Surgery Update & questions
I had TORS & neck surgery on 8/24/21. They found microscopic tumors at right side of base of tongue, margins not clean. Removed 21 lymph nodes in neck, 1 had cancer and clean margins. Some of the neck muscle was removed as well. SCC, HPV+, Stage 1. Radiation & chemo starts 2nd or 3rd week of october. chemo will be…
Those that have a port, does it bother you or hurt when you sleep. I'm now 5 yrs out but weekly IVs from being over Chemoed caused a sodium issue that I need a hydration bag weekly. Chemo destroyed My arm veins so very hard to manage & a port was suggested. My niece just DX by Cancer on 4 drugs had a port installed before…
FT-dependent avoidance
Tx side-effect of the 68 Gys to the lower part of my throat led to my becoming FT-dependent some 10 years out in 2019. Know I should have gone to the U of Iowa for an evaluation, but did not. PCP just said because of aspiration and failed swallow test I needed a FT, again, and Why never entered his mind. Well over a year…
Squamous cell of the tongue
I had a 2nd occurrence in 2020. I've had 1/2 of my tongue removed. It's been a most challenging, frustrating time. My surgery was on October 16, 2020 and I'm still on a feeding tube, crushing my meds and using a syringe to get them in to the peg. Nobody shared with me these incredible difficulties! Also, I had a neck…
Taste is wacko & dry mouth - my 1st post
I am a new cancer patient and have been reading up on some posts within the HNC Board. Back in January 2021, I was diagnosed with & had surgery to remove a metastatic melanoma cancer of the anterior neck lymph node along with some oral squamous cell carcinoma. Four weeks of radiation and started immunotherapy every 2 weeks…
Skin cancer after tonsil cancer
my husband finished treatment for tonsil (and one lymph node) cancer in January. Sonce March he has developed 10 skin cancers and more. anyone else experience this??
NPC recurrence?
I had early-stage NPC in 2009 and had radiation and chemo. I had extensive scans till 5-6 years post treatment but not lately. I have been having mild headaches for a month now. I forced them to do an MRI for the H&N. It showed an increased nonenhancing low T1 signal intensity in clivus. The report mentions that it can be…
spicy foods
I am back to eating most things, but anything spicy still kills my mouth.(Taco Bell junkie!) Has anyone else got their mouth healed enough to start back with the hotter foods? I am 6 1/2 months past my last IMRT. BILL
Has anyone had radiation to their head and neck area TWICE?
My husband had head and neck cancer 5 years ago and had chemo and 35 radiations. The cancer is traveled to the other side and now we don't know if he will even qualify to get radiation in the opposide side. Please share if you have had an experienc like this. Thank you,
Elastomeric pump
Hello everyone...I wish you all a great day. My boyfriend will be having 5fu delivered through an elastomeric pump for up to five days...takes it home after he gets his other drugs the first day of treatment. He will have a port put in soon. Has anyone had this pump , mainly any problems sleeping with the pump? I'm sure he…
Wishing You All
A safe and happy Labor Day May you all have a safe and Blessed Labor Day. I would like to Thank God above all else for his many Blessings on this Nation and for making us prosperous. Labor Day Prayer: Dear God, on this Labor Day, we give You thanks for all those who work in stores and markets, in mines and fields, on ships…
Cannot eat/drink anything at all
Hi My mother a breast cancer survivor is suffering from esophagus plus pyriform sinus cancer. She had the 3rd Radiation yesterday and now she cannot eat or drink anything. It looks like to her that her throat is totally jammed. Please give us some idea ok how to handle it. Thanks in advance.
Maintaining nutrition during cisplatin therapy
What did anyone do to maintain adequate nutrition when you had cisplatin therapy And the loss of taste due to it. My boyfriend may be undergoing it again as follow up to upcoming surgery. He had a g-tube put in the first time around mainly due to radiation effects, but this time radiation not an option. Hoping to avoid…
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
Hi, I just found out that I have Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the minor salivary glands. Low Grade.It was found on the base of my tongue.I'm getting the growth removed on 4/10/06. I have this feeling like something is caught in my throat all the time. My ENT doctor said that he doesn't know why I have that feeling. He all…
Vitamix owners can you testify?
So I bought a Vitamix so I can make tube feed out of real food and then smoothies... From what I've read you can basically blend anything, add water so it flows, strain and pour in tube? Just wondering what kind of stuff people make. Food again, right? Haha!
white spot on tongue
Hello, my name is Janice and I am a bit nervous about a painful, white spot on my tongue. I have just noticed this yesterday while working. It hurts and I am constantly rubbing it against my teeth. It is extremely sore. I am wondering who to seek out regarding this. I am thinking of seeing ENT, but am unsure. I am no…
Neck pain and headaches?
