kidney) cancer which has metastasized to the lungs
Following cisplatin chemo which successfully arrested the disease progression, the bi-weekly Avelumab (immunotherapy) infusions which I subsequently received for almost 12 months are planned for completion. Has anyone in similar situations received Avelumab for a longer period and if so, please share your details.
2.9 cm lesion Bosniak 3
HI i was just diagnosed with a Bosniak 3 lesion on my right kidney. Saw a urologist who recommended surgery or told me i could follow it.. I am confused.. I was wondering if anyone here has followed their lesion if so for how long and did you eventually to have surgery?
Any treatment for Chromophobe cancer?
I recently had kidney and tumor removed, with confirmation of Chromophobe cancer. The conventional medical opinion is to watch n wait to see if cancer re-appears. But is anyone's doctor treating their cancer? The literature is unclear if there is no accepted treatment because: 1) the sample size of Chromophobe patients is…