Sodium lows
developed during Chem over a yr & 1/2 ago. My Sodium levels are lower than normal. I don’t have any saliva tho I make it just can’t get out due to delayed Radiation damage to My ducts. Having to see a specialist in Baton Rouge to see if he can get some released. After treatment I had saliva, taste, was doing great now I…
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Stage 4 Intermediate Grade Minor Saliva Gland
I had a soft dark purple lesion that I found with my tongue in the roof of my mouth on the right side in early September. Painless I might add. Looked basically like a very small blood blister. Went to my regular doctor that sent me to my dentist who sent me to an oral surgeon. Oral surgeon removed the lesion and said he…
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
My Mom just got diagnosed with mucoepidermoid (intermediate) carcinoma of the salivary gland. . I would like to correspond with someone who has somewhat same situation. They are planning a neck resection later this month, with follow-up radiation. I am very afraid for her.
Immunotherapy against HPV-related cancer in the mouth?
Does anyone know, if there‘s an immunotherapy against HPV-related sqamous cell carcinoma in the mouth? I‘ve had Proton therapy in that area during the summer, and now I‘ve run into massive pain. At first, I thought this to be the after-effects of the Proton-treatment, but today I have been told that this would be very…
One week post treatment update
My husband is almost one week post treatment. It has definitely been a tough week and he has spent the most part of it on the sofa. He had 35 radiation treatments and 6 Cetuximab. He was scheduled for 7, but his doctor canceled his last chemo because his neck is in awful condition. He got 2 liters of fluid last Monday…
Sugar cravings!
Has anyone have or gone through huge sugar cravings? I have been craving everything and anything sweet. Cakes, cookies, chocolate. All that good, but very bad for you stuff:) I have always liked sweets, but not quite like this. cindy
Carotid Paraganglioma
Hello everyone, I was recently diagnosed with a right carotid paraganglioma (unfortunately won't know if its benign or malignant until they are able to surgically remove and do the biopsy, but fingers crossed and hoping for the best). Wanted to ask if anyone had gone through a similar case, if they had surgery, how they…
Beth Chapman and Throat Cancer Documentary
Did anyone watch the documentary on throat cancer by Beth Chapman (Dog the Bounty Hunter). The show never mentioned HPV which is a well known cause of throat cancer. I wish they would have disclosed what caused the throat cancer so that others would be aware of one of the many cancers HPV causes if that was the case.
Husband diagnosed Nasal Cavity SCC
I am new here. Please forgive the copy/paste but I don't have the strength to type this out again. Any advice at all is appreciated. ________ For the past year, he has been having severe nose bleeds. For the past 8 months he has seen multiple Dr's without answer. His last Dr. biopsied his nose (in May) and said he did not…
Bitter taste returned
Zinc Sulfate was recommended for the bitter/metallic taste and worked well for 2.5 months until a few days ago. Its driving me crazy! Any tricks that any of you have tried that workedfor you?
Radiation damage to my teeth and gums
Finished 28 (I think it was 28) treatments of radiation in April 2007. The first year was difficult, didn't like not having taste or saliva. Saw my dentist every three months to make sure my teeth would not suffer from lack of saliva. He never gave me fluoride trays and didn't feel the need to take X-rays. At the end of…
Drugs for nausea that work
I was so dreading my 3rd and last chemo last week because of the severe nausea and vomiting that I experienced with the 2nd round and was so surprised when it didn't happen. The only thing different this time was they gave me a scopolamine patch that really seemed to help compared to all the other drugs I took for the 1st…
One week post treatment!
My husband is one week post treatment (35 radiations plus 8 Erbitux for Stage IV BOT SCC HPV+) today! He is doing pretty well. The only thing that seemed to continue to "cook" was the skin on his neck. That got pretty red for a few days this week. He is putting on Aquaphor but is convinced that it is making the skin there…
False Teeth humour..
