Newly diagnosed

Hello everyone,


i am just getting diagnosed with SCC in the supraglottic area right above my vocal chords. The ENT seems to think it’s a T1 and caught early,but he also said it was benign when he cut it out. The tumor is 1 cm and the lab report said it is well differentiated. 

I am 40 years old and have a wife and two small boys. I leave for MD Anderson Wednesday and I would appreciate some prayers. I am very nervous and scared but I’m going to fight. I’m chosing to go to MD Anderson because I was told they are the best in my region. Thanks and have a great day everyone. 





  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Hi Jack. So sorry you are

    Hi Jack. So sorry you are here. My husband was also 40 when he was diagnosed with SCC (of the tongue) in 2015. He was also T1. We live in Houston, and yes, there are amazing hospitals here. One of the very best ENTs for head and neck cancer is at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, Dr. Karni. He treated my husband and we loved him. So look into him while you are here too, if you want. My husband is now free of disease and doing great. I hope for the same for you. You are in for a ride, but we will all be here for you. wishing you the best for your visit to Houston.

  • Jacjohjak
    Jacjohjak Member Posts: 5
    Thank you for replying

    Thank you for replying and adding positive comments. I live in Baton Rouge and I have a best friend I can stay with In Houston. My anxiety is getting the best of me at times and I have to stop looking on line at possible outcomes. I have not been staged yet because we are waiting for scans. The ENT seems to believe it has not spread because it’s small and he looked around my throat after the removal. 

    The hardest part for me is to not let my mind wander when my boys tell me they love me and to stay positive. Thanks again for replying and  I am glad your husband is doing well. 

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    edited January 2018 #4
    Jacjohjak said:

    Thank you for replying

    Thank you for replying and adding positive comments. I live in Baton Rouge and I have a best friend I can stay with In Houston. My anxiety is getting the best of me at times and I have to stop looking on line at possible outcomes. I have not been staged yet because we are waiting for scans. The ENT seems to believe it has not spread because it’s small and he looked around my throat after the removal. 

    The hardest part for me is to not let my mind wander when my boys tell me they love me and to stay positive. Thanks again for replying and  I am glad your husband is doing well. 

    We have 3 kids, so I totally

    We have 3 kids, so I totally understand. Stop looking online. Everyone is different and a lot of online data is outdated anyway. You are young and strong and that is good. Your sons and wife will give you strength to fight. Sending prayers!

  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    Jacjohjak said:

    Thank you for replying

    Thank you for replying and adding positive comments. I live in Baton Rouge and I have a best friend I can stay with In Houston. My anxiety is getting the best of me at times and I have to stop looking on line at possible outcomes. I have not been staged yet because we are waiting for scans. The ENT seems to believe it has not spread because it’s small and he looked around my throat after the removal. 

    The hardest part for me is to not let my mind wander when my boys tell me they love me and to stay positive. Thanks again for replying and  I am glad your husband is doing well. 


    Interesting that folks would travel to Houston and get their treatment at MD Anderson, when they have one of the best cancer treatment centers in the nation right here in Baton Rouge on Essen Lane at Mary Bird Perkins.  I live here, and have been fighting two forms of the beast since 2009.  Jan.2009.....Stage 4 Left Tonsil cancer....treatment over June..09.  Eight rounds of Cisplantin Chemo....35 rounds of radiation.  No evidence of that ever re-occured.  2015 diagnosed with Intermediate Melanoma.  Surgery, May 2015.  Clear margins taken.  May of 2016....Melanoma returned in my right ear canal.  Surgery for removal (at OLOL) of Ear Canal.....Total right ear....Right Mastoid bone.  Flap from left thigh made to encompass ear area.  Just super people and care during all this craziness.  April,2017......Melanoma returned as tumor in my right jaw hinge area.  MBP has been outstanding in coming up with a treatment program of Immunotherapy to rid this tumor.  Started on Keytruda in June of 2017.....Then went to a combination of Opdivo/Yervoy (which was pretty rough ....infusions every 3 weeks ) I'm on just strictly Opdivo (infusions every 2 weeks )  no side effects, but some tiredness a few days afterwards, then I'm back to being quite normal.  I almost went the MD Anderson route, but found out that most of the Oncologist....Surgeons....Radiologists and Radiation technologists at Mary Bird Perkins did years of practice and treatment at MDA before coming to Baton Rouge.  And it's great to be at home after every appointment or treatment.  Anyway, just thought I'd throw my two cents out there.  Good Luck.


  • Jacjohjak
    Jacjohjak Member Posts: 5


    thank you for the helpful information about MBP. I was not aware of thier success rate and technology when dealing with this type of cancer. I’m actually set to see Dr. Andrew McWorther in Baton Rouge for evaluation and possible treatment plan. The MD Anderson consultation is so I can get another opinion from another Ear, nose, and throat Center. My thought process probably does not make sense because I’m going through all these emotions and realizing the only control I have is a positive attitude and deciding on what is best for my treatment. 

    Congrats and thank you for sharing your success with me and providing hope. I Am also worried how this will affect my military career, and I know that should be the last thing on my mind. I have 22 years in the Louisiana Army National Guard full time. Thank you again,




  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    Awwww man

    You are really gonna like Dr. McWorther.  Tis in the same office as my favorite doctor of all time  (and I've seen a mess of them).........Dr. Anna Pou.

  • Jacjohjak
    Jacjohjak Member Posts: 5

    I look forward to meeting many of the doctors through this process. Thanks 

  • Frances_S
    Frances_S Member Posts: 54
    Sending Prayers Your Way

    Hi Jack,

    Wishing you well and sending my prayers your way!

  • Jacjohjak
    Jacjohjak Member Posts: 5
    Made it back from MD Anderson

    thank you for the prayers,


    i just made it back home and my experience with the MD Anderson team was amazing. They are going to perform surgery to make sure the last ent cut clean margineS. Told me if they get that then I won’t need radiation as the tumor was small (10mm). They could not see any evidence of spread from the throat ct scan and they told me I have a good prognosis. Thanks 




  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    edited January 2018 #11
    Great news!!! Keep us posted

    Great news!!! Keep us posted and good luck with surgery.

  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    Jacjohjak said:

    Made it back from MD Anderson

    thank you for the prayers,


    i just made it back home and my experience with the MD Anderson team was amazing. They are going to perform surgery to make sure the last ent cut clean margineS. Told me if they get that then I won’t need radiation as the tumor was small (10mm). They could not see any evidence of spread from the throat ct scan and they told me I have a good prognosis. Thanks 




    Back from MD Anderson

    That is great news!  Thank you for your service, and hoping you a great additional 22 years!


  • aak16
    aak16 Member Posts: 24
    You'll kick its butt

    Hi Jack,

    I'm 30 and was diagnosed with scc on my vocal cords in June. When I first went to the doctor I had growths all over my vocal cords. Because mine was still caught early I wasn't really worried about the outcome. I felt positive treatment would get rid of the cancer and I'm sure yours will too! There are some long term side effects to deal with but if you're worried about your life, don't worry! So many people told me positivity really helps so even if yuou get down during treatment, just know it's kicking the cancer out of you. Good luck!

