Partial remission NPC
Hi, previously this week I asked a question in regard to my husband 3 months post treatment CT Scan. He is scheduled also for an MRI and a PET scan mid february by then it will be 4 months since last radiation. thanks to a reply I got the term partial remission out of the discussion, so thank you. We were both surprise to…
Skull bone tumour - extreme dizziness
Hello all - I wonder if there is anyone on this site that has been diagnosed with a tumour in the skull bone. I have CRC with liver mets and currently post on the CRC site. I am having a biopsy on a skull bone tumour that I have in behind my ear. It was diagnosed through a brain scan due to feeling a little off balance.…
Tonsil cancer/ melanoma
Hi my husband was just released today from the hospital after having a neck dissection. Lets start from the beginning. Almost a year ago my husband had a swollen lymp node on his right side of neck. He said it would get big and be sore then get smaller. Since it would only bother him every now and then, never had it…
Head & Neck SCC 2 1/2 weeks post treatment
Hello, My Husband is 2 1/2 weeks post treatment for H&N squamous cell carcinoma hpv+, right side of his neck stage-4, 5 lymph nodes involved, no known primary. Treatment consisted of: 35 IMRT radiation treatment, 1 Treatment of Cisplatin, treatment had to be changed to Carboplatin and Taxol, total 3 treatments, and pain…
Question about remission, etc
hi, new to the board. My husband has nasopharyngeal cancer with lymph nodes metastasis and Epstein Barr Virus markers. He received 35 rt and 5 cisplatin, the 6th had to be cancelled due to febrile neutropenia. He finished his treatment in late october and was told that he was in remission for the next 2 years. Since he did…
Grade 1 Osteoradionecrosis
Dear all, I waa treated for right tonsil SSC. May las radiotherapy was on July 2016. Today,I had a denist appointment. They found out that small piece of my upper jaw bone is eposed( here is no gum soft tissue to cover my bone. They mnrion about oseoradionecrosis. I am woiying abou it. They will check me gain in 3 mo…
2.5 yrs out and experiencing side effects
One Year on...
It's a year since I had "that feeling" that something just wasn't right. Almost a year since I insisted on an US and scans, and come February 17, it'll be a year since I was told "you have cancer" So here I am, 7 weeks of radiation, 2 cisplatins, (couldn't do 3) a modified radiacal neck disection later.. oh and 110 pounds,…
Father - New Floor of Mouth SCC diagnosis
Hello everyone, I'm new here. My father was just diagnosed last week with a Stage 4 floor of mouth squamous cell carcinoma that has spread to lymph nodes (6.1cm tumor). We have been going through a whirlwind of appointments over the past week. The good news is that the cancer has not spread anywhere else in the body, the…
Peg Tube Question
My husband has finished 3 rounds of Cisplatin Chemo and has two more rads. He doesn’t have a peg tube. He is barely eating. He’s probably getting less than 500 calories a day. I’m extremely worried. Even though he’s at the end of his treatment can he still get a feeding tube?
Hi everyone... Hope everyone is doing well ! I have a wquestion about radiation treatments and nausea. I am on #13 of a total of 30 treatments. Almost immediately I started to feel some nausea. When I have brought this up to my radiation doctor ,he says radiation does not cause nausea only chemo ( I am not doing chemo) so…
Hearing loss
It has been 5 months since my last treatment (35 rad with 2 chemo) for HPV tonsil and tongue.. I cannot hear highpitched sounds and voices are muffled. Background noises seem to be louder than ever. My ENT says my hearing loss is due to my age, 62, and not my treatments. He thinks it is a coincedence that I am noticing it…
SEcond time around tonsil cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer
In 2010 I had a late stage SCC of the tonsil with mets in the neck. I was successfully treated with chemo radiation (65 grays over 6 weeks) and after had neck dissection of Right hand side. I had a second cancer diagnosed this year with SCC in the parapharyngeal space, the GPs really let me down and did nothing quickly…
My husband has completed 19 of his 35 radiation treatments. He has completed 2 Cisplatin chemo treatments. So far he’s doing pretty good. Although his taste is pretty much gone he’s still eating most everything. At what point over the 16 treatments will things start getting really bad? Thanks!
