finished chemo & rad - a copy of questions
completed 5 / 6 chemo (taxol & carbostatin) on 11/16/21 & 33 rads on 12/2/21. the last day i dd 2 sessions, i was having trouble getting in due to floods; one hospital stay which found blood clots in my lungs, very low WBC (which has resolved) & some sort of infection. i'm on a fentanyl patch & oxy pills. ?: i'm having…
Roll Call upload problems
Well H&N members . I am trying to get the Roll Call to you with limited success. It looks like a conversation with our will CSN Support (IT) Team is in order. I will return. CivilMatt
Questions About the New Web Site Answered
Hi, all you H&N folks hope you are doing well. I asked some questions today about the new website. Some things I couldn't find or understand and things I wasn't sure of etc. The part at the bottom where you could preview your post or comment before you post it is not there anymore now you have to save it as a draft see a…
Neuropathy - B Vitamins
I've been struggling with Neuropathy (numbness in my arms, hands and feet) ever since finishing 5 FU Chemo treatment, a couple years ago. Recently, a couple people on here recommended B Complex vitamins for it. I started taking them - and at first, I was disappointed, that I saw no results. However, this week - after two…
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treatment follow-up
I am 59 years old. I had a tumor removed from my neck in December, 2018. Biopsy was not benign. Primary tumor was in my left nasal passage NPC (Naso Pharyngeal Cancer). I had 35 radiation sessions, with Cisplatin, that ended in March 2019. I had 3 more 5 FU Fluorouracil (seek and destroy) chemo sessions, which ended in…
Thanksgiving-What Are You Thankful For
This is a thanksgiving posting and it is soon here in fact Thursday in just 3 days. Feel Free to post what you are thankful for or well wishes or whatever is on your heart this time of year. I have so much to be thankful for I am not going to list it all here. But I have a God who pulled me through many tough times and…
CivilMatt's TABLE insertion experiment
Good morning or afternoon where ever you are in the H&N world. I hope that some of the information (which those of you undergoing treatments) glean from this forum help you manage what can be a most difficult time. I know, I have been there myself! I do see Russ is dishing out tips and comfort to those who seek it. He is…
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow cancer warriors. Take care and God Bless. Rick
Lymphedema - Self Massage
I am new to this site and just a little about me. I was diagnosed with SCC baase of tounge and tonsil on Jan 12 of this year. My story is very similar to alot of you all. 6 weeks of IMRT Therapy and I have experienced most of the side effects that you all discussed for the thickening phlegm, trouble swallowing, xerestoma…
3 1/2 year checkup...
And all is good. I am, as has been said here before, "unremarkable". I met with 2 nurse practitionsers, one of which was new to me, and the one that did the scope. Both are very good. When I go back in May I will see the other familiar nurse practitioner and my ENT. Next year I'll have 2 visits and then will see them once…
Noob with floor of mouth cancer
Hello. I was just diagnosed with floor of mouth cancer in the first week of January. It is on the right side of my mouth between my tongue and teeth. I have had at least 6 biopsies in the last 15 or so years-2 of them under general anesthesia-on the right side of my tongue adjacent to the growth on the floor of my mouth.…
No brag, just fact
It's hard to know if things I might share will be taken as I intend them. I am reporting this ONLY to give anyone who needs it additional reason for hope. I certainly had little to do with being blessed enough to have SCC at a time in history when it is treatable. Last week I had my five year scan and have been declared…
An update
Hey folks. Some of you may remember: I had my neck dissection 14 months ago, after a T4 tumor was discovered inside my left tonsil. After that, 6 weeks of radiation. It all went pretty smoothly, although I had enormous trouble with keeping myself fed, during rads, because my taste buds went berserk. It's about a year now,…
2 Dry Mouth & Nose Hacks - Short Video by Beagledad
This video is one of the "useful" ones I have promised. These two hacks made my recovery a tad easier and I hope they will for you, too. If you have used either of these or have others please leave Comments on the video's page as well as here for others to see. THANK YOU! Don AKA Beagledad https://youtu.be/3Cn_4-XL0eI
TORS and Neck Dissection Information
Are you considering TORS, or already planning for it? This video can help you preapre with some ideas and discussions. If you have further hacks or just want to make comments on the video, please do so below the video so others outside of CSN can view them. Thank you! Don/Beagledad https://youtu.be/jYTxjBKILRE
Went to SLP last week and
