Trach OUT!!!
My FIL had his trach removed today (so excited)! Any idea on how long it will take for the hole in his neck to heal?
Scope today
Today we had the follow-up nasopharyngeal scope following treatment. About three weeks ago we had gotten the all clear NED from the PET scan. Today's visual scope confirmed that the tumor is gone. What a blessing! Followup CT/MRI in 3 months and then another scope. Looks like that will be our routine for the next year.…
dear all, i saw this today and it made me feel so proud of my husbands scars and thankful for them. It also reminded me of all we went through since the day he was diagnosed. Time has passed. The scars have healed. We are doing well. Back during treatment it was hard to imagine we would get to this point. If you are just…
Just getting started and need info...HELP!!
Hey Everyone... I've struggled with hoarseness for six years. Over time, I've seen four ENT's without a solid diagnosis. I've been told by most it's acidreflux and prescribed meds...no help. I've had two endoscopoy's that showed no Barrett's or esophogus damage. However, my ENT (2013) found, and removed, two polyps. The…
I was wondering how she was doing and if she still post. She helped me a lot when i was going through my cancer.
Something Wrong With Tongue
Ok, so a couple of days ago, my throat began to hurt and I just thought that I was becoming ill and had tonsillitis or something. Today, it is still hurting but I don't feel ill. So I went to the mirror and touched the back of my throat with my finger and I felt a couple of lumps (which I then thought were the reason it…
This is for all the "New" members, and the others that need it as well
This is for the "New" Members and the old as well. Listen to the words and you will understand the true meaning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrcwRt6J32o Then remember you are not ever alone in this, you have the greatest support group I have ever known. This just might give this song a new meaning to you. It did for…
Rhinectomy--any advice?
Hello all- This is my first time posting and attempting a new thread, so hopefully I am doing this correctly! I am writing on behalf of my dad (69 y/o), as we just learned he will undergo a full rhinectomy next week. Everything has happened very quickly - he was first diagnosed with a nasal tumor in late May, followed by…
Gravity feed bags
At one point the home health agency sent us a supply of 1000 ml gravity feed bags, but we didn't need them with the tube feeding. They are unopened and sealed but the agency can't take them back because they have been "in the home". If anyone can use these I am happy to mail them - please private message me. Barbara
Update on 2nd Go 'round w/SCC
We met with my FIL's surgeon on Tuesday and he said there was a 30-40% chance of the cancer coming back within the next 5 years without re-radiating. With radiation we would have a 20-25% percent chance that it would come back. Obviously percentages are only that, but at this point, the reward is not greater than the risk.…
63 years old. Recently diagnosed with Stage IVa HPV16 Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma, unknown primary (Bob, pick-up on aisle IVa, SCC, heavy on the STD, all checkers to the front! ). Radiation and chemo (concurrent), heavy on the chemo (Cisplatin). Possibly feeding tube (nutritionist said eating will become…
I have been in and out of hospital so much in last two months and away from the posts. In hospital now and saw posts for Phrannie, Laralyn and Joe that are so upsetting As well as my continued thoughts for Bev. My prayers for each of you. Love Candi
Sorry folks, but I just need a place to vent.....
As most of you know I'm a pretty stoic guy. I have very few "why me" or "when will this ever end" days but, the last two weeks have been just awful. I have what the Doc's are calling "Radiation Flashback". It's a well demonstrated but thinly researched condition that is caused (they think) by some forms of Chemo. In my…
14 months post treatment
Hello all dear H&N friends, Been away for a while trying to get all life issues sorted and back on track. Missed u all. I am 14 months post treatment! Had my Pet scan this May, and it was NED :) though I'm having some pain in my forehead and the doctor asked for an MRI on Christmas. So till then, will keep u posted. Time…
Hi All. Bev's sister, Shirley, posting here. So many of you are kind enough to continue to contact Bev and send prayers and well wishes and question how she is doing. She is extremely weak and tired. The pain in her head is getting worse, to the point that Don is having to increase her doses of morphine. She is still on…
Two year checkup....NED
Well Monday was a very long day. I had to drive to my two year checkup which is 213 miles and we had a large storm so the four hour drive took five hours to get their be cause we got stuck for one hour in standstill traffic because of a wreck. The good news was the checkup was good as expected and my doctor said he liked…
Joe Cortney CT UPDATE
Well folks got the results of the CT today and, I must say both my Doc and I are really shocked. A brief history is probably in order. A little over a year ago I had a reoccurrence of my HPV+ SQ BOT. There were a bunch of METS in my lungs and a new tumor that was wrapped around the muscle under the tongue and SQ was…
Husband had his surgery yesterday.
