Trach Tube Shower Cap Mucus Deflector

Hey everybody.

I was diagnosed with cancer in my tongue in early 2017. In March of 2017, the surgeons removed 70% of my tongue including the "flap" and reconstructed everything with tissue donated from my left thigh area. As a result, I have a trachea tube that is more than likely permanent. As a result of that, I am constantly on the lookout for anything that makes life with a trach tube a little easier. About the most paramount concerns are one, to keep anything flying out of the trach tube from splattering my family or friends in the face, and two, to protect the tube from anything foreign trying to enter the tube. That all goes straight into my lungs, you know. About the most aggravating part is trying to take a shower. Let me tell you, you only have to get water sprayed into your trach tube one time to realize just what a problem that is. I have tried several ideas from wrapping my neck in plastic wrap, (not a good idea), to the plastic collar thingy's that pretty much choke you around the throat before they are tight enough to keep the water out, and then you can't get your finger to the trach tube to cap it so you can cough while wearing that thing. I recently ran across an item, a device, that makes it ever so much easier, and certainly more comfortable for me. It's called Sam's Cap and I fouind it on eBay of all places. It is an attachment for the Covdien Shiley 4CFS, 6CFS, 8CFS, and 10CFS but I'm pretty sure it will fit a lot of other tubes too. I'll add the link to it below but I would appreciate any feedback anybody could or would give me about this thing. Please let me know your thoughts.






  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited October 2021 #2
    Thank you !

    Hi James!!

     Thank you for coming on the forum to offer this helpful  suggestion which you discovered.  What a great way to start out here !!

    I cannot click on the link but I will try to look for it.  Yes, I am very familiar with all the various troubles of living with the Tracheostomy tube, and the different products on the market --+++which are very Few, unfortunately..

    My name is Crystal and I too had Subtotal Glossectomy but he took more than 70%, in my case.  If you click on my forum name in the box here, you can read some of my surgical profile.

    I was Decannulated though, and I jumped at the chance when they finally offered me the Cork!  I had a Shiley #6, I think, and it had a disposable inner cannula.

    The photo here in my box is of my boyfriend/ significant other, who passed away this May 18th.  He had a tracheostomy done October 2019, because radiation handily closed up his airway.  He too had a Shiley with disposable inner cannulas and we had the worst time just locating a good reliable supplier of the size he needed.

    It was totally shocking to me to discover how difficult and at times Impossible it was to get the most basic of supplies enable one to Breathe, infection free and safely.  Many times he went days and days using the same inner cannula until it had cracks in it, ...then it would get stuck in the tube and it took excessive force to get it out!!  I remember the struggle all too well.

    I bought him a new Shower Guard, and let him choose the design he liked.

    Again, I think its a shame it can be so much trouble to find basic supplies for a device that enables so many of us to breathe!!

    By the way, I have no doubt that in my future I will very likely have to have another Tracheotomy.  Every 6-8 weeks when they put me under, my Anesthesia team  threatens me with putting another one in. Every time, they tell me they won't hesitate to cut me, again .  I have a difficult airway..

    Anyways.... I am glad you are here and I like your right-out-of the box Helpful suggestions!!!

    Its most welcome here, so thank you!!


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member
    Different/old type Tube and shower


    This is the sterling silver tube I had for 25 months when I was in my early-Teens. Mold in my windpipe would be attached w/string to base face, so only could remove inner tube. Did not even know they made them in plastic nowadays. Only hassle I had was at the end and Doc tried a stainless steel tube, part of which broke and ended up at base of windpipe in lungs. Still have a SS Tube set Doc let me keep back in 12/1970 when released from his care.

    As for shower, I never took one. We didn't even have a shower back then. Bathtub and washing-up with soap and wash cloth, or using a kitchen pan w/water at sink to wash hair will do. Make adjustments. If a shower presents a risk, then wash-up a different way.