Esophageal Survivors?
My dad is suffering from esophageal cancer that has metastasized to the liver. He is losing hope although his tests show that he should be feeling better. We were wondering if there are any survivors of liver metastasis out there so that we could give him some hope.
Esophegus Cancer
My mother ( 72 years old) was recently diagnosed with esophegus cancer. She went through chemo/rad. and did very well. She seems very healthy! My ? She is now facing the removal of her esophegus and she wants to know what it's going to be like so if anyone out there that can help us I would appreciate it:)thanks,…
help with food
had a tumor removerd so I have no more sphincter and half of my stomach removed, what are the proper foods I should be eating I have a real hard time eating I vommit all the time. I need to know the proper foods I should be eating I like spicy thing and I know that I'm not suppose to have them so I don't. I sure good use…
eating and swallowing
I had total laryngectomy and neck dissection 11/1/00 then 7 weeks of radiations both sides of neck. I am unable to eat or drink anything othr than ensure and vamilla milk shakes I've lost 20 pounds that I couldn't afford to lose. Have dry mouth also, anyone tell me when you can eat or taste again I do drink water all day.…
Dialation and Recover
I had my surgery on April 18th removing 1/3 of my stomach and 2/3 of my esophagus. I have had 5 dialations since. Starting at 1 week apart I am now up to 2 weeks. My GI feels it will close down less the futher away from the surgery I get. But he is prepared to do the procedure as many times as it takes. I am lucky enough…
another after effect of radiation
five months after the end of radiation for laryngeal cancer (and with all the usual effects) I find that my esophagus has been "shrink wrapped" or "crazy glued" at its uppermost part. No doctor's instrument, tube, light,or scope can gain entry. I am unable to swallow anything, even remaining saliva, and am feeding through…
Need Suggestions
Hello! My brother was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the esophagus in March 2001. Unfortunately, it is Stage IV and surgery is not an option. He has a feeding tube in place but radiation shrunk the tumor so he could start to eat again. But the chemo is causing excess saliva, mouth sores and a rash making it once again…
Mom in trouble?
Four years ago, my mother had a cancer removed from her tongue. It seemed early, so she didn't have all the neck dissection stuff, and there was no further treatment. Then, two years ago, it metastisized but was found in only one lymph node in her neck. After that, she had radiation for six or eight weeks, after which she…
trouble eating
My mom had squamous cell carcinoma that required a modified radical neck disection with removal of approx. 60 percent of her tongue followed by 30 treatments of radiation therapy which she completed 2 weeks ago. She lost some weight during her radiation but was able to maintain pretty well by drinking high calorie drinks…
Need help/information
Dad had cancer of the epiglottis 2 years ago. It has recurred, but just above the larnyx. They are going to do a neck and head scan and then it looks like the only option in laryngectomy. He doesn't want the laryngectomy. He's 80 years old and has struggled with eating and is just tired of it. Can anyone provide some…
What to tell children
Hi. My brother age 41 just underwent the neck resection procedure for head/neck cancer biopsies after earlier removal of a malignant lymph node in his neck. He is awaiting biopsy results at this time to determine what type of radiation, chemo may be involved in future treatment. He has children ranging in age from 7 to 11.…
Looking for a Drug
One of my neighbours (71yrs) with mouth cancer is looking for a Drug with following specs.; Name: Irridium Hair Pins Product Code: ICW 3235 LengthxDia: 131x0.6 mm Nominal Content Activity: 30.8 mg This drug is not available here and we cannot find any store known to us. Due to this reason he is yet to be treated. Please…
Mississippi Cancer Survivors/Patients
Are there any people from the Starkville, MS area who would like to tell their story?