not really feeling much better. The pain gets worse everyday, and I had to bust out my mortar and pestle again because I am losing my ability to swallow my meds. I'm wondering if this lymphedema spot in my neck has become infected because it hurts like the devil sometimes but I never have a temperature. Maybe I just can't…
Base of Tongue Cancer/Head Neck Cancer
My 58 yr old husband was diagnosed with cancer of the head/neck and base of tongue just about 4 weeks ago on May 20, 2009 and had head and neck surgery 3 weeks ago to remove one cancerous lymph node and 5 other non-cancerous lymph nodes and a non cancerous saliva gland. We are told by the Oncologist that he will have chemo…
Video about Chemo expectations
https://youtu.be/AlWfJ5lgJ4o Here is today's video about a few things to expect regarding chemo. Primarily for newer folks, but survivors, please comment or share your experiences tips and tricks as well! Thank you Don AKA Beagledad
Opdivo and Abraxane
Is anyone on here experienced with Opdivo for throat cancer? My husband will be starting a new study that combines Opdivo (Immunothrapy drug) and Abraxane (Chemotherapy) for his Head and Neck cancer. He was on a different study at Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, MO USA which included Keytruda and his tumor doubled in…
Can you drink Jevity 1.5
Just a curiosity. Went to get my Covid vaccine booster (actually 3rd shot, full dose because, cancer). When I got home I just didn't feel like doing a tube feed so I grabbed a can of vanilla flavored Ensure to drink instead. That stuff is NAASTY!! I asked my wife to taste it, she smelled it and said no way! Anyway, I drank…
Neck/Chin Lymph Nodes - Leave in or Remove?
Have radiation and chemo start up set for this Wed Nov 3.... Oncologist refered me to an ENT (to locate/size the C) while PET scans and appointments with Chemo, Nutritionist being set up and completed Met with ENT last week....couldnt find the C location....he discussed removing the lymph nodes and while under do deeper…
Jaime, this video was made for you!
After reading Jamie's posts this morning I had to make this video. Don aka Beagledad (PS you can hear Carly barking in the background!) https://youtu.be/szQXHzwxf1Y
Hi, My name is Kurt. On October 1, I was diagnosed with tonsillar cancer w/ has metastisized to 4-5 lymph nodes on the same side of the neck as the tonsillar mass. This was based on a CT Scan w/contrast, a PET Scan and a biopsy all done the last 2 weeks in September. Its stage 1, T1,N1,Mo (HPV+ -- P16+). I begin…
Be an Active Participant in Your Recovery
https://youtu.be/QEwOEdmusTc Today's video is short and is all about a theme for your cancer and recovery I call, "Be an Active Participant". I was amazed when I was going through this at how many medical professionals were surprised that I was doing what they told me. I had to ask them, "Do others NOT do what you…
PEG Tube fears and swallowing issue
Having seen several posts over the years that basically say if you get a Feeding Tube you lose swallowing ability, I am compelled to call said line of thinking what it is- BALONEY. I had a PEG all thru tx back in early-2009, and actually kept for 15 months in case the C came back. During tx one of my best friends were ice…
1st Post Treatment PET Scan
Chemo doc called with results. Nothing mentioned about thyroid. Two small lung nodules. Mass under jaw which they don't know if it's cancer or infection or necrotic tissue. Something on my kidney which will be put on back burner. I am due to see my ENT surgeon soon. I had them burn copies of my discs and I will have him…
YouTube Videos of my experience
Hi friends. I have decided to create a series of youtube videos describing my experiences and hacks and information for HNC folks to find when they search out info after diagnosis. I encourage folks at any point in their experience to watch and or comment. I am NOT monetizing these; these are for information sake only so I…
Eating Part 3 (I lost the middle part)
So. Something happened. Recently. Don't ask me. I don't know. I will never figure this stuff out. Something happened. All along, I have tended to be rather scientific, which drives my wife nuts (see the above, or the previous, as the case may be)... analyzing the texture, the heat, all of that sort of bull, trying to…
ROLL CALL STATUS CHECK Hi All H&N members And a shout-out to those members who PM me (over the past couple of years) with questions and information for the roll call including, wbcgaruss, donfoo, Charmit, Barbaraek, johnsonbl, tommyodavey, Sonja.K, MarineE5, okeydokey, Login 51, MMDowns, MJG1, LitlCJdoll to name a few.…
No Scanxiety-The Results Are In
It seems these days are not like the old days when a lady on here named Phrannie51 would have a scan coming up and get it and have scanxiety and be hanging off the ceiling fan for a couple of days till she got the results. I had my Cat Scan with dye (They call it Contrast) this morning at 11:00 AM and they called at 3:30…