Welcome 2016 This is for all the "Newer" members to our family.
We always welcome the New Members with open arms, but always have to add we are sorry you need to be here. Yes you will be going down a very rough road. Just about the worst road there is with twists and turns everywhere. So for all the caregivers and patients gowing through this remember you are not alone in this. So…
How long after radiation will the pain finally get easier?
My husband just finished 6 weeks of rads last week. The pain this week has gotten worse. He takes about 6 oxycodones a day, but still has moments where he literally shivers with pain when he swallows or has a bit of acid reflux. He's taking something for that, but it's not 100% working. He takes all his medicine and…
Looking for ideas to saliva issues - opening under chin
Hi all! My father had surgery for Esophageal Cancer this summer, please excuse my non-techinical terms but I want to make this as clear as I can so I am understood :) He had a total laryngectomy and the plan was to remove the larynx and the cancer ridden esophagus in the upper throat and replace the esophagus w/ a piece of…
Keitter back in the Hospital again Up-Date
I just got an e-mail from one of Keitter nephews saying that they had to put her in the hospital today so please keep her in prayer. She has been going through hell for the last few months with this new Chemo she has been taking Thank you all for your prayer and thoughts Tim
Insurance solution? Maybe....
Well, after an hour of updating our information on the Marketplace and seeing premiums that were outrageous...I had to walk away for a few days. I now have logged in and found a policy that is about $50 more a month than what we are paying now. Is it comparable like they say? No. Is it worth having "something"? I think…
My brother came to spend Christmas
I went and picked up my brother who lives somewhere in New Orleans so he could spend Christmas with me. It was nice having him around but man I could not wait to bring him back to New Orleans. He is an alcoholic and the one thing I hate is seeing someone with no health problems distorting their body. I am not sure why…
Taste of food
First I want to thank those that welcomed me into the group and your words of encouragement and tips. My main obstacle right now after 3 weeks is the taste of food. All food tastes the same and that is it tastes like is aeful. Being a "foodie" I always ate for the pleasure of it and now it almost makes me sick when I try…
Driving by had to stop in
Hi All Just wanted to sign in and say Hi and Merry Christmas to everyone. As some of you may know I am working on becoming a two time survivor this time for prostate cancer. I am back at the University of Pennsylvania and start cyber knife treatments January 11th. I was down Thursday for the planning session which included…
Water bottle Nazis
For those of you who read my "I'm Angry" post about my husband not being allowed to take a water bottle into his 5 hour recertification exam (in spite of having a doctor's note).... I am now thumbing my nose at the water bottle Nazis. He passed his exam with flying colors and doesn't have to sit for it again until 2026.…
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Whatever holidays your family celebrates around this time of year, I hope you find them relaxing and joyful! For those going through treatments, enjoy the short break. My thoughts are with all of us as we move into a new year that I hope has as many scientific advances in treatments as we saw this year!
What I got for Christmas UP-Date
My brother and I was talking last night when all of a sudden my hearing went out. Thinking that all it was is the batteries in my hearing aids I got up and changed them, that is when I realized it is not my hearing aids it was my hearing. I am not sure what happened but I went 100% totally deaf, I work up this morning but…
Chef Daddy Mike
For all of you who remember Chef Daddy Mike, I got a text massage from him today saying he has been in the hospital for the last month throwing up blood but the ER doctors could not find the reason why. Then a few days later he started to have pains in his gut, he went back to the ER this time they did a CT and told him he…
Merry Christmas
4 years out, cancer on my epiglottis, di vinci robotic surgery, no chemo or radiation needed. To all my bus riders, people who are just boarding, Merry Christmas and the very best New Year ever. The battle is real, the struggles are hard, but, oh, how sweet the victories!!!
Merry Christmas to all...
