cleaning the toilet - need some guidance

jim108 Member Posts: 34 Member

ok. completed my 1st chemo & rad today.

regarding the toliet, we've been getting different information from the cancer center staff and from some of the national groups.

Most, not all, recommend that men sit on the toliet to pee, makes sense. They all say to clean any splases, makes sense.

Here's the confusion:  some say that I should clean the toliet seat and toliet bowl rim w/ colorx after every use and others don't mention doing that at all which to me says it's not necessary.

Our chemo nurse who has been doing this for 20 yeears said it's not necessary that the only really important things for the bathroom is to put the seat down & flush twice, wash your hands and clean your bathroom as you normally would. Yet the paperwork from the cancer center had something from American Cancer Society to wash the seat & rim after each use. And yet same group of papers had something from the caner center that did not mention it.

I and  my wife use the toliet.

What say you & why?




  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited October 2021 #2
    Well Jim

    The only thing I remember is the flush twice recommendation.
    There may have been a little more to it I don't remember but it was probably the same recommendations you were given.
    We did not clean the toilet every time as they are telling you.
    I probably did not always remember to flush twice either.
    I am sure we were cautious but did not overdo it and took an observe and adapt attitude to bathroom maintenance during this period.
    Being seated to urinate is probably a good idea so there is no residue going anywhere but right in the toilet.
    I am with your chemo nurse I would say don't take things lightly but don't overdo it and use your common sense.
    I don't think you have to clean the toilet each time I know we didn't and would probably be considered somewhat lax on this
    but everything worked out fine and we had no problems and like you both my wife and i use the same toilet.
    That's my take and experience on it.
    Wishing you the best-Take care-God Bless-Russ