How am I doing so far?
Hi All, my second time trying to post a thread, so hope both don't show up. I am in 4th wk of chemoradiation and looking at advice to carry me through the last 2.5. I have no ng tube and am this week drinking 5 boost/ensure + h2o per day. Meticulous mouth care, but a few small ulcerish areas controlled c 2% lidocaine spot…
FREE medical grade Aspirator Pump to patient in OKC area
Hello all. I recently completed my treatment for SCC base of tongue cancer. While going through treatment we purchased a medical grade aspirator suction machine to aid in my extremely thick mucus I was producing. Unfortunately, even though it was advertised as being able to suction thick mucus, we could tell as soon as we…
Fluoride Trays
I just spoke with my husband‘s dentist about fluoride trays. He said that in theory they are a good idea, but in practice they are not.He said it is not a good idea to leave fluoride on your teeth for that long. Also, since we now have fluoride in our water and toothpaste and mouth rinses it is not necessary. He suggested…
Post squamous cell carcinoma base of tonque questions
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed last May with Stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma, started at base of tongue and spread to lympnodes on right side of neck, 2 large tumors that turned into one big one... I'm 44 never smoke, occasional beer drinker.. I had no pain or symptoms at first, until I felt the lympnodes which came on…
Cancer Still Growing
Hi everyone, I'm new to this board but not to the cancer. I'm about to explain the road I've travelled for about four years and where I'm headed. I wanted to sort of vent to others who understand. Four years ago I had a swelling under my arm. I went to the doctor first thing the following morning. He thought it might be…
6 Months since LDOT (Last Day of Treatment)
It's been a rough ride, but apart from dry mouth it looks like clear sailing ahead. My oncologist says I'm NED and that is good enough for me. Finally getting energy to get out and do things although my interest in the garden has wained. What used to be a pleasure now takes an effort. I'm hoping that will change.
Side Effects
I was doing pretty good until Friday evening. Then the vomiting started. It wasn't time to take another pill but it wouldn't have done me any good. I ran a fever complete with chills for about twenty minutes I suspect, and the throwing up continued through the night. When I thought it was safe to take a pill I threw it up…
Return to work
Dear all, I am preparing to return to work. I would love to here about your experiences. Do and do not suggestions? I am debating between disclosing my diagnosis or not. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
CAT SCAN RESULTS Study Result of CT Scan Impression 1. No discrete left vallecular mass seen comment there is soft tissue fullness in the region which could represent post therapy change, but residual mass is possible. 2. Interval decrease in size of the metastatic left cervical lymph node, now measuring 1.2 cm. 3. 5 mm…
2 weeks post radiation/chemo
Hi, My 72 year old father finished 7 weeks of radiation 2 weeks ago today. He did do weekly chemo also, but they stopped that after week 5 bc of his blood counts. Currently he is exhausted and spending most of his time sleeping. Is this normal for this point in time? He is still choking back the boost, he doesn't have a…
HPV related cancer made the evening news
I was watching the NBC national feed news last nite and there was a segment about all the new cases of throat cancer in men related to the HPV virus. To bad the vaccine wasn't available when were kids.
"Best" hospital for Head/Neck?
I am very pleased with the care I've been receiving at University of Chicago Hospitals (live in Chicagoland suburbs), but my squamous cell tongue cancer has proven to be quite resistant to chemo (and is described by one doctor as "mean"), and I'm no longer a candidate for follow-on chemo/radiation. They are down to choices…
Audio Recording Doctors Visits
I've noticed in a few threads people mentioning that they were frequently frustrated with the fact that they often forgot crucial instructions or what was said during doctors visits because of the medications they were on or simply because of the chemo fog their brain was in. Some said this is why they tried to always…
Nausea won’t quit
Hi All, well, I finished treatment two months ago and have to say I feel the after effects are far worse than the treatment. I had delayed radiation burns to my whole neck which we treated with the creams and they went away. I had the mouth and tongue sores but dealt with those and managed to maintain my weight so the…
Proton Beam Therapy?
I've been doing some research on radiation treatment and found a couple of references to proton beam therapy. Only a few places in the country but lots more planned. Anyone been treated with Proton Beam Therapy instead of IMRT? Would like to hear how it went (side effects). Lizzie
tips for getting through cancer treatment that worked for me
When I was diagnosed back in March, I was able to connect with some different individuals who were going through the process, or had just completed treatment, ahead of me. Here are some of the suggestions that I took that might help others. Some came from the my team at Sloan Kettering, as well. I'll give some quick stats…
Post treatment therapies - survey
Hi all NPC survivors! I was treated for NPC stage 2 in 2013. Doctors did not recommend or mention of any therapy for side effects from chemo and radiation. Did anyone had or having any therapy post treatment besides medications? It seems we are on our own once we rang the bell. Please share your experiences if you receive…
Cold feeling during Erbitux infusions? Anyone else experience this?
