The C: Section Chronicles - Last one of 2017
The C: Section Chronicles - Last one of 2017 This year has certainly been rough, but not the roughest I have had. It is 8 months to the day of my LDOT (Last day of treatment), and while I have tried to keep a positive outlook on it all I have come to the realisation that life is on a very slender thread. We don't know…
Merry Christmas / Thank you / Update
Hi, just wanted to say Merry Christmas and a big thank you to you all! My husband is 6 weeks post treatment (HPV+ BOT SCC Stage IVa treated with 35 radiations and 8 Erbitux. No PEG) and is doing pretty well. This site was VERY VERY helpful in regards to reading about other people's experiences, tips, suggestions, etc.…
Physical activity post treatment
Anyone else feeling way, way out of shape after treatment?(several months out) I think I have about 85% of my energy back and yet to go on a simple walk I can't do anymore than 30min, and I am way slowing down about halfway through. I am very tired by the end of th e walk. I used to be able to walk same speed for a good…
Olfactory Neuroblastoma Treatment
Hello, I was diganosed with Esthesioneuroblastoma (Olfactory Neuroblastoma) on August 15, 2017. I am still learning about it daily. I went in for a full resection of the tumor which had eaten through my cranial wall into my brain cavity on August 31, 2017. I will be six weeks healed and the craniel patch estabilshed this…
Taste still not returning
Whats the deal? Last chemo was first week of August. Last radiation was middle of July. Here we are at December and I still cannot taste 99% of foods. I don't understand, I didn't have tongue cancer, they didnt zap my tongue directly or any of my mouth, just my nose area forehead and neck. Any ideas why it's not returning?…
Anyone had SSC of the mandible with surgery and radiation that can share their experience with radia
Hi... I am new to this forum and very grateful I found it ! Such wonderful people and the wealth of information is truely a blessing to anyone facing HNC. I found out I had SSC of the mandible in Sept. this year. A mandiblectomy at the end of October and another surgery the first of November because the margins weren't…
Hi - I'm new to the board. Three days out from a complete Rhinectomy. I have follow up surgery Monday for lymph node dissection in the neck. Radiation scheduled to start around Chrsitmas. Can anyone hsare any experiences s to what to expect over the next few weeeks and about radiaton treatment? Thanks,
Cesplatin and hearing loss
I completed Radiation 35 treatments and 3 chemo cesplatin on Sept 1st for HPV. Since then I have loss a lot of hearing probably left with 20 percent and also have ringing In my ears. Has anyone experience this and gained hearing back? I am hoping since only a month ago I will improve. If anyone has a positive story I would…
Tumor left tonsil
My experience started a year ago with a lump on left side of neck with swelling. A CT was done and subsequently referred to ENT. Biopsy was negative but ENT treated with antibiotics and swelling went away but still a small lump and a very slight sore throat. ENT not satisfied and wanted a 6 months checkup. Another scan and…
Slight swelling externally to throat/clavicle post treatment?
I'm 3-months post treatment for SCC BOT HPV+ Stage 3. Other than dry mouth and some slight fatigue, I'm doing really well and pretty much back to normal. That said, over the last week I've noticed a fullness or swelling externally to underneath my chin and down my throat - extending to the top of my clavicle. It is not…
post fibula free flap
Hi everyone! My story is much like everyone else's here..glad to be a survivor...original cancer was tongue..squamous cell hemiglissectomy with unilateral neck dissection done in 2002 with radiation to follow. Did fine until November of 2012 when we discovered osteoradionecrosis set in and basically ate up lower jaw…
just diagnosed with adenocarciaoma
Just had a biopsy on a mass in the side of my neck.It came back adenocarciaoma.Go to cancer doc tomorrow, dont really know what to expect.Anyone else familiar with this this type of cancer?
