Can you drink Jevity 1.5

Larry449 Member Posts: 51 Member

Just a curiosity. Went to get my Covid vaccine booster (actually 3rd shot, full dose because, cancer). When I got home I just didn't feel like doing a tube feed so I grabbed a can of vanilla flavored Ensure to drink instead. That stuff is NAASTY!! I asked my wife to taste it, she smelled it and said no way! Anyway, I drank about half of it and sat it down intending to finish it in a few minutes. Instead, in a few minutes I was throwing it up it the  kitchen sink!! 

I'm 9 weeks post radiation and only a few days ago my sore tongue / mouth started to calm down enough to seriously consider eating. (I've tried to eat some stuff but you all know the drill; too spicy, texture like sand, etc). I have no problem drinking water or swallowing in general and I'm really getting tired of the feeding tube. (I don't think I've got the tube I should have, but that's a long story in itself)
So just thinking ahead, if I could start eating enough to lose the tube... I've got another whole month's worth of Jevit... If I did loose the tube I could just drink whatever Jevity I had remaining as a supplement to my most likely limited diet.

But... if it tastes anything like the vile Ensure, scratch that! Does anybody know? Anyone tried it?

As I finish typing this I realize that I could just pop one open and try one but where the fun in that?



  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member
    edited November 2021 #2
    Bad Ensure?

    I don't know, Larry. Has to be chilled in frig, and shaken not stirred ?. For years, post-tx I drank 3 Strawberry Ensures for breakfast every morning. Told my PCP and he thought that was great. I could not stand the chocolate, but both Vanilla and Strawberry were good by me.

    Have no idea about the Jevity, other than it is made for FT use and don't think taste was a consideration by Abbot Labs when they started making it.

  • Larry449
    Larry449 Member Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2021 #3

    I considered that the Ensure may have gone bad (as my wife even suggested). It's still well within it's "use by" date, next June I believe, and it was fresh out of the fridge, unopened. It wasn't the first one Ive had, didn't really taste that different.. I first tried the coffee mocha (Boost, maybe). It was terrible so I went with vanilla... a whole case, hope theyre not bad but how to tell?

     I've read that you can drink the Jevity but no real information. Hoping to find someone with first hand.

    My daughter says she bought me a Vitamix so maybe I can just hang on for another week or so and start a learning curve for smoothies.


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    Check label and their website

    Hi Larry,

    Some of the formulas are dual use. Mine is.

    My " food" is Peptamen (1.5) by Nestle Heath Sciences and its for tube feeding and / or Oral use. The Home Health nurse I use to have, her son loved the Vanilla.  It comes Unflavored or Vanilla. My supplier sends me Vanillla.

    Personally  I  do not care, because I Cannot taste. I had Glossectomy, and the piece of my Back which is now my tongue Flap has 0 taste buds. Go figure. My R O writes in his notes that I have 0% tsste, out of 100%..

    So, I had my mother taste the Vanilla Peptamen. What do you know, she likes it!! She said it tastes like sweetened condensed milk.  Since I'm a baker, I can still imagine what it tastes like, then.

    But Jevity, I dunno.  I wish you could try others, like Kate Farms, and other ones.

    The Vitamix idea sounds GREAT though!!  Learn fast so it is ready to use as soon as you are hungry again, for youtr next meal. I bet its got Great recipes with it too!

    Let me know how it works out.
