Cartoid Artery
I am 28 months out from finishing my treatment from HPV 16 tonsil / lymph node cancer and am still doing great. My GP just had me do an ultra sound of my cartoid arteries to determine if any issues are developing. I have been warned by my ENT that narrowing of the arteries is a possible side effect of the radiation. My ENT…
Still loosing weight after peg removal
G'day im new here and have been eating by mouth for about a month. The problem I'm still loosing weight, I have the peg still but am very reluctant to use it. I'm going down to the hospital to have a cat scan and the peg removed this week as they found a spot on my lung. I've had my post treatment scan and there was a…
Wow! Thought I was in the clear! Three weeks from my fourth year NED report! Now I have something else to deal with! Osteoradionecrosis! Quite the mouth full, literally! I have options of , hyperbaric chamber and surgery to do skin graphs, or chamber alone, or try meds to help encourage blood flow.. anyone out there have…
PEG tube pain
Had PEG tube put in on June 1st and am healing slowly. Still have some blood on gauze when I clean and change it. I am sore at the location however, the real pain I am having is to the left of the stoma... about five inches away. It is like a muscle spasm that only lasts a few seconds at a time. I called my Gastro doctor…
Mouth and throat sores after treatments
Hi, one month after treatments for neck and throat cancer 35 rads and 5 chemos , I still am getting these little mouth sores around my troat that look like little blisters they come and go. Mainly appear during eating , they are painful and resolve the next day or in several hours until I irritate the troat eating again.…
I thought I would just post this and maybe some readers or someone they know may be interested or need it as an option. PDS Biotech is developing a new immuno-therapy designed to target HPV-16 called PDS0101. PDS0101 has been shown to stimulate high levels of HPV-16-specific killer T-cells that target and kill head and…
Honoring Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day Memorial Day is the day to remember those men and women who died while serving in our nation’s armed forces Take a moment this weekend to honor those who served our nation and are no longer with us. As Americans, we enjoy the enormous blessing of freedom. Remembering those who died to preserve that…
Neck and Swallowing Exercises
So I'm supposed to do these everyday. Typically I'll do 2-3 sets of ten reps. I got a late start on my neck exercises because when I first tried to do them as per instructed instead of babying along my neck wasn't healed and bled. Now I've tried again and I am getting shooting pains in my neck throughout the day. I was…
Post-radiation advice?
After 33 grueling sessions, my last radiation is this evening! I read through several posts on this forum to try and preempt some of the side effects. I don't know if it's the fact that I received proton radiation or the fact that I was expecting the worse, but for the most part my side effects were not too too terrible.…
Extended lLoss of Taste
I have a friend, who finished throat Cancer treatment, about 18 months ago. I ran into him today, and he told me he STILL hasn't regained much of a sense of taste. He says unless it's super sweet, food just doesn't register. I told him about CSN, but also offered to ask my friends on here for advice on this. Can anyone…
Painful swallowing, but...
I'm 3 1/2 years out from BOT cancer surgery, full modified radical neck dissection, they took 60+ lymph nodes and followed it all up with lower-dose rads. I had persistent, diffuse neck pain for nearly 2 years, docs couldn't find anything really causing it - maybe just my messed-up neck anatomy, nerves that had been cut,…
90 days post treatments symptoms lymphedemia, hypothyroidism and dry mouth....
Hi, 90 days post treatments effects.... Dry mouth especially at night affecting my quality of sleep. I use a humidifier air purifier as well as plenty of water and I still wake up several times in the night super dehydrated.. lymphedema In the neck showed up about two weeks ago, I'm currently receiving occupational therapy…
I'm much better
Hello, friends. I wanted to give all a bit of news, hope, and thanks for the support. Currently, I have almost all my taste back. My beard grows almost normally (when I let it) and my saliva is almost completely restored as well. The lymph oedema below my chin has also completely disappeared, and all that is left is a bit…
Current Update on my Great Recovery
In light of Mattie65's update, I wanted to share some hope on my end as well. When I was diagnosed and early in my treatment this forum was great HOWEVER, the negative stories stuck out more than the positive ones so I really want others to see it can be OK. I had neck dissection on 11/18 and began chemo/radiation on…
Sore Lip
This is an odd one to me. Had rads 9 years ago with not too much trouble. Six months ago my bottom lip got really sensitive and started peeling like it was sunburned. It did go away and now it's back again. Every day I put on a very good lip gloss that doesn't contain petroleum. My lip is still dry and cracked no matter…
Tongue feels tangled in wires
I'm new. Tongue squamous cell cancer removed 1/2021 with neck dissection. I was cautious pretty early--no radiation or chemo, partial glossectomy, no need for flap or graft, left salivary gland removal, 51 left lymph node removal. I need help. For a few weeks I've noted cord or wire like areas inside my tongue some attach…
My Beau, my love-- died this morning from his Stage IV HNSCC
Hello forum, This morning at 3:15am, my Everyday, constant love died from his metastatic head & neck cancer. His caregiver texted me at 3:45am. Randal was 60 years old. 6'2" tall, very handsome. Vice President of a small company a Software Engineer/ Programmer when he was first hit with CLL Leukemia in 2012. It was Stage…
Erbitux + new bone mets
Hi there, I am 5+ months post chemorradiation for NPC (nasopharyngeal carcioma). I just had a PET-CT b/c of persistent pain and numbness in my hip / leg. Turns out that I have a whole slew of new mets that now need to be treated. They are putting me on weekly Carbo, Taxol and Erbitux. A couple questions: 1) has anyone on…
First Post-Treatment PET was Clear!
