A Full Year

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

Well folks, it was a year ago today I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer.  Between now and the end of Feb 2022 I will remember many dates and what happend "one year ago".  Certain times frames went by super fast, some slower than I can even imagine, and others just whizzed on by.  

For those of you that will and have already come here after me, welcome and know you are in the right place for good information.

For those of you that came before me and helped guide me through the processes, I again offer up my thanks and appreciation.  I employed a GREAT many of your hints, tips, & tricks that helped ease me through the tougher times.  

I am not 100% yet..probably not even 98% yet ... but whatever leftovers I experience from the surgery and treatments do not play a signficant role in my life any more; for all practical purposes, I am living a normal life.  I do my neck stretches every day, try to remember to do my lymphodema rubs every day, and still have to "chase" down bites with too many Doritos or too much bun versus meat.  I can enjoy a fast food meal, but the fries still get stuck.  And if these symptoms last the rest of my life, so be it.  Given what I endured back in January and February, these are gifts.  

I still miss my ability to smoke weed; I had been doing that since 9th grade.  And JUST after I got the medical card and was basically legal!  Good grief!  I really miss my whiskey or wine.  Plain soda and coffee or flavored water are what tingle my tastebuds now.  Although I miss both of those vices dearly, I reckon the cancer was my body's way of telling me that it was serious about me stopping alcohol and THC.  I miss them ...but not as much as I fear having to repeat treatment!!!!  

Like many of you 'old timers' here, I hope that I can offer some experience and wisdom to the newly-diganosed as they find our forum here and force themselves to ask the tough questions.  I keep this page up on my Home Page Tabs and monitor it frequently looking for anyone I might be able to help with some words.  

My body and my brain both bear significant scars from the past year.  Reminders of what once was and what I hope will never be again.  

I'll never forget my experience and I'll never forget those of you with whom I shared it.  Thank you all and Godspeed for your good health and lengthy life.

Don AKA Beagledad


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    Congratulations Don, In Fact Ultra Congratulations

    My how the time has flown.
    It hardly seems like that much time has gone by so quickly since your debut on the forum here.
    But I have been through treatment and like you say some of it drags on forever or seems that way.
    I am so glad to see another person come out on the other side of this.
    You can now chart your new normal and finish up any recovery you may still have.
    You are Blessed to have come through in the shape you have.

    Wishing you many more and Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited October 2021 #3
    Be grateful


    You are indeed very lucky to have gotten through easier than many of us and I am so glad you are able to Eat !!  That itself is something to be so grateful for, because it's a very large part of what makes one feel Human.  For those of us unable to eat, --- well, it's difficult for others to fathom ...  I've had others, and even other cancer survivors cry about it.  I try to explain that it's a major adaptation I was forced to make over 4 years ago, but I'm still standing here before you, right now, nonetheless.

    You too have to adapt and find a new way. And a healthier way!!

    I asked Randal, my boyfriend who died this May of his metastatic head & Neck cancer, why he never posted here on CSN. He said it's because he wasn't a Survivor. Because he was terminal, from the metastasized base of Tongue tumor.... So sad.  Anyway, I went through years of it with him, myself being Stage III recurrent...

    There are many Levels of this cancer... Different degrees of advanced disease, or Early disease  treated and " beat".   

    I am so glad you have come through it well, and have now charted  a new Future!  Thank your excellent oncology team as well...

    All the best to you, Crystal

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member
    edited October 2021 #4

    Ditto to what Russ and Crystal said, and...happy trails to you for the next 10+ years.



  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    1 yr

    Congrats on the 1 yr. I'm sure there were ups and downs but you are here and I know you can't wait until the next and the next. Good luck

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    One year will soon be two...

    ... and so on and so on.  You hear many people lament the passing of time, but I say bring it on.  Every day is a gift.

    "And if these symptoms last the rest of my life, so be it"

     This is a very good and necessary attitude to have, Don.  Otherwise you'll drive yourself into depression, and that's no way to live.

    Carry on and here's to many more years!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Beagle Dad is doing good

    Hello Beagle Dad,

    I am happy to hear of your “after treatment side effects” being livable. I do not wish any of the affections we end up with on anyone i.e. altered taste, edema, swallowing issues, etc. and whether we give up the dope, whiskey, wine and the very possibly the means of transmission of the hpv (to those so afflicted). Many H&N members have continue all their previous vices but, in moderation.

    Even though I have been finished with treatments for stage Iva SCC, BOT, 1 lymph node, HPV+ (surgery, radiation & Erbitux). for 9 years 6 months, I can honestly say I still have improvements to my taster, REALLY! We have all read about those H&N members fortune enough to regain much, if not all of their previous (normal) taste, very quickly. Well, I did not go back to normal but, I have recovered nicely and I am very happy with how good the foods I eat do taste. I truly believe I am still getting better all the time and I hope that all the H&N members who have a difficult time with tasting will stick with it, try everything.

    This is your first year since diagnosis and it has been quite a ride for you. Don’t forget to let us know what the date is in February to celebrate your first NED.


    Civil Matt cc

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited October 2021 #8
    one year mark - congrats

    Glad to hear you are progressing and seeing your new normal come into focus. Your last comment is very true for me too. You never forget the ordeal and the friends made here, even after 8 years. Hard to believe that much time has gone by and this place still has a place pretty near and dear. I  make no effort to remember, it is just there. The details of the ordeal fade but the memories of old friends remains strong.

    Your physical progress will continue but the increments will be smaller. I was very fortunate that my only long term side effect is fibrosis in the neck where the radiation blasted. But with daily neck stretching exercises it remains tolerable and usually only reminds me when I fail to do my stretching but once done, it's all good. Hope you well over the coming months and years.