Video about Chemo expectations

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

Here is today's video about a few things to expect regarding chemo.  Primarily for newer folks, but survivors, please comment or share your experiences tips and tricks as well!  

Thank you

Don AKA Beagledad


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    edited November 2021 #2
    Very Good Don

    I can't say I recall going to the bathroom quite that much in chemo treatments but the close to the bathroom is a good tip.

    Also, your description of the needle placement for chemo treatments makes me glad I had a port placed in my chest.
    They would just plug in there by inserting a needle through my skin each time.
    I would recommend it to anyone if your treatment team offers a port get it.

    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    edited November 2021 #3

    Is there anyone that looked at that needle (connector) and didnt think "NO WAY ARE THEY STABBING ME WITH THAT?"

    I am so sorry - but mine was really easy, my Docs covered everything, so no Nausea, nothing

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited November 2021 #4
    They used to give me 2 RX

    They used to give me 2 RX meds for nausea.  I think they were Zofran and Compazine.  The Zofran gave me one of the worst headaches I'd ever had. The chemo nurse told me to just take the compazine for nausea and the headaches were no longer an issue.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    edited November 2021 #5
    Well done, as we've come to

    Well done, as we've come to expect.  Here are a few comments -

    I believe cisplaten is pronounced with a short "a", just like in the word "platinum".  Sorry for being picky.

    Good thinking on wear to sit while getting chemo, but it depends on your hospital.  Wherel I went each patient has a private room for receiving chemo, and that room shares a bathroom with one neighboring room.  So it was just a few steps to the bathroom and I never had to wait for it (maybe there was never anyone occupying the adjacent room.  I agree with Russ in that I don't recall having to use the restroom quite that often, but it was often enough, especially during hydration.

    I also don't recall the needle being anything special (size wise).  After being stuck so regularly during the 7 weeks it became pretty routine and no big deal.

    One other thing about gettiing cisplaten is the metalic taste you get that day.  That was kind of weird.

  • BeagleDad
    BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited November 2021 #6
    Thanks for comments

    Thank you to everyone commenting and offering info/advice for the videos.  I appreciate them, and you, and your advice.  

    I'd like to ask one small favor .... up to you whether you do this or not ....

    Please remember that my purpose here is for these videos to be found by folks fixing to or just going through treatment .... and a secondary is to help them find CSN.  Commenting here in CSN is very useful .... if you also comment under the video it will help folks that are not on CSN that find the videos by searching...and it will help the videos be findable when searching since comments are a huge factor in the searchability on search engines. The info you guys have about your chemo rooms, not having to pee as often, the metallic taste, etc is ALL GOOD STUFF and could be very appreciated by those that have not yet found CSN that are watching the videos.  

    The nice compliments and even critiques/advice comments are also VERY welcomed!  LOL  

    Thank you all so much...I am glad we are all here together to help fellow victims of these horrible issues.  I am among friends and fellow warriors.  