Just a quik update. i had my first post treatment PET scan done and my surgeon, oncologist and radiation oncologist all gave me the all cllear for now. I will have scopes done every 3 months and CT scans (w/o contrast) every 6 months to begin just to keep an eye on a couple items but what an initial relief! All the pain…
What to expect now
3 weeks ago had an enlarged lymph node on right side of neck removed that had not grown in 2 years. Came back testing positive for cancer. Had PET scan which showed nothing, then had ct scan which showed nothing. Then had tonsils removed and 4 mm host was found in right tonsil. All other lymph nodes seem to be OK. But am…
Bariactric Oxygen therapy for tooth extraction after throat cancer
I had throat cancer and underwent 7 weeks of chemo and radiation that concluded on July 2, 2019. I had a tooth fail (#31) that was supporting a bridge so aside from having to have the tooth pulled, I lost the bridge as well. The dentist said the extraction was a little tougher than usual but I should be fine. Fast forward…
Wishing All A Wonderful
Happy Mother's day. Wishing you many blessings and a happy day for you and your mother. If your mother is not here anymore like my mom may we relish the memories of our mothers? I am looking to the day when I will see mom again. If your mom's still here make a point to visit her more in the coming year. Time goes fast and…
Tongue Paralysis Prior to Treatment of NPC diagnosed patient
Hello, sorry if this is premature as Ay sister who is the cancer patient has yet to have her PET scan and is not yet on her treatment plan. Also I did my best to do a search of the discussion boards but couldn't find the same issue. My sister who was diagnosed with lupus about 18 months ago, all of a sudden started having…
stage 4 throat cancer
Need some direction: I am not sure if I should try chemo and radiation for 8 weeks or just have a complete laryngectomy. Does anyone have any experience with either? I would love to hear how it went. Thank You Mike
Nasopharyngeal question
So, I have a question for anyone who had NPC, or treatment that may have caused this concern. I'm about 19 months out of treatment. My source of Cancer was my left Nasal Passage. Approximately a year ago, I started noticing a regular (daily) discharge from that left side, of what looks like little sheets of translucent…
Recently diagnosed with olfactory neuroblastoma
I am a 27 year old who was diagnosed with olfactory neuroblastoma in March of this year (2019). I found the tumour in my nose in November but was told it was just a polyp until I finally seen an ENT. I had surgery to remove my tumour through my nostril in April at Toronto Western Hospital. They did the entire surgery…
Concerned for my (love) Bucket
This is the wifey. I would like to know if somebody has been in the same position, and how they fared after all the sessions. Will he feel bad for a long time afterwards? My goal is to take him on a small vacation in mid-May. My favorite hubby Bucket has tongue cancer squamous cell carcinoma stage 3. He is on radiation…
Our Furry Friends
Has anyone noticed a change in behaviour from their dogs and cats whilst you were ill? I know its a fact that certain dogs can, or can be trained to smell cancer! Thats a bit weird....personally I'd prefer a human medical diagnosis. Anyhow, I've got 2 cats and the one, Max has definatly been paying more attention to me…
Mayo HNC Doctor on N Acetylcysteine for thick mucus/saliva in HNC patients in radiation therapy
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kgwUWdwwsNw 6:14 run time. Jump to 3:00 for quick run down. N Acetylcysteine is helping people with the thick mucous/saliva. Thoughts? I have gobs of this stuff at home and I'm not afraid to use it!
Post Neck Dissection Tightness - any good ideas?
Hi All, Any suggestions and/or expectations for post neck dissection tightness relief? Any recommendations for topical ointments, accupuncture, cupping, botox, stretches? I had my surgery late 2020, not sure if present tightness is the norm or if this too improves with time. Z