New and ready to fight
My husband was diagnosed in September 2017 with SCC HPV+ tonsil cancer. He is 41 and otherwise very healthy. He had a neck dissection and tonsillectomy in October and will be starting seven weeks of radiation and chemo very soon (Cisplatin 1x week). Right now, he is in calorie loading mode and trying to eat as much healthy…
How soon after completing treatment did y'all get a scan?
My husband is on his F I N A L week of treatment for Stage IV BOT HPV+ SCC. He's had 30 (out of 35) radiation treatments and 7 (out of 8) Erbitux infusions. (If anyone wants more details you can click on my name and read the "about me" page. I know that, when I read other's posts, I always wish I knew more about their…
Tongue cancer
I am interested in what treatments were done and in what order? What was the outcome?
Bad Taste in Mouth
Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of the bad taste. My husband has completed 23 of 35 radiation treatments and 2 of 3 Cisplatin chemos. He had one bout of thrush but the Nystatin has cleared that up. He has a mild sore throat but right now ibuprofen seems to help. However, the awful taste in his mouth is preventing…
Peg tube build up
Got my peg tube switched out over a month ago and a week later I already started seeing food sticking to the inside of it. The first tube I got didn't have build up for several months. I always flush it with hot water but that doesn't help. I've even tried alkaseltzer but nothing seems to stop it. The tube is so tiny I…
small cell throat cancer new diagnosis help
hello,i am new here my father got diagnosed with small cell throat cancer. quick background on him he is 70 a smoker pack a day. other then that he dosnt really drink booze eats healthy ect. he was a fire-fighter for 25 years he is also a vietnam vet. this all came rather as a shock he was fine then on my birthday dec 19th…
Jaw Exercises
Trismus/TMJ is a condition that affects many of us (raising hand) who have undergone radiation and/or surgery. Just like swallowing, "use it or lose it" is the mantra. Here are some exercises given to me by my Speech/Language Pathologist at Johns Hopkins. As always, check with your doctors before doing anything. I have an…
Low Grade Fever
I am not even sure this is related to my cancer treatments or not. But ever since I had cancer, surgery, and radiation (lower dose), whenever I over exert myself I end up with a fever of 99º. Not very high but it keeps me down for the day. Today is one of those days after doing tree trimming for two days straight. Does…
Seven Years!
Hi, Just received the results from the latest PET/CT scan and it's an all clear. This puts me at 7 1/2 years post treatment for BOT stage 4, treatment was 35 rads with 3 cisplatin doses in 2010. Hoping this will give encouragement to those just starting down this pathway. Yes, treatment is rough, for sure. But it is…
To all the caregivers out there ...
How do you deal with a stubborn spouse? My husband has completed 28 of 35 radiation treatments. He’s in extreme pain but refuses to take any pain meds because he’s worried he’ll get constipated. He’s barely getting any Ensure in, maybe two a day. Not nearly enough water. When I tell him he’s being foolish and stubborn he…
Hair shaved off
Hello, I am new as of today. I have had tongue cancer. My radiation and chemo was completed the end of october. I am recovering from the side effects including hair loss. I went and had my hair cut short but now my question is should I take it to the scalp look. Will this make my hair grow back thicker and faster? Also…
Xylimelts for dry mouth
Has anyone used these and if so do they help?
Final stretch tips? Encouragement?
Here we are on the seventh week of radiation with three treatments left. Seven cisplatin treatments have been completed! My husband was doing fairly well and we have somewhat successfully managed side effects as they have emerged. Today it was like the wonder twin powers of the acculumated chemo and radiation activated in…
Radiation treatment for Tonsil Cancer ,one side or both ?
Hello , I'm new to this board and have found very good info reading through everyones posts it''s wonderful to read the positive outcomes. I'm a caregiver for my husband who was diaganosed with Squamos cell cancer. It presented as a swollen lymph node right side of neck level 2 nodes. Pet Scan and Ct scan were not clear as…
Partial glossectomy
Hello everyone, I am new to this but I can use some advice. Two years ago my mom was diagnose with stage 2 floor of the mouth cancer. She underwent surgery in September of 2015 with a flap and neck resection around April or may she found out that the cancer had returned in stage 4. She then decides not to do surgery and…
lymphedema serendipity
I have been experimenting with ways to treat my jaw and neck lymphedema, and may have stumbled on to something. I have been sporadically applying various skin moisturizers to the area of my neck skin that got toasted by the radiation, and wearing a variety of heavy scarfs to keep my whole neck warm. I happened to have an…