YouTube Videos of my experience

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

Hi friends.  I have decided to create a series of youtube videos describing my experiences and hacks and information for HNC folks to find when they search out info after diagnosis.

I encourage folks at any point in their experience to watch and or comment.  

I am NOT monetizing these; these are for information sake only so I hope that the admins and folks here will encourage rather than discourage them.

The first one was done today on a whim editing, heck I did not even comb my hair.  LOL

I would appreciate folks viewing this at least for a couple of minutes so that it gains some traction on the youtube and becomes more findable when folks are searching.

Thank you and I will accept any ideas for future videos.


PS...this forum is mentioned at least twice in this video!!!

Don Beagledad



  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    edited October 2021 #2
    Watch this now!

    Don does a great job in so many ways.  He has a great delivery, lots of enthusiasm, good insights, humor, and a "I can believe this guy" approach.

    Already looking forward to the next installment.

    Good on ya, Don!

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    edited October 2021 #3
    Another thought

    Can this be made into a superthread so that this and all new installments can be stored in one place?  Hate to miss one if too many posts come before the next one.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited October 2021 #4
    One Thing

    You can do when you post links is make them clickable with a blue color---

    How To Embed A Clickable Link

    In your forum posting.

    This is just a "For Your Information" posting to let folks know how to make a clickable link in your posting.


    1. I am going to talk about and show how to post a clickable link to the page link in blue below, that link explains exactly that, posting a clickable link. My directions will be for this forum only but the link below shows more just go ahead and CLICK on IT.

    2. Go to the page link you want to insert and copy it and then paste it in your text such as

    3. Then left-click and hold and drag your mouse over the link you just pasted in highlighting it.

    4. Then click on the unbroken chain link in the middle of the editing box above the posting area. A box will open then just re-paste the link in the "Link URL" box.

    5. Then below it in the target box click the drop down and choose “Open in New Window”.

    6. Then in the Title box enter a brief description of what the link references.

    7. Then click Insert.


    Voila, your link is now blue and clickable.

    Cheers everyone-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited October 2021 #5
    Good video.  I hit that

    Good video.  I hit that subscribe button.

  • BeagleDad
    BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited October 2021 #6
    THANK YOU!!!!

    First off, thank you to the moderators and members for giving the OK to me posting a link to my video; I was concerned that might be against community standards.  Now that I know otherwise, I will operate accordingly.

    Second ... anyone not wanting to miss any of the videos can simply click the SUBSCRIBE button on any of the videos to subscribe to my channel.  From that point forward you wil be notified after each posting I make -- and I expect there to be dozens ..I have tons of topics in my mind and I am SURE fellow survivors and others will offer ideas.

    Mike, Ozy, thank you for your support and kind words.  I really, really, apprecaite that.  

    Don (Beagledad)


  • BeagleDad
    BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited October 2021 #7
    Thanks for info Russ

    Thanks for those instructions, Russ.  Will do!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited October 2021 #8
    I Liked The Video

    Very well presented and laid out.
    As you said a beginning video and very good in that respect.
    Very clear picture also, good quality.
    Thanks, Don.


  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    edited October 2021 #9
    Great job, Don!

    As Russ said "Very well presented and laid out". I couldn't agree more.  Do you plan on posting a new video at any particular interval?  I'm surprised you were able to talk the entire time without taking some sips of water. 

  • BeagleDad
    BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member
    edited October 2021 #10
    ER- response

    Thank you ER.  If you hit the subscribe button you will get notified when I post more..yes, I intend to do almost daily..I have dozens of topics and am sure I will get plenty of commetns and ideas for others.  
    As for the sip .... I am 8 months post-tx now and have most of my functions back.  I have some minor swelling still in neck but almsot not noticeable at this point.  Certain foods will still get a little stuck but most can go down now without drinking.  

    I am grateful for your kind comments ... thank you so much for you support as we support others.  

    Don (beagledad)

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited October 2021 #11
    Aside from a few forums like

    Aside from a few forums like this one there really aren't that many resources for head and neck patients that go into great detail as to what to expect.  Some people don't have the patience for reading a lot so a good video series would be very helpful for them.  The videos that I have seen are kind of vague and don't have much information on dealing with side effects.  Just look at me I beat this thanks to so and so cancer center type thing.

    Getting the word out about this forum is good.  The people at the cancer center I went to haven't heard about it.  When I met new people I would tell them about this place but I didn't meet any HNC patients at my cancer center.  I found it shocking that the lady I saw every day in the waiting room had no idea the help she could get from her treatment team by just asking.  I said ask your team, they will hook you up with magic mouthwash or something to make you more comfortable on the radiation table.

    People are kind of afraid to be proactive and do research.  So many people suffer needlessly due to that.  I believe most of us operate under the assumption that the medical personnel have all bases covered but they are pressed for time and have their little boxes to check off so really we have to be our own best advocates.

    The more good information out there, the better.  It's scary enough to have cancer to begin with but having little to no information about your particular type of cancer makes it even worse.  

    I think your videos will help a lot of people.

  • Steelkiwi686
    Steelkiwi686 Member Posts: 76 Member

    Excellent videos!  I believe you have found your calling. What an incredible resource for all! You look and sound great ? 

    (here from colon cancer group)