lymphedema, scar tissue, muscle spasms after treatment
I've had severe lymphedema pain (and ongoing treatment for it), but now the therapist is working (painfully!) on scar tissue in my neck To top those two, my pain doctor has diagnosed severe muscle spasms and referred me to a neurologist (who cannot see me til January 11) for botox. Has anyone gone through any or all of…
False teeth
For those of you who had to have all teeth pulled prior to surgery and radiation, how long after treatment were you able to get new teeth? I do not know what anyone else has gone through. thanks - Martha
FDG Avid nodular Lesion is Seen in left cervical region closely abutting hyoid bone
Hello There, My Father is sufferring with serious headache and a tumor type in neck. He had gone through a cancer operation of mouth in july 2016, could it be the side effects of cancer again ?? I AM PUTTING THE LATEST PET/CT SCAN REPORT BELOW please explain me the actual disease my father is suffering from ? Brain: No…
Hi All, I was diagnosed with SSC - Base of the tongue by july 2017.. successfully completed 33 rads & 6 chemos... After one month of treatments took PET Scan & the results say the tumor is not shrunken as expected, also never spread to any other organs. Tumor size is 20×50 mm ... Only 3 lymph nodes affected.. What can i…
Blood seen during ENT scope
Had appointment with the ENT doctor who scoped me and saw an inflamed area that had a spot of blood on it. This was the same area as the tumor. He asked me if I had been spitting up blood and I said I had not seen any blood. I asked if it was just a spot that had not healed yet (only 11 weeks out of treatment) and he said…
Six Years Out From Stage III Base of Tongue- Hang Tough!
Six years ago this week I got a call at work from my doctor at 6pm on a Friday. I said to her "this can't be good". It wasn't. My CT scan had revealed a tumor at the base of my tongue with metastasis to my lymph node. Only a biopsy could confirm cancer, but the doctor, when pressed, felt certain that's what it would be.…
Tumors in the head/neck
Looking for help from anyone post op who has had neck surgery to remove a carotid body tumor. What if any complications have developed and what courses of treatment have been used for pain control/relief .
Latest scan results weren't what I wanted to hear It's back
I had my 3rd set of check up scans last Thursday. Met with the doctor today to get the results. Not what wanted to hear. I have another tumor in my left lymph node at the jaw and it is wrapped around the a cartirod vien. Scheduled for surgery on Monday at MD Anderson. Previous treatment ended in January. I had 40 radiation…
CT scan clear
My husband is 15 weeks post treatment for HPV+ stage 4 cancer of right tonsil with metasization to lymph nodes in the neck. He was given the all clear today from both his oncologist and his ENT. We were happy to get the good news. He will continue to see doctors every 3 months for the next year. He had 3 large doses of…
Allergic to Erbitux
Well, this clinches it. Of all the drugs I could have been allergic to it has to be this one. So they took me off of it and will start a regimine of Keytruda until, and I quote, "until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity for up to 24 months." I have run out of options. We are now working on my quality of life.…
Question about Cisplatin
I have a question to those that have had multiple doses of this poison please. As far as your side effects go, were your 2nd or 3rd doses the same as the 1st, better, or worse? I'm getting close to my 2nd dose and the 1st made me extremely sick. Thanks in advance.
Weight gain... how to plump up my hubby?
Hello all! It’s been awhile. I hope everyone is doing well. My husband is in his 6 month of post treatment. I can’t believe how time flies! Thanks goodness for that. He’s doing well. His first PET scan was clear and all dr. visits have been really good. His taste is coming along nicely and for the most part he’s eating…
Post Surgery Corrections
Hi, My son has undergone reuired surgery and treatment for SINOVIAL SARCOMA on Left Temporal regison. He had to forego his left JAW MUSCLES in the process which has created a deformation (CAVITY) on this face. It is 4 + years now and doctors are suggested to go in for FACIAL SURGERY to correct the deformation. I am…
18 weeks post treatment all good
Just had my 18 week consultation with my ENT consultant and all is good, scans look good. My next appointment is in January.
Therabite or Orastretch
Anyone have one for sale? My husband has severe trismus after 7 weeks of treatment for stage IV Tonsil cancer. Unfortunately they are over $400 retail so thought I would check here as money is a little tight at the moment.