Dumb Question
I know I have created several threads, with the last one mentioning that it would be my last thread, but I am just really confused and looking for help. As noted in previous threads, I have had multiple biopsy completed for a spot on my lip that I was concerned about. First biopsy was completed early August and just had a…
Number of PET scans
Hi, I thought of doing a poll on the number of PET scans you had. I think its important in early post-treatment time, and should reduce as time progresses. Although, the management of it seems divided. Some do it only when another scan cannot decisively confirm the presence/absence of tumour. Here's the data if the…
3rd CT scan
So tomorrow my hubby goes in for his 3rd scan post treatment. The last two were completely clear. But still there’s the worry that this time.... I’m choosing to remain positive and pray for the best. send positive vibes if you will
Proton radiation therapy (Procure) questions ( 2nd time getting RT)
Hello all ! just discovered this board after my husband being initially diagnosed with Base of tongue HPV positive cancer 4 years ago .Well after being free of cancer 39 months his cancer has reoccurred ( maxillary sinus and some muscles and the base of skull again..Clivus ) .My husbands original cancer was very extensive…
Completed 4th year H&N
i have completed the 4 year mark. I only have 2 6 monthly check ups .....the the doc says he won’t need to see me again after that.
nasopharyngeal cancer
I am looking for anyone who has had this type of cancer.Or who knows someone who has had it.It is rare in the United States and I am having difficulty finding people to talk with about this .Any information would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!
The return of normal
Like many here who have experienced treatment (as patient or as caregiver) I have gone thru much change on taste and drymouth. I am a bit less than a year out from last treatment, and today, suddenly and unexpectedly, I awoke to find my taste clear and full, and I am enjoying at least a day of regular quantity and quality…
Vocal cord cancer
My Son in law has cancer of the vocal cords. He has had three surgeries - two biopsies came back clean, but the third one came back with the "C" attached. His surgeon feels that the only way to save his voice and rid himself of this cancer is by using the KTP Lazer. After the first two surgeries, their insurance kicked hem…
Severe Trimus
For some background here... I had throat cancer in 2012 with 4 rounds of 24/7 chemo and 35 rounds of radiation. I recovered pretty well and was fine until 2014 when it retured with the tumer being higher in my throat, this was follwed by 6 rounds of chemo and 33 rounds of radiation. This is where things really fell apart.…
dental work
Hello I'm new here and although not diagnosed yet...looks pretty clear where things are heading...wish I could say differently. Anyway I'm educating myself as much as I can in advance and from I can see this community of extraordinary people is a wealth of knowledge and caring support. My Teeth are not on the best shape…
Persistent Cough Post Treatment
(47 Male, good health, SCC BOT HPV+, Stage IV) I'm 2 months post treatment and I've noticed I am experiencing a persistent and annoying cough most days. I had been able to treat it extremely well with the hydrocodone I was prescribed during treatment. However, that is no longer an option since I am not experiencing any…
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am SOOOO happy for all the wonderful friends on this message board! I am happy for all the extra time I have with my husband due to the extraodinary caregivers! Hoping the best to all! Crystal
Trigeminal Neuralgia
8 years after treament, I have recently been crawling the walls with extreme pain in the right side of my faace - very like the pain I had during radiotherapy, but just on one side, as if I have severe ear ache, dental bscess and broken jaw all at once. Docotr has finally said it is trigeminal neuralgia, and has started me…
necrosis of jaw
Hello everyone. I am 15 months post treatment for base of tongue cancer . I had a few teeth removed first to prevent issues after radiation. I had radiation plus chemo, my tumor was inoperable stage 3. I developed tooth pain after treatment and it was discovered I had a cracked molar. Radiation is tough on teeth.... I did…
New to H&N and very SCARED
Hi... I've recently posted here a few times already and only one person replied, but here goes. In a few hours I will have an MRI of my neck to confirm a mass that was recently scoped by my new ENT at the base of my tongue. He suspects it is HPV. I don't know anything else YET but both my wife and I have had other cancers…
Lasting effect of HBOT?
I was diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma at base of tongue (left) and had a left radical neck dissection followed by 20 days of radiation in 1997. In 2010 prior to a tooth extraction I underwent 20 dives of HBOT, surgery for the extraction and debridement of osteoradionecrosis site followed by 10 more dives. I now need…
Jaw is closing more and more
Hey all, Hope all is well with everyone here. Many of you know my story. To keep it short, I'm finding my jaw is closing more and more every day. I've been to therapy for stretching exercises and I admit, I have not been consistent with it. For those with radiation to the neck area, are you experiencing this? I know…
Well, ...
I finished rads and chemo May 5th 2017, had redical neck disection on august 31st, september I was told I was all clear. Until today. When I woke up I had a lot of gunk in my thoat, so I did what we usually do, and hacked it up (sorry if this is graphic) Instead of being clear to slightly yellow, it was red, deep red,…