Erbitux Stage 4
Hello - I usaully post to forum for anal cancer, which is disease I'm coping with. Recently I was put on Erbitux and another chemo drug by my oncologist. Research has shown Erbitux effective in other HPV cancers, not just Head and Neck Cancer. I've done two treatments. I broke out in horrible rash after first treatment.…
5 months out
It's hard to believe it's been 5 months since my hubby stopped treatment. Not much to report from last month, but he did have another swallowing study at my insistence. It just seemed to me like he is coughing and clearing his throat while eating more than he used to, and then said his chest was congested - so off to the…
Here we go then...
Today was my tenth day on the rad rack after a dose of chemo on day one and so far no nasties except taste all but gone. Unti now I have avoided forums as felt I would take each stage on this journey as they come but fear has gotten the better of me so hope I can find a few on line soul mates to share this ordeal.....Luv M
My mother passed away
My mother passed away on January 5th, 2016. I was with her while she passed. My sister had gotten to spend time with her two days prior and dad had gotten to say goodbye the night before. She was truly a fighter and was determined to beat the cancer even up to two days prior to her passing. She was told at Thanksgiving she…
Insurance Issues
I was just wondering if any of you have had co-pay or deductible problems with your treatments. I've got pretty good insurance but I'm pretty sure I can't afford and up front payment for this surgery. My deductible is $2200 and there is no way I can afford that. I can just about afford to pay the premiums montly as I'm on…
Cardiac Clearance
So, my heart is "strong" and I'm cleared for surgery. However, the cardiologist doesn't want me to use the nicotine patch. Makes sense since nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict and I've already had a heart attack and a stroke. When I was in the hospital after the stroke, they put a patch on me. The cardiologist says…
Six years...... If I can do it so can you
Went to see my throat surgeon the end of last week for my six year checkup, as usual he had two students with him one from Canada and the other from Japan. He scoped me for all to see including my wife (except me because the screen was over my head) and had me mutter all the sounds. Matt, I know what you’re…
ROLL CALL 2016 Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to Enroll (name, town, state, dx) or Check-In whenever you see…
MEC and headaches post surgery
I was diagnosed in 2014 with MEC of the minor salivary glands (low grade). I had two surgeries-one with involved margins and one where they removed a portion of my hard palate and had clear margins. All follow-up exams have been ok-my dentist now keeps an eye on my palate, as he is the one that originally found the cancer.…
Meeting Mr. NED!
I went this past Tuesday to Johns Hopkins to meet with my Rad Onc. Scope, poke and prod time. All is well! He was thrilled at the healing of my throat and the questionairre about eating puts me at about 90% back to normal. So NED again! I see my Med Onc and Speech Pathologist in a few weeks and I fully expect all will be…
Return to work or disability
Now that my husband is out a ways and recovering we are discovering how hard it is for him to get back to work. How does anyone do it? For him, the fatigue is pretty severe and we're still transitioning to solid foods, so getting adequate nutrtion and hydration takes a lot of time during our day. He is considering early…
Hospital again
Finally home again but spent nearly another week in hospital. Went via ambulance and it was the first time they "ran hot" so I was worried. Turned out to be pneumonia and free air in abdomen. They think my vomiting caused a small tear allowing the free air. Small and repaired on own. Am better now. Saw surgeon yesterday…
Rest in peace Kaitter
Hi everyone I am sorry to inform you all that our friend Kaitter Passed away last night, her real name was Debby and she was a wonderful person to know. Please keep her husband and family in all your prayers, God bless you all Tim
Olfactory Neuroblastoma 4 year old
Hi My son Hudson was recently diagnosed with Olfactory neuroblastoma on 9/22. it took two weeks for final pathology results to come in. We started chemo on 10/5 and yesterday we had our first CT scan post chemo and it showed that the tumor is growing. I am looking for any input, suggestions etc on what did work if you have…
No taste
My husband has a rare form of neck cancer as it is Neuroendecrine large cell carcinoma. He is half way through chemo and has 10 radiation treatments out of 35. He had to suspend radiation this week as his white cell count was too low and he needed a shot which he can't take with radiation. He is also scheduled for a CT…
A Red Letter Day
Ok raise your glass of Boost, Ensure, or whatever you please...my husband is officially off all pain meds!! After being labeled a "complication magnet" by his oncologist and having some of the most severe mucositis she has ever seen, my husband was on heavy duty pain meds for extended periods. In the beginning he had…
Well.....THAT'S over...