And it went well. It was such a long day though. I don't think I was fully prepared for how long of a day it would be. Surgery was at 7:30 am, and he was done by 11 am. I didn't see him until about 3 pm. The doctor removed all of the tongue cancer (including margins, it ended up being about 1/3 of the right side of the…
Keitter Up-Date 10-31-2-15
Hi everyone just a little up-date on Keitter, I just got an e-mail from her today, she is still fighting with all she can. They had to postpone some of her Chemo because she has lost to much weight and it was also making her very sick to continue treatment. Please keep the prayers coming in her behalf. God Bless you all…
Worried about pain medication withdrawl
In order to manage the severe pain my husband experienced from the side effects of chemoradiation, and then a bout of "radiation recall" concurrent with adjuvant chemo in Spetember, the pain team doctors prescribed a high dose of methadone to replace fentanyl (150mcg) patches and oxycodone for breakthrough pain. Initially…
Can't believe I am here- first post-updated
I am a wife posting because my husband was diagnosed on Monday. And I don't know what else to do. He had a sore on his tongue that would not go away and finally the third doctor he saw suggested a biopsy. And it came back as poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. We don't know what stage, but the…
Raw bleeding nose
Hello everyone, I am a two time nesopharngeal cancer survivor, pateient, sufferer, whatever it is called. Being a two timer (total of 14 weeks radiation to the head, not to mention all the fun chemo) basically everything above the shoulders is functioning at 20% except the brain, at least I think so. Anyway to make a long…
3 Years 10 months
Hi all , While I don't post often anymore , I still stop in now and then to catch up on the postings. I see my onco tomorrow and my ent on Monday for my 6 month check ups...had my CT scan on Monday , and after all this time that dang scanextity still creaps in ... So as my heading says I'm still kicking cancers **** and…
Round Two
Fellow warriors I haven't been on much lately because as I have explained in a previous posting it just seems cancer is all around me. I spoke abote one of our secretaries who developed brain cance in March and has sincepassed away and another officer of the local is also battling cancer. Now for another kick in the butt I…
Saw the Oncologist today....
So....there are the two nodes that lit up....but I guess also, there is a tiny little spot on the left pharynx that also lit up, just not like the nodes....nodes were SUV 5, that spot was a 2.7...but Dr. Goodman said that spot and the nodes are "inline"....I didn't know lymph nodes crossed the mid-line, but according to…
ROLL CALL 2015 Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to Enroll or Check-In whenever you see the ROLL CALL thread. I…
Had a little cancer scare last week when our new primary care physician considered some symptoms worrisome. Not cancer but rather neurological. Jim had three mini-strokes last weekend. He has fully recovered. This has been a real fear since he developed dysautonomia and one I was hoping would never come to reality.…
Esophageal Speech Failing after 40 years
Yes, my mom had a full laryngectomy in 1974 when she was in her early 40's. I can't believe it was actually 41 years ago as it's all I remember for her; I was 7 years old when she had her laryngectomy due to cancer. She successfully used esophageal speech until the last couple of years. I know some people historically have…
Nausea and Cisplatin -Help!
Hello everyone. My husbands last of 35 proton radiation tratments is tomorrow. YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! We can finally go home after 8 weeks out of town! His last chemo treatment of low dose of Cisplatin was 6 days ago and he is miserably nauseaous. Any ideas how to calm his stomach or when the nausea starts to subside? He s…
Cancer and radiation 44years ago
. I am a 44year survivor of lymphoepithilioma (cancer in the sinus draining and causing tumors in the lymph nodes on the neck. Because I was so young my doctors decided to try cobalt radiation instead of a radical neck dissection. It was successful and became standard treatment for quite awhile. Find someone to talk to.…