Rib Cancer
Hi all, I have learned so much from this group for my uncle when he was diagnosed with neck cancer. He had been NED for the last 3 years and recently started having pain in his shoulder. We took him to the Dr. today and an xray and scan were done, the Dr said that he now has cancer on his ribs. He goes thru the VA and they…
new member 1 year post surgery. still need help
Last December I had a total Laryngectomy and Lymph Node removal. I kept /keep a P.M.A. But I'm still very depressed. I see A Doctor for this I'm on meds but they don't seem to make much of a change in how I feel. I've read some books and talked with the surgens they assure me I'll be fine. every night I go to sleep…
The time does go by fast, so far.
6 radiation days done (1/5 done) and 2 chemo done (1/3 done) already. Seems like just yesterday that my husband started. So far he feels great, and he saw his radiation doc and oncologist yesterday who both said that he looks great too. So far no weight loss (still hanging in there at 205 lbs at 5'11") and blood counts all…
trach from throat cancer
My father has had a trach now since February 2015. He was diagnosed with stage 3 throat cancer which was on his voicebox. We found this out on a Friday and that Monday morning went in for surgery to have the trach placed. He has since finished his radiation and chemo treatments. He still has a ton of swelling from the…
Have you
has anyone had liquid run back down their nose. I was drinking coffee and suddenly felt my nose running and coffee was coming out. Sometimes when I eat a biscuit I feel like I want to sneeze and its in the base of my nose. This is only just started.
Can't Find My Earlier Posts
I am a Stage 4 throat cancer survivor from 2008. Relatives told me to forget it and go on, never wanting to hear again about my battle and treatment. But I re-discovered my username for this blog after many years. Years ago on this site I asked about an old high school friend was sold on not getting standard medical…
Security Alert
Has anyone else received a "security alert" when signing in to CSN? Should it be a concern?
Maybe useful info
For those of you on Medicare who have found that additional scans will not be covered there may be a solution. Medicare recently approved low dose CT lung scans for people on Medicare, under 77 years old and with a history of smoking. You must have smoked within the last 15 years and smoked on average of one pack per day…
OK, Stanford Medical wants me to speak and show the SLP's how to make Products Laryngectomees need
Ok I went to Stanford Medical yesterday 430 miles round trip to have my TEP Prosthesis changed [so I can talk]. This one lasted five months and might have gone just a little longer, and they have been only lasting two months. So once again it is time to certify and recertify the SLP's who work with TEP's. They have me…
Trying to hang in there
To catch folks up, since I haven't posted here that much in the past 6 months or so, I was treated for Stg. IV SCC HPV+ in my left tonsil and soft palate in mid-2012. I had chemoradiation with cisplatin. I was all clear until late October of this year, when pneumonia revealed a mass in my right lung. It's the same cancer…
Another newbie
I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who posts on this site. I've been lurking for a few weeks now and have already learned so much. I am 'the wife'. Paul was diagnosed with Tonsil cancer, stage 4b SCC in September. Neck dissection followed in October and Cetuximab and radio kicked off two weeks ago. The…
Just realized I haven't checked in on everyone in months. After my mom died in August, of cancer, I was just so numb and sad I couldn't think straight. Three weeks ago Jim's dog had severe pancreatitis and was diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes in dogs is very expensive to treat and I can't afford it so as with my mom and…
blast from the past!
Hello everyone! It has been SO very long since I've been on here. I had some computer issues, got rid of said computer and now I am accessing thru my iPad. I've missed you all and hope you are all well. So far I'm NED, yay! Please know I never ever go a day without thinking of you all and thankful for all that you did to…
Current patient and wanted to introduce myself
Hello all, I am new to the group and am posting my situation in case someone has a similar situation and has questions. I was diagnosed with stage iv SCC N-0 March 2014. I had surgery to remove the tumor in my sinus cavity and my soft palette was removed with some hard palette, due to personal feelings about quality of…
New caregiver need advise
Hello to all, I am new to this entire process. My husband was just diagnosed with 2.5cm mass on base of tongue. He also has a spot on lung found by accident when is CT scan was done. The surgeon said no surgery because it is too large. We meet with the radiologist on Tuesday. What questions should we ask about his…
Friend that refuses treatment
I would like to know answers to some important topics. I am now a 13 month survivor of stage 4 tongue based squamus cell cancer. A life log friend was recently diagnosed with stage 2-3 of the same thing. I completed the full operation/chemo/radiation treatment. My friend just decided to refuse normal treatment and go to a…
So many new people...
