tongue cancer
My dad just went through tongue cancer treatment where he lost 75% of his tongue. After surgery, he was given a radiation, but no chemo theraphy. He is not gaining weight. Any suggestions?
What happens if I have Fever during treatment
Hello all, On Thursday 10/20, before the did my chemo the took all the vitals, as they usually do. My temp on 11 tries was between 99.9 and 101.4, so the NP decided to to a fever work up, which included taking blood from both arms, a chest X-ray and an EKG. They did not find anything in X-ray or EKG, so they went ahead…
Thank you to all who post!
i posted for the first time this spring when I was frantically searching for a place I could read through other people’s experiences with H and N cancer. My husband was diagnosed with stage iv HPV + Tongue-based cancer on feb 17. He had robotic surgery one week after finding out he had cancer. He did 30 treatments of…
neck muscles still very tight
I'm starting to wonder if the muscles on the side of my neck will ever become soft and relax again? I did some PT and am currently having massages done once a week to try and relax the muscles so that they will stop doing spasms all day and night. I'm so sore from the muscles being tight it's driving me crazy. Has anyone…
Newly diagnosed
Hello everyone, i am just getting diagnosed with SCC in the supraglottic area right above my vocal chords. The ENT seems to think it’s a T1 and caught early,but he also said it was benign when he cut it out. The tumor is 1 cm and the lab report said it is well differentiated. I am 40 years old and have a wife and two small…
Intentions For 2011
After a very inspiring yoga class this afternoon, I began to think about my intentions for 2011... in some ways a little more strict than resolutions, but in some ways a little more relaxed! Instead of vowing to do something all year, and then giving up when you break a rule, I think of intentions more as something you can…
Newly diagnosed
I have just been diagnosed with acinic cell carcinoma of the left parotid gland. I first noticed the lump on the left side of my neck about 2.5 years ago and it has slowly been growing and is now 3-4cm in size. I had a doctor look at it in Jan 2017 and he put me on some steroids and said that should solve the problem. In…
Hello Survivors! Dennis is slightly past one year from the end of his powerful chemo(s) and 35 radiations to his head and neck area. He has done darn well post treatment, but there are some bothersome residuals. The thyroid seems to be increasing each time he has blood work, but he has not hit the number where the…
Zofran vs Compazine
Any opinions on which works best for nausea on the 6th day following Chemo? Thanks!
Perineural Tumor
Does anyone have any knowledge of perineural tumor in the inferior alveolar nerve? Please share treatment options. Husband is 18 months post diagnosis of Stage 4a SCC with primary in buccal mucosa. Latest scans show concern in the nerve but no lymph nodes. I know every patient is different but was hoping to get a general…
Swallowing issues, Little or no saliva, extreme dry mouth
If you have little or NO SALIVA, dry mouth, or just a VERY HARD time swallowing, loss of soft pallet, this is for you. Buy frozen bags of OKRA. ($1.00 a bag at regular groc stores). I put 4 bags into a deep covered pan and cover the okra with water. I simmer it for 8-10 minutes to speed up the process. Then I turn off the…
New year, new me - American Ninja Warrior
Hi everyone. I am trying out for American Warrior. Wish me plenty of luck.
Father and Son
I was diagnosed August 2017 HPV HandN cancer, however, my father was diagnosed 5 years ago with the same thing. He was 72, still cancer free, I am 57, anyone ever heard of this before? The docs say it is nothing.
Anybody experience kidney stones after treatment???
So, my husband has had lower abdominal pain on and off for the past two days. It got so bad this morning that he went to ER. Long story short...CT Scan showed a 4mm kidney stone! He has never had kidney stones before so I am wondering if this could be related to the Erbitux? Or radiation? Or maybe the fact that he is sort…
Holidays and not eating depressing
I am about six weeks out and still basically only consuming liquids with the ocassional can of pureed Campbell's soup but beweteen the crappy winter weather and not being able to enjoy eating a good meal life is getting very depressing right now. Had to give up my annual FL Christmas vaction this year and the euphoria of…
Happy New Years!!! Here’s to a year full of health and healing!!