Cancer of Tonsil - PET scan Question
Hi all, I'm the caregiver/medical advocate for my husband who was diagnosed with Stage iV, Tonsil with METS to Lymph Node. We found the lymph node first which was 3.5 cm by 4. We had an excellent ENT who has Oncology Exp. And went from AnitBIOMeds/Scope/MRI/Biopsy/PET and then Surgical Biopsy with Option for Neck…
Urinary Incontinence
wo weeks ago I started the new chemo treatment (Erbitux). The day after my bladder just decided to start leaking as I was walking to the bathroom. Then for my next chemo, last week, it happened again. And one night in bed. Since that time, there was a complication and chemo last week had to be postponed. Now I don't have…
Oral Cancer treated with Surgery and Radiation
Good morning, I was recently diagnosed with early stage oral cancer. After 2 glossectomies and the removal of my lymph nodes I am now going through radiation. Fortunately the nodes were clean and from what they tell me the radiation is a lower dose and only 30 sessions. I am currently through 9 of the 30 and am starting to…
Is this the end? Or am I being negative? Input please.
Hi, all. I just had a few questions. My father was diagnosed in May of last year with stage four H&N, which unfortunately has metastisized to his lungs. He had relatively little disease in his lungs, but we have not done a scan in four months. I am doing research because I am aware that he is categorized as "terminal," but…
One month post treatment
Hi, Me again. My 72 year old dad had his last radiation treatment on Sept 29th. He had 5 days a week for 7 weeks radiation, and was to have chemo once a week for those 7 weeks. They had to stop after the 5th chemo because of side effects on his blood. They did not resume that treatment, so he missed the last two chemos. He…
Travel after rad/chemo BOT cancer treatment
My husbsnd starts Radiation/chemo treatment for stage IV squamous cell BOT GPV+ cancer. He is slated for 7 weeks daily radiation plus chemotherapy. We normally spend our winters in the Dominican Republic. I would like to cancel but he is insistent that after the radiation ends that in a week or so he would be able to…
Tongue Biopsy pain
I had about a 1/4 inch in diameter size biopsy taken from under my tongue yesterday. The pain is in my throat, jaw, tongue and ear. Does anyone know how long it will last? Im trying not to obsess about the results but after reading some stories I relate to so many symptoms. Had the white spot on tongue for a year and a…
Anyone experience thrush in their esophagus??
So my husband is starting week 5 of treatment tomorrow and has just been diagnosed with thrush in his esophagus! He can get soft food and liquids down, but he says it BURNS so bad in his upper chest area. His doctor has him on Fluconazole so I am hoping that clears it all up asap. Just wondering if anyone else has…
Erbitux? How soon did you develop the rash?
Hi, for those that had Erbitux, how long did it take for you to develop the rash? My husband had his first round 3 days ago and no rash yet! I feel like I want to see the rash to know that the stuff is in there and working! Not sure if there is anything to that or not...I've seen opinions on both sides.
I am retiring after cancer treatment.
I am 5 months out from treatment and a month NED after scan. I worked through treatment some days off. And the company was great. I feel I'm letting them down but I can't really do the job I used to do. I'll be 64 a week after I pull the plug. We will pay for cobra for a year and pray cancer is gone. I'm feeling like I'm…
Another Rare Cancer
Looking for anyone who has Olfactory Esthesioneuroblastoma.
Severe Tinnitus after Erbitux and Radiation
Hi Everyone, It's about a year since I was first diagnosed with a BOT SCC, first had a tonsilectomy to confirm it was cancer and then started treatment in January 2017. I completed 35 Proton treatments and 5 rounds of Erbitux in March and had my 6 month PET/CT a little while back and everything looks really good with no…
Parotid Cancer Recovery
I have had neck surgery to remove my tumor of the parotid gland, along with six weeks of radiation to my neck. I finished two weeks ago, but can not seem to regain my strength. I have already lost 15 lbs. and can't afford to lose any more. My mouth is finally healing, but with the dryness and taste problems, nothing is…
Last Question / Advice
I apologize in advance for creating a new thread, but I wanted to write out one long post, to both vent my frustration and how scared I am and to look for advice. For starters, I have had been a user of smokeless tobacco for roughly 8 years. On and off, there would be times that I had quite, earlier this year I had quit…
Just joined I have an ENT appointment in 2 days. I noticed a pea sized lump back middle of tongue it's maybe even smaller than that about 3mm. Swollen lymph nodes in neck started a few weeks ago. Went to 3 doctors and dentist for 5 months for what I thought wasnswollen large taste buds or thrush or infection and they gave…