So my father who does not have cancer of any form, but also does not have good eyesight or hearing (years of working on jets will do that to your ears) father - (not happy, waving a tube) says, This fixodent doesnt work! brother - dad, that'll be because its Hydrocortisone cream, doesn't itch tho, right?
mouth sores help
My husband is 5 months out from teatment for stage 3 SCC of base of tongue, T2 N1. He had 2 Cisplatin treatments, 5 Erbitux, and 42 radiation treatments. Peg tube used from second week. Very, very ill all of treatment. Staph infection in 6th week, gastric issues for 4 months. Back to back thrush infections in mouth for 3…
THREE MONTH PET SCAN RESULTS NM PET CT ROUTINE SKULL TO MID THIGH - Details Impression Resolution of previously demonstrated left vallecular and left cervical nodal hypermetabolic activity. No suspicious hypermetabolic activity is identified. Electronically signed by: Jeremy Rau Date: 11/17/17 Time: 16:07 Narrative STUDY:…
The C: Section Chronicles Update
Hi All. I've been flat out creating 3D models the past couple of months and haven't been keeping up to date with the forum. It's been 7 months since I had my last radiation treatment. 7 or even 6 months ago I would never imagined feeling as good as I have the last couple of months. I think the best part of the recovery was…
6 month NED!
Dear Cancer, You have taught me so much!!!…. Sometimes I want to say thank you for the teachings, but mostly I want to say SCREW YOU forever. (You had me once, but never again.) BECAUSE OF YOU I: • Pray and PRAISE GOD constantly. • Live every minute to the fullest. • Am starting my bucket list early - NOW. • Verbalize and…
19 weeks and 3 days out of treatment today
So after all the fun off 7 weeks radiation and 3 high doses of Cisplatin I ran my first marathon of the year today at 57 years of age in 3:35:20 and placed 2nd overall. I was 5 minutes slower than before treatment for the same race as last year so I guess at the moment the new me is just about the same as the old me. It…
Post treatment check up
Hi, my father went for his first post treatment check up today. He finished treatment at the end of September. We were expecting them to scan, scope whatever his throat to see if the cancer treatment worked. They took blood, and then used a mirror to look at his throat and said they thought it looked OK, but would like him…
(Video) Had my first post treatment scope done
(47yr male, good health, SCC BOT HPV+ Stage IV) Last week I had my first post treatment scope completed by my oncologist. I am two months post treatment. She wanted to wait until my throat had healed some before trying to scope me (I appreciated that). Other than a swollen and shortened epiglottis and some ulceration, she…
Trouble Eating
It's been over a year and a half since my treatments and my taste still is not back to normal. A lot of food I try to eat taste very hot or spicy to the point I just can't eat it. Like, ketchup, salad dressing, pepper, red sauces and more. If it even has the smallest trace of one of these I can't eat it. Has anyone else…
Skin sensitivity? (head, chest, arms)
Just wondering if anyone else who went through radiation and chemo if they experienced unusual skin sensitivity post treatment. I'm 2 months post and for the last 5 days I've noticed in parts of my body with hair that I've developed some soreness. Specifically; the top and back of my head, both arms and across my chest.…
keytruda before surgery?
i have been offered to be in a trial for the drug keytruda - getting a dose 1 week before partial glossectomy surgery. All info i have read about keytruda is when it is applied to those who are unable to undergo surgery. I understand this is a trial, so maybe this is a new approach. has anyone experienced this approach?
What to eat when everything tastes like cardboard?
I know the superthread has info on this, and trust me, I've been there. I have tried so many things from there with limited success. I'm hoping to get some more current ideas of what to try on my husband. He's hungry and willing to try things, but we have a very limited menu right now. He was able to eat beef bone broth…
Epiglottis Issues Post Radiation Treatment
Bio: 47yr old white male, good physical health, no smoking, no drinking, diagnosed with SCC base of tongue involving one lymph node - HPV+. I finished treatment 5-6 weeks ago (35 rads and 3 large doses of chemo - no surgery). I had a pre-existing condition of trouble swallowing due to untreated GERD prior to cancer…
8 years after chemo and rads for larynx cancer my neuropthy, which started in my feet about 3 months after has, over the years, gotten much worse, it has now travelled up both legs to my knees, sometimes making it difficult to walk. The calf muscles stiffen up and sometimes I cannot feel the floor. The good side is that it…
I had an appt with the surgeon who will carry out my endoscopy. I was in two minds whether to have it done or not. It's not the normal endoscopy, they will go through my PEG tube site up to my esophugus and another surgeon will go through my throat and hopefully they will meet in the middle. They haven't done many of these…
Jaw and Ear pain -SCC
Hi All Did anybody had ear and jaw pain after chemo and radiation therapy?? I'M having this for past 1 week as my oncologist is out of the country. I completed 33 rads with 6 chemo sitting on Sept 21. Please reply with your valuable thoughts. Thank you
Has anyone on here tried Benecalorie? It is a high calorie protein supplement you can add to food. Has it worked out well for any of you?