Be an Active Participant in Your Recovery

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

Today's video is short and is all about a theme for your cancer and recovery I call, "Be an Active Participant".  

I was amazed when I was going through this at how many medical professionals were surprised that I was doing what they told me.  I had to ask them, "Do others NOT do what you recommend?"  I found it tough to believe that some folks would not do everything they could to get over this hump.

This video addresses that in a non judgemental manner.



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited October 2021 #2
    Nice Video Don

    Yes, a short video but content is what counts.
    The camera shot looks good now a full rectangular picture.
    I think Carly wanted the leading role not a bit part.
    I couldn't agree more I can't imagine not doing to the best of your ability whatever your care team instructs you to do.
    Even on days when I was so tired and slept a lot and didn't feel all that great, I knew there were things I had to do at the minimum to help me and my care team.
    This is an expensive treatment and my medical team's time is valuable and I didn't want to waste any of it.
    Thanks, Don.
    Take Care-God Bless-Russ


  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited October 2021 #3
    Good video Don!  You look

    Good video Don!  You look like you've been doing this a while.  

  • BeagleDad
    BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited November 2021 #4
    Russ & Ozy

    Russ:  Thank you for the camera advice; I like that way better as well!  Carly ALWAYS wants the leading role ... and she believes she deserves all the attention.  Very few things get done in our home wihtout her feelings being of utmost concern.  LOL

    I like your point about the expense of the treatment and the value of the care team's time.  Iin retrospect, however, I know now I should have added some to this video ... that there are times when we are simply too tired or constipated or whatever to perfectly follow doc's orders and that at times we have to bend them a little ... that my advice was more a recovery philosophy than a call to adhere perfectly to every edict and action set forth.  Perhaps in a future video I will cover that concept.

    Ozy:  I really appreciate your watching and commenting.  When we content creators submit or post stuff, we worry that no one will vierw them, share them, or like them.  So we watch every hour for the analytics.  I know my topics are not for the general public and don't expect a lot of activity .. yet.  I just REALLY hope they wil have enough social media "juice" to pop up when newly diagnosed folks start searching for answers.  Honestly, I have not been doing THIS for awhile, but I am an accomplished public speaker and Gold level Toastmaster .. as well as having to market my business to the chamebrs of commerce, etc.  So I am very comfortable in front of crowds ... and to me the camera is just another audience member.  

    My narratives are unrehearsed and come from my heart and mind.  Either spekaing from memory or passion.  Accordingly, I am going to err, cough, forget parts, and in general make mistakes .... I hope that the viewers will address those in the comments area so we can all get a well rounded version of my topics since I am confident that I do NOT know everythying. :)

    Both of you:  thank you thank you thank you.  Your participation in this endeavor means the world to me.  I hope that our work here will be helpful to a great many over the years to come.  

    Don & Carly


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited November 2021 #5

    I certainly came to the conclusion that busy Medical professionals can make mistakes also. So, I think taking charge of one's treatment is a definite requirement.

    Repeating, very clearly, scheduling and details of treatment, is a MUST - to make sure both sides are on the same page.

    With that said, overall, my treatment was very professional, and despite the fact they were busy, they did very well!