Finished rads today....gotta say I'm in a hell of a lot better shape this time, than the first time around. Partly (I'm sure) is due to having 10 less treatments than the first time...and the fact that they were aimed below saliva glands and taste buds, but above anything that could make a person feel funky. I am NOT…
MRI results in. A question.- UPDATE
My husband had his MRI last week On 2/23. It was his first follow up scan since his rads, chemo, and surgery for stage 1 tongue cancer. The MRI was taken at about 5.5 weeks out from finishing the rads. We were supposed to meet with the rad onc this coming week on 3/3 to go over the results, but things have been really…
Daughter undergoing tests UPDATE
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We are in a semi-holding pattern. After my daughter explained that she is a flutist and didn't want to risk any facial nerve damage, the doctor at the imaging center postponed the fine needle aspiration/biospy and said she should go to an ENT. So far she has seen her general…
Painful lymph nodes
Did you all find that your lymph nodes hurt when you were first diagnosed? My really swollen one has been hurting (along jawbone), but the last couple of days I have had pain alone my collarbone on the same side.
SCC at base of Tongue
Well unfortunately I was diagnosed with a marble size tumor on the base of my tongue (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) it has effected 3 Lymph nodes on the right side of my neck, which swelled up or I would have never known. Going today for the first Doctors Appointment after diagnoses, Just wanted to say thanks for making this…
new peg tube
Hello everyone: After procrastinating for 7 months after my radiation/chemo, I finally had a peg tube inserted 2 weeks ago and am receiving Isosourse...5 cans per day gravity feeding. This was a decision I should have made much sooner, as starvation nearly got me and I needed to be hospitalized. I weighed only 90 pounds.…
Scar tissue above vocal cords
Hello, I was wondering if anyone else has whats called a interarytenoid scar. Mine is scar tissue above the vocal cords. It looks like a "hood" but its not impairing my one functioning cords movement. My other cord is paralyzed from previous thyroidectomy in 2003. Its so weird that my treatment caused scar tissue. My sore…
Throat cancer help
Hi, I am 29 years old and was hoping to get some help. I had laryngeal cancer when I was 26. It was also in my esophagus. I received 31 rounds of radiation. My neck got pretty raw and towards the end I would wake up vomitting blood. Here I am now 2 1/2 years post treatment and my throat continues to bleed every day. I've…
18 months
i finished 40 rounds of rad wig 28, 14. March of last year, my body fell apart. I'm now 42, even through treatment I kept up my fitness competitions but since many neuro problems starting in legs, then nov 15, sudden vision loss. over Labor Day I was hospitalized with congestive heart failure and was told I had lung…
ISOSource 1.5
I have 3 cases of IsoSource 1.5 left it expires November 2016, and a group willing to pay the shipping to you. If you can use it please contact me here or on Facebook (Dave Pressler). **This stuff has to be used through a PEG Tube it cannot be drank** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MODERATOR PLEASE DELETE IS NOT ALLOWED JUST…
very sore jaw
Has anyone experienced problems with their jaw? I mean where the joint is by the ear? I'm having terrible pain on my left side up near my ear at the joint when opening and closing. This just started last Friday. Its on the opposite side of my surgery. I finished the radiation treatments clear back last September so find it…
Clean Margins and No Cancer in Lymph Nodes
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed with SCC in November. I had a left neck dissection and a tongue resection to remove the tumor and now have clean margins. The tumor board is advising I do radiation. I have to wait weeks before I even find out what type of radiation they want to do. It is very frustrating, I don't understand…
first Pet scan after treatment worries.
Had my first scan after treatment. My neck came back looking all clear, then he says it showed a small spot on my lung that wasn't there from previous scan. He says he thinks it's little pocket of infection people get in there lungs sometimes. He was going to schedule next scan in 3 months. I was concerned and so he moved…
Salivary Disfunction
Like all of you, swallowing is a major problem for me. With little-to-no saliva, trying to eat breads or crackers or meat is almost impossible because the salivary enzymes that start the digestion process are missing. Biotene products, and the like, don't work on this part of the eating dilemma, they last to hydrate the…