Old fashioned sick

I THINK I have one heck of a cold. Called one of my drs. yesterday and a nurse told me that my symptoms are from radiation (which ended months ago). Waked today with 101.4 trmp and a bad sore throat that feels very swollen, have slept most of the day and my nose runs and runs.Does anyone remember a time like this? I'm totally on my own this weekend, and I'm really scared.Do we get viruses,, etc., too. Can't believe my panic. How do you handle times like this?  Thanks..Martha


  • Curlyn
    Curlyn Member Posts: 189
    Hi, I don't know what you

    Hi, I don't know what you have but with a low grade temp could be an infection. Regardless, are you able to take tylenol for comfort and maybe a humidifier to help with dryness? Watch for symptoms of the flu which they say started early this year- temp increase, upper respiratory symptoms, cough, etc. Get better soon!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    sore throats are our enemy

    Hi Martha,

    It just feels like you are going to die (or the cancer came back), but you are not and it did not.  I had one sore throat on my 1st or 2nd year post. It was terrible, but luckily I had a full, unopened bottle of magic mouth wash which made me in charge and not the sore throat. 

    I would not say I panic, but I do get a little concerned about life.  Most of the time I feel good, so there are no problems, but life already clobbered me once.  You can’t be too careful.

    Anyway, take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.


  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225
    edited December 2017 #4
    Sure you can get a cold / flu

    Unfortunately, having had cancer does not make you immune to getting other illnesses like colds and flu.  It just makes you worry all that much more about it when you do.  If I get a sore throat or cold, I don't think too much about it, but if my husband starts couging or gets a sore throat, my fear is always that it has something to do with cancer or cancer treatment ...

  • Frances_S
    Frances_S Member Posts: 54
    Bad Cold "Don't Panic"

    Hi Martha,

    I had radiation 16 years ago and I would get terrible colds that would just linger for 3 to 4 weeks. Still till this day, my resistance is low and I will catch a cold if I am around someone who has a cold. I carry hand sanitizer and I am very careful to stay away from family and friends if they are sick. I take Vitamin C and Zinc at the first sign of a cold. I believe it shortens the duration. I drove myself crazy after my diagnosis and treatment, I would panic over a twinge of pain, a sore throat, a black and blue. You name it, I am sure I panicked.

    Don't panic! Your cold will go away. If necessary, go and see your doctor. You will get better.


  • lewcap
    lewcap Member Posts: 23
    Another cold

    Just reread all these posts - after responding to another in which I reported (again) fever, cold symptoms, etc. Perhaps I, too, will eventually learn not to panic.