My husband had his 5th Erbitux yesterday. (SCC BOT IVa HPV+) He says he has been freezing during each of the Erbitux sessions. He feels like the cold is so intense it is painful. I got him a heated blanket to try but he says it didn't heat up fast enough to really help. Maybe the nurses could heat up the Erbitux a bit…
Peg tube
I've read quite a bit on this forum and was somewhat prepared for the pain after the tonsillectomy which was pretty bad but not the excruciating pain I'm experiencing from the peg tube insertion this morning. About 30 to 40 minutes after the surgery while I was in recovery it felt like somebody hit me in the stomach with a…
First day of radiation...I have noticed something already...help
Hi All, I went for my first treatment today. I took Ativan but probably won't need it again as I didn't find it stressful. My question is for anyone who has had neck dissection with resulting nerve damage, prior to rads. I found after treatment that the nerve in my ear was quite irritated and painful (that's part of the…
Question for those that have tried acupuncture.
Hi, my husband (SCC BOT and lymph node on one side of neck, HPV+) has completed two rounds of Erbitux and 2 days of radiation! We know we have a long road ahead, but am trying to do what we can now to make the road as smooth as possible. For those of you that had success with acupuncture, did you start it during your…
2 years ago
2 years ago yesterday, my husband was diagnosed with tongue cancer. And the day passed by without him even remembering. It was a busy day- he had meetings all day at work, and it took him an hour and a half to get home because of traffic. Our teenager's new phone came in the mail yesterday, so he spent part of the evening…
Chemo created
i developed lower than average Sodium from Chemo a yr ago. Since thanI have been hospitalized 2xwith low Sodium. Just got released from My second trip were I dropped to a record breaking 109, which I had a seizure than a stroke. Not a good gift for your 60th birthday. So know another side effect from. Chemo. So tired of No…
brand new, so scared/tongue-underarm nodes connection?
Hi, So thankful for a place to hear and be heard. My dentist found a 3 cm spot on my tongue. Is not very noticeable, not red or white colored, and it was found after I voluntary chose to get a scan with their newfangled light. I've been a smoker for years. I've been referred for a biopsy, and will be doing that as quickly…
Going there...
Got the news this morning that my dad has stage 4a (possibly 4b-have to have a pet scan) squamous cell carcinoma. He had a tonsillectomyon 9/27. They said it was in lymph nodes. They want to do PET scan, dental appt and then feed tube. I guess I am still in denial but does anyone have any expierence with cannabis oil? I…
Cesplatin and Hearing
I was diagnosed with HPV. Received 35 radiation treatment and 3 chemo Cesplatin. I completed treatement on Sept 1st. Since completion it has been very hard to hear. I feel I have about 20 percent in both ears. Also buzzing and ringing. Has anyone had these side effect and seen improvement? If so how long for improvement. I…
When your dying loved one gets angry---what do you do?
Hello Everyone--Is anyone caring for a loved one who's dying and become furious over little things? How do you handle it??? My sister had end stage oral cancer. The morphine and dilaudid barely make a dent in her endless pain.Lately, she's been havng outbursts of extreme anger over simple things,like asking if she wants a…
3-Weeks Post Treatment
I'm a 47yr old male, non-smoker, non-drinker, in very good health. Diagnosed with Stage 3 SCC base of the tongue, HPV+. Did the traditional 35 rads and 3 doses of chemo. I did NOT use a chemo port or feeding tube. On This coming Tuesday marks three weeks since treatment ended. I think the entire treatment process went…
Throat Bleeding
Have had 33 radiation treatments. Now have severe pain and bleeding in my throat and roof of my mouth. Almost unable to swallow. Existing on Boost and water right now. Any suggestions?
Opinions from people who are or were in a similar situation (NX wait and see)
Hi all, Where to begin! I received a diagnosis of T1 tongue cancer after seeing 6 different Dr.s who refused to biopsy my tongue for fear it might "delay the healing process". I am 29 years old (28 at diagnosis), never smoked and occasionally will have a beer with friends. I have a feeling that my background information…