I finished chemo & radiation for tonsil carcinoma about six months ago, and I am trying to find out if I will ever be able to eat food (mostly sauces) that contain vinegar, without my mouth burning ?
Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma???
I'm the wife/caretaker of a wonderful man who was diagnosed with carcinoma in his face on June 28, 2016. To make a long story short, after his surgery on August 1, 2016, the cancer was finally diagnosed as Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma (MAC). His surgery involved a right orbital exenteration, partial maxilectomy, removal…
Heartburn 5 months post-treatment
I finished 35 rounds of radiation and 2 doses of Cisplatin on August 1st for HPV+ SSC tonsil cancer stage 4. A couple of days ago I started to experience constant heartburn symptoms. Has anyone else had this experience? I am scheduled for an MRI on January 14th and am thinking of asking my oncologist to include a scan of…
Sharp pain in ears when eating and drinking
This is my first post. Thanks for allowing me to join the group. I’m five weeks post treatment for BOT cancer. HPV+. I’m slowly beginning to eat and drink again but I get a stabbing pain in my ears whenever I take a bite or drink anything. I had my 30 day follow up with ENT yesterday. He said I was radiated and there was…
Love & Joy come to you~~~~~~~
To each and every one of you, Whether you're just starting on your journey, or, like me, are an oldtimer, I just want to say Merry Christmas and the very Best in 2018. I am starting on my 6th year of freedom from the beast, it was rough, as I know it is for you. But, it can be beaten, and you will, maybe not be the same,…
Old fashioned sick
I THINK I have one heck of a cold. Called one of my drs. yesterday and a nurse told me that my symptoms are from radiation (which ended months ago). Waked today with 101.4 trmp and a bad sore throat that feels very swollen, have slept most of the day and my nose runs and runs.Does anyone remember a time like this? I'm…
4 months out from treatment and side effects
I was diagnosed in March 2017, went through 7 weeks radiation and 3 cycles of cIsplatin and had my 3 month PET and all is clear. During treatment I worked and immediately after was in the office full time. I wasn't feeling well,but powered through and did what I could each day. It's now 4 months after last radiation and I…
Newbie Here
My husband was diagnosed with throat cancer the end of October. He wi start his 4th week of radiation and his 2nd chemo tomorrow. He has a lot of mouth pain but hasn’t started pain meds yet. We will ask for those tomorow. How much worse can I expect his pain to get over the next four weeks? And should I expect he’all need…
To Radiate Or Not To Radiate That Is The Question
I posted here about a month ago and a great many of you responded to my questions and offered some very good insight and now I'm back. I had a "radical" neck dissection on March 9th and now I am in recovery. According to the ENT surgeon, he got 99% of the cancer in my neck and the doc's did locate and remove the source of…
throat cancer
My dad was diagnosed with throat cancer and done 30 radiation treatments it was on both vocal cords. After the treatments the dr said it was gone and he would start to heal in a few months. well one side healed up fine the other side has not he said he fill a knot in his throat now and has coughing fits also. the Dr said…
Ways to stay full when on liquid diet?
I'm only on tube feeds, I do 5 8oz osmolite a day. I've been having an issue with getting hungry too often. I'll eat then 3 hours later I'm hungry again and I can hardly stand to go all night without something, I wake up at 4am super starved. Before when I ate normal I could eat dinner at 6 and not even eat till 10-11 the…
Neck dissection on Monday 9/23
Hi all, Quick recap - 29 year old and had a T1 superficial SSC on the right side of my tongue back in February. Nonsmoker, light drinker, and HPV-. Was told it was unlikely it spread to the nodes after successful surgery and negative margins. I have had a swollen lymph node for about a month now, and it is increasing in…
Need help finding surgeon for carotid body tumor
Hi all. My 39-year-old husband has a carotid body tumor. We're in Chattanooga, TN. The surgeon we met with yesterday says we need to find a surgeon who has as much experience as possible with carotid body tumors. Can anyone make any suggestions? We are willing to travel and we are close to Nashville, Atlanta, Birmingham…
Considering sucked