Merry Christmas to our online Family
giant central cell granuloma (Gccg)
Before I start, to all with this burden, my blessings to you and your families. My 21 yr old daughter has GCCG. Was prescribed by oncologist at seattle cancer treatment center for DENOSUMAB treatment. Has been taking for 8 months. Tumor has ceased growing, bone growth evident in jaw, a miracle. But my daughter believes…
Cancer center treatment of America
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 tonsil cancer the week after Thanksgiving. We are looking into his treatment options. We are being told its to large for surgery. We live in a small town in South Georgia. We have talked to doctors here and we have an appointment with cancer center treatment in Atlanta. Has anyone else…
Clear scan
My husband just had his 3 month PET scan following chemoradiation for tonsil cancer and I am thrilled to report that he is CANCER FREE!!! We are so very grateful and relieved! I also wanted to say Thanks again to the folks here on this thread. When I was overwhelmed with caregiving and facing the most bleak moments of my…
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year
Three years ago today I was just coming out of surgery for a tonsillectomy and biopsies after a positive diagnosis of SCC Head and Neck cancer. Subsequent testing, surgeries and biopsies put me at SCC H&N Tx N2b MO Stage IV HPV+ (Not Pretty!). Unknown primaries make up only 1-2% of all H&N cancers. The road was long and…
SCC 1/2 of tongue removed and lymph nodes
I'm new here and at this stage just scared to death. My son is a "special" individual (William's Syndrome); 31 years old. He had 1/2 of his tongue and lymph nodes on both sides removed two weeks ago. Continue to deal with the trach and PEG. We have an appointment with radiation oncology week after next. They are not…
I just need to vent and get it out: UPDATE
I do not expect any replys, but I hope by just getting this out it will help me in some way deal with my grief. I do not talk with my sister for the last 18 years after my Mother passed because how she was and had become and lied to my Aunts. I do wish her all the best, but that does not include being in my life, I have…
Today I see my Rad s Onco UPDATE.S
* Saw the dr. Got the same. Can do Quadromet (whole body rads). She didn't seem excited. My son asked why she didn't sound toxxxo excited. She said a lot of paperwork with ins. To get it approved and a 50/50 chance that it will do anything. Side effects are.low red and white cells, and red cells may not come back. If it…
Havent posted in awhile- little concerned
Hello guys, I dont post much but ready everyday. So sad that therre are so many new people on this forum. For those who know my mom's story she has been cancer free for 3 years and 10 months since her last surgery. She had total of 2 recurrances after original cancer diagnosed in 2010. anyway in the last couple of days she…
Son in law
of all the bad luck my step son in law has just been diagnosed with head and neck cancer. He has to start surgery and radiation soon. He's heading out to Florida with his daughters to spend Xmas day in Disney land so he's postponed treatment. He lost his wife to ovarian cancer three years ago, his daughters all live at…
Is anyone else annoyed by constant Cancer commercials on TV? It is impossible to forget about cancer for a minute , there seems to be constant American Cancer Society and Cancer Treatment Center commercials. We have AT&T Uverse and The Cancer Treatment Centers have two channels running continuous commercials. It annoys me…
I'm Angry!!
Ok, I usually don't get mad... but yesterday I was sooo angry. As some of you know my husband is a cancer doc himself and is now 3 months post tx. for SCC nasopharyngeal tumor. Like many of you has xerostomia - dry mouth - and so far produces close to zero saliva. On top of all that he has been through this year, it was…
good responce
Hello everyone, thank you all again for your responces to my concerns. That said. I want to wish everyone out there the happiest of holidays. I know sometimes it looks hard to do, but sit up straight. Remember you have been the best person you've known since you were 6 and still are (don't tell my wife). Decide to do it.…
Trouble with ear pain while eating and swallowing
Hi, I am new here. My name is Tracy and I am 11 years out of treatment for head and neck cancer. My cancer was on the RIGHT side and was found in a lymph node in my neck. They could not find the cancer anywhere else so I am known as an Unknow primary. I was blasted on the right and left side from my nose area all the way…
Remind Me
Hi, Well last Wed I finished all my rads/chemo and I know I am still cooking. Cooking for weeks possibly. My Onc said the first week would be no better and the second week might be a tad better. But please remind me. My throat is killing me and its this weird itchy thing. My mucous is supposedly my saliva per MD thats…
Painful throat, glands, neck and headache
I had cancer of the voice box almost five years ago with radiation and chemo for my treatment. Happy to say I've had a good four and a half years with one or two scares that proved nothing to worry about. In August I started to get a burning in my throat. A helpful person on the boards suggested acid reflux backing up to…
What did you eat during treatments?
It must seem odd that I'm asking this question, since I went through H&N treatments with the other folks here. My experience wasn't quite the usual one though--I had a PEG tube from the start, and beyond swallowing water mostly relied on it during treatments because narcotics caused my stomach to largely shut down. So I…