Just reading the posts over the last week or so, it seems that there is a whole new "class" of folks lined up to receive treatment or are just beginning their treatments. I just wanted to say I'm thinking of ALL of you. It is such a rough and rocky road, but you will make it. My husband and I have hit the 6 month post…
I found this product.....
via a friend who's dad is going through throat cancer. Granted it's not full of calories, BUT it's a protein powder that comes in flavors other than vanilla and chocolate.....it actually comes "unflavored" so can be added to anything that could use a boost in protein. You could get 21 grams of protein in a glass of water .…
Day 1 in the books
and I am so proud of my husband. Radiation and Chemo (cisplatin) done like a champ. It was such a long day, and I am so glad my parents were here to get my kids from school and make them dinner because we didn't get home until late. I cried a lot today, but my husband was so strong. He doesn't feel any different so…
Freaking out!!
My husband went for his first post treatment pet scan and we are scheduled to meet with our ENT on Friday to discuss the results. This afternoon, his oncologist called to tell my husband that he has seen the pet scan and the BOT in the tongue looks very, very good...small spot there but it may be inactive/dead and that the…
Surgery in the books
Well surgery was on the 10th and went as well as could be expected. At least that is word on the street as I was still drooling and staring for several hours after the operation. Medical team rocked and after 8 hours sent me to ICU for some needed rest LOL. Nurses and staff were all so professional making me as comfortable…
Update on Mom
I don't know who remembers me but I posted on here for the first time last year when my mom first found out she had head and neck cancer and had moved to her lymph nodes. Well she finished treatment. Terrible side effects. She finished first week of September with 12 chemo treatments and 34 radiation treatments. She can't…
Auction quilt UPDATED
So I posted the wallhanging/quilt in an earlier post. Here is a picture of my husband and I with Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly - who is a survivor of H&N SCC. He was kind enough to sign the quilt and it was auctioned off and brought in $150. Very emotional evening for my husband and I. Barbara
New to this, but getting experience real quick
Hi to all out there and my sincere best wishes to the same I have only recently joined this elite club and have paid my membership dues in full. When I first heard the nasty "C" word, it most certainly came as far more than just a shock. It was a smack upside the head of the most gargantuan proportions. I very quickly…
Rad/Chemo starts next week
My husband is ready. I am scared. So where I left off was that my husband had stage 1 (T1N0M0) oral tongue cancer that had not spread to any lymph nodes. There was perinueral invasion so we were deciding between careful monitoring and further treatment. On Nov. 19th, we spent 9 hours at doctor's offices at MD Anderson and…
Physical Therapy?
I was wondering if anyone has had any PT done to help ease the tense muscles on your shoulder from a neck dissection? I was going to ask the doctor about it when I see him next week. Ibuprofen helps some but not that much. I use biofreeze a lot that helps some. But just sitting in the chair watching tv I can feel the…
When I started my radation ,I joined a trial study on different mouth washes,to numb you so you could eat. The study had 3 different washes. I was luckey and the one I got worked.!! It would num my throath about 2hrs. I don"t know if you can get it but it was great. It is doxepin hydrochloride oral solution,usp…
Submandibular gland swollen
I've searched everywhere trying to find some answer, since my family isn't particularly supportive, they would prefer to bury their heads. Anyways, I am 30 years old, female. About a year ago I noticed a gland on the left side of my throat under my jaw was swollen. i left it alone for a few months, until it started growing…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving! I know that I personally have an awful lot to be thankful for this year (and every year!) I am truly thankful for all of my family here on CSN! I hope you all have a great day with friends and family! Love you all!!
A big scare...and lessons learned
So the main lesson learned is that you need to transition to real food by mouth S-L-O-W-L-Y. For the past month I've been helping my husband try to eat some foods by mouth again. Mostly I've been doing pureed soups, yogurt, applesauce etc. Well today he took the nurse practitioners that work in his clinic out to lunch for…