Anyone experiences headache and mild neck pain/tenderness 4 years after NCP radiation? I'be been heaving mild headaches, more noticeable on the right side of my scalp but also on the left and at very top of my scalp. I'm bald so i joke about my scalp feeling cold when I get sick. :) but I have been noticing this for the…
This Just In
I JUST RECEIVED THIS TODAY in an email from HNCA (Head and Neck Cancer Alliance) It's a free film you can watch on laryngectomees that overcame their issues and sang concerts. It's available to stream: Sep 9th - Sep 18th and you can see a trailer video now. There will also be a Q&A By registering for the screening, you…
Ongoing appointments
I skipped mine. I know, I know, but I am all hospitalled and doctored out. If I never see another it'll be too soon - not just cancer, blew my left knee, and my right hip is bone on bone - which I WAS going to get taken care of so I can ignore it till it hurts again, but my son fell climbing and has .. wrecked is a nice…
Five Year Post Exam
Five Year Post exam today. Clear. NED. I do not feel like I "beat" cancer. I think we fought to a draw, and I hope to avoid a re-match. I started Stage 2, SCC +HPV-16. I received 35 IMRT, and 5 Carbo Taxol. I was scheduled for 7, but by the end was so beat-up we decided to rely on just the radiation. I started at 235 lbs,…
New cancer on the opposite side from 5 years ago
OK>..We know we have tongue cancer on the left middle area of the tongue....and we know we face a glossectomy and flap. BUT I am afraid he has more than we know as he is having the same ear, temple, estation tube, trouble swallowing, and jaw ache that he had when he was diagnosed in 2016. This just hit me and now I'm…
Made my choice for treatment
So, I de ided before meetung with radiation Dr today, that I will go with Rads and Chemo for 7 weeks. During my meeting, the Rad Dr advised that surgein said during tumor board duscussion, that he felt that gking the surgery route would shiw that they could nit get clean margins, si he advised rads and chemo would be a…
partial glossectomy with radial forearm free flap
We got the call we had dreaded today. After a squamous cell carcinoma tumor in the spring was removed and we thought all was well we have now have a reoccurance in the same part of the tongue. Next week we will go to Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, MO for a soft tissue CT and a PET scan. Soft tissue CT on JULY 8 of…
Radiation Residuals
Hi, Hubby is almost 5 years past his last H&N treatments. He had chemo for 8 weeks and then 7 weeks of chemo and 35 radiation treatments. now he seems to be having some pain that we think might be from the past radiation. temple headache, ear ache, pain into estation tube, jaw pain, and most recently trouble swallowing. He…
High Protein & High Calorie drinks recipes,
Hello to all needing the extra nutrition , ! These are rather basic, with no exotic type ingredients . They were in fact given to me by the Nutrition dept here, way long before my cancer, because I have had a strictured esophagus and trouble swallowing long before cancer. My doctors knew that my Radiation treatments would…
How often do you get imaging done for nasopharyngeal cancers?
Hi everyone! hope all is well. I haven't posted for a while. I hope everyone is doing well. My dad has been doing great. I'm curious how often is CT scan normally ordered for nasophangeal cancer 3-5 years post treatment if you don't have symptoms? it's been about 4.5 years since dad's last treatment and it seems like they…
Travel Insurance Denied
Although I love traveling with Overseas Adventure Travel, they use a company called Tripmate.com for travel insurance. Tripmate is a truly evil company, I purchased their cancel for any reason trip insurance via the Overseas Adventure Travel website. Then when I was diagnosed with throat cancer a month after purchasing the…
Base of tongue cancer
I myself have been battling cancer in throat since 2013, had a billateral neck dissection, a few years ago I had a ulcer come up on the base of tongue and after consulting my doctor I was told that this was just an ulcer, well after about 4 months they finally did a biopsy, and found out that I had cancer on base of…
tongue cancer - reoccurance
Hi All, After 9 years my tougue cancer is back. I just got the biopsy result today and made all the follow up appointments. Anyone went thru reoccurance? Any advice? I know second time around options are liited. This group helped a ton my first time around. I am so grateful for this group. Thanks, Sam
Deciding between 2 treatment options
So, I met with 3 Drs yeaterday. Chemo, Radiation, and ENT. After the meetings were over, We walked out with 2 options to pick from. Surgery by TORS to remove tonsils, follwed by removing swollen lymph nodes in neck along with radiation, with a possible Chemo backup if lymoh nodes appeared ruptured. Or, Chemo and Radiation,…