Roll call
I just returned from my 6 year annual check up. Still all clear. I think my ENT was surprised I still exist
new format
I can say at this point that I much prefer the old format of this website much better. I just think for me the old format was much easier to use and easier to follow everyone's journeys. I find myself not visiting the site nearly as much as I used to because of not liking the new format. I have been on this site since…
Tooth pain
My husband has developed tooth pain 8 months after radiation therapy for tonsil cancer. I have a call in to the dentist...anyone else experience this?
This is an Oldie but a Goodie (I like it).
Happy New Year H&N Members, Back in 2013 I came across the following post by a 2010 H&N member known as nkimber. I found it to be very heartfelt and I have been re-posting it back to the top of the H&N forum (most) every January since. Many H&N members were very fond of nkimber and enjoyed re-reading her post. Thank You,…
Radial arm free flap question?
Hi All; I am a recent new member to this forum and I have read many of the posts and have found them to be really helpful. For context, I am 48 years old, non smoker, HPV negative and a decent competitive runner. I am also a recent survivor of SCC. A year ago I had a biopsy done and was found to have a T1 N0 M0 that was on…
Second go with Head and Neck Squamus Cell Carcinoma---Things going sideways
This is the story of a man (my sweet hubby) with P-14 Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck from 2016 and TWO new cancers on the opposite side (tongue and throat) in 2021. My husband went through 8 weeks of weekely abraxane and cisplatin followed by 7 weeks of daily radiation and cisplatin. He responded and…
Hearing Aids
So, I did everything possible to try to eradicate my hearing. I grew up on a farm, around noisy equipment, shot guns, listened to intensely loud music, and spent time in a US Navy ship's engine room! Then, I got Cisplatin Chemo... Ironically, my hearing is actually good ... in the lower frequencies. But, it drops off at…
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Recurrence
Hi. I’m a resident of the kidney cancer board, but I’m here for my brother-in-law. He was diagnosed and treated for stage 4A nasopharyngeal cancer in 2009-10. His treatment was targeted radiation five times a week and chemo (not sure of the drug) once a month. Both lasted three months and he has been cancer free since. He…
ROLL CALL 2021 - First Post (Section 1 of 9) <<<<CLOSED>>>>
IMPORTANT TO EVERYONE READING THIS, Due to the file size limitations for uploading files to the CSN website, in particular (to us) the H&N forum. My uploading of the Roll Call had to take one more detour this week and to fall in line with the present day CSN standards. I had all ready fallen way behind on this project.…
Christmas Wishes-Leave Yours Too
Hello everybody. We are about a week away from Christmas. Soooooo................. To all the CSN H&N folks on here who are stopping by and are reading this and to our background lurkers, which I am urging to join and be a part of the family here I am sending Christmas Greetings and Well Wishes to you and your families. In…
Lymphedema (?) after radiation..
After suffering thru all the typical side effects of radiation, I had my post treatment PET Scan on December 1 (two weeks ago, today). Yesterday I had the follow up with my radiation oncologist. The good news, the cancer is GONE! However, during the visit with my doctor, she did the normal exam: vitals, listened to my…
Base of tongue cancer
Learned of cancer August 2017, began radiation, chemotherapy and completed treatment October 23, 2017. A feeding tube was placed and was removed 18 months later. I had no appetite nor was food pleasurable to me. Ive existed on fruit and vegetable smoothies and Boost since. Recently I have developed an appetite and have…
My Anniversary
Today, 12/30/2021 marks my 13th year as a stage-3 NPC Survivor! Another Poster let me know about an article he read and showed me where the day you are told the Biopsy came back Positive is the day that starts Survivorship, and for me it was 12/30/2008, of course. No reoccurrence, because the Local Locos C & R Drs.…
3 days in Radiation
I already feel like I have a cold. Is this normal so early on? Only 3 days so far of radiation? I chose not to sleep with my husband as his sleep apnea machine tend to keep me up, woke up and have been sneezing and blowing my nose. I can't stop. I still have saliva. But honestly feel like I have a head cold. This sucks.
head and neck cancer
Hi al again! Have another question. My husband is three months post radition treatment to head and neck. He returned to work on June 8. He's feeling good and eating better; but off and on his voice sounds like it's dropped two octaves! It's not like he's hoarse and he doesn't have sore throat or scratchy throat or anything…
Question regarding Nasopharyngeal cancer
Hi. I’m from the kidney cancer board, class of 2016 (for removal of one cubic inch of my right kidney). I’m here today about my wife’s brother. He was diagnosed in September, 2009 with nasopharyngeal cancer, Stage 4A. He underwent radiation, M-F for three months along with a monthly dose of chemo (I forget the drug used)…
Is Your Care Team Caring For You?
I got a response from a man on this site after one of my previous videos where he mentioned that his care team did not do half of what I had mentioned mine did and I saw a clear opportunity for another helpful video ..and here it is. Please consider clicking the LIke button and or commenting below the video with your…
My Treatment Plan
Carboplatin IV; Fluoracil (5-fu) IV; Keytruda IV every three weeks x 6 cycles. Time for some light reading.
nasty pain , what now?!
Hi warriors, Havent been around for a while. Were to start steriotactic radiation on Sep 20. But , she has a nasty pain kind of in the left side of her throat, she feels its higher up and though its a constant it hurts most when she swallows. Got scoped twice in the last week to check this but they say everything looks…
HPV16+ resolved with radiation 2 years ago, but now
When I got the Proton radiation, I asked my Oncologist what the chances were of it being curative, he said 98% in my case (soft palate). Now I have a 6mm spot in my lung that could be recurrence. He never mentioned that and I am livid. Was this a play on words? The more I read about HPV 16, the worse it gets, sounds like…
Easy way to get more protein!
I don't know if it's been mentioned on here. It probably has, but my search yielded no results. I would like to bring it up in the event it has not, or as a reminder. WE need protein and many people need to gain weight! (I'll just use Orgain powder as an example here, there are many with more calories) 10 oz of FAGE yogurt…
Thickening Liquids
Hello folks. I just want to make everybody aware of a product that thickens food and drinks in case you have trouble with coughing or aspiration during eating or drinking. I was introduced to this during my time in rehab in 2019 and recently started using it again. I never heard of this product or idea before so maybe some…
Roll Call Reminder-Post Your Update Status
Hello all. Just a quick reminder if you haven't posted your update in the new roll call now is the time to do it. Matt has been working long and hard to adapt it to the new format and it is now available. To all of our H&N members feel free to post to the roll call which lets people know the basic stats that you want to…
3 years today
It has been 3 yrs. today since my last treatment. I am doing pretty good I have 85 to 90 % taste back and went back to work after the 7 months that I was out for treatment which included TORS, radical neck dissection, and 33 rad tx. You can go to my bio for the full take if you would like. I still have dry mouth and some…
4 months past treatment of tonsil cancer
Hello everyone, New to this post stuff. My husband had tonsil cancer caused from hpv, he is now 4 months past treatment. He does not want to eat, has no appetite, no energy, is this normal. I am so scared that he is never going to be normal again. I just would like to know if anyone else has this problem, oh yeah he did…
New CSN Website-Post/Edit Picture and Images.
I have recently found there are a few things you can do with pictures you post on CSN. I recently added a post on tips on the new site and how much easier it is for everybody to add pictures or images. Well now once you post a picture in your post or comment there are a few things you can do such as shift the picture to…
Ear Ache after completion of Radidation Treatment
I am almost ten weeks out and have started experiencing an ear ache on the side that recieved the most radidation. Anyone else experienced this....
Good morning and hope all is well with my CSN friends. I have been having some ear pain lately. it is the ear on the same side as my surgery, and the pain only lasts maybe 10-20 seconds, but can be very intense. It seems like it is in my ear canal, not too very deep inside. My jaw is always sore, and wonder if it might…
post treatment ear pain
Larngeal ca, no loss of voice box, one yr.exactly post treatment, radiation and chemo. I am having massive ear pain on opposite side of tumor. it has been exacerbating in the last month, can't lie on it and sometimes getting stabbing pain. Is this usual? any others with it? any hints to help
Tube in ear
I went to the ENT today- couldn't take not hearing anymore. He drained my left ear and installed a tube . I can hear again. Hearing is still not what it was 4 weeks ago but at least I can hear out of my left ear. I told the doctor I joined this foreman and learned a few new words. Lymphodema - I asked if what was under my…