throat cancer

My dad was diagnosed with throat cancer and done 30 radiation treatments it was on both vocal cords. After the treatments the dr said it was gone and he would start to heal in a few months. well one side healed up fine the other side has not he said he fill a knot in his throat now and has coughing fits also. the Dr said it didnt look like a cancer tumor but his throat looked like raw chicken on that side. The other side looked like it was healing fine

said that in three months if it wasnt better he would send him to a lung Dr. well his throat hurts so much more now then ever before and the coughing is getting worse. It's like he was getting better and then just started getting worse again. Has anyone evry seen this before and please give me some ideas of what could be causing this. Im so worried about him.Thanks so much.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, I am sorry about the hick-up in your Dad’s recovery.

    I do not know what the culprit  is, but it may just be the side effects from the rads.

    Your Dad can not wait for 3 months; he needs a thorough exam now.  Is this his ENT or Rad onc?  Both should take this more seriously.  Hopefully, it is nothing, but it is best to be overly cautious.

    Many of us feel something in our throat and coughing is sometimes a part of the new normal.

    Good luck.


  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    During treatment I had

    During treatment I had coughing fits that would make me start dry heaving. Doctor put me on liquid Hydrocodine. That stuff is magic for a cough. 15ml and the cough is gone in seconds and stays gone for about 3-4 hours. I would keep a small bottle on me while at work since the coughing usually happened if I talked a lot. I needed it for about 3 months and then the coughing